After entering the Investigation Bureau of Sakura Country, one can clearly feel a serious atmosphere. Everyone is walking quickly with a tense face. In the huge Investigation Bureau, Hanabi has been in for a minute, but no one has been heard talking. On the contrary, there are sounds of flipping through documents all around. This is also normal. After all, Sakura Country is now in a state of war. Although this is not the military, as an official evolutionary organization, it will definitely participate in this war. Hanabi walks and stops, just like sightseeing, walking among these people. Under the effect of psychological invisibility, the only thing she needs to pay attention to is that it is best not to have physical contact with other people. I have to say that this scene is very magical. She and the people from the Investigation Bureau seem to be in two different time and space. On one side is the busy Investigation Bureau, and on the other side is a cute girl who jumps and looks harmless.

Then, Hua Huo came to the elevator. After waiting for a while, the elevator door opened automatically, and a woman in a women's suit and holding a stack of folders walked out.

At the moment of passing by this person and entering the elevator, the disguise ability was activated, and Hua Huo directly turned into the staff holding the files.

If this person looks back now, he can see a smiling person who looks exactly like him in the slowly closing elevator, but obviously, there is no if, now things are too busy, how can there be time to look around?

Pressing the top floor of the stairs, Hua Huo slowly waited.

The fundamental reason why she turned into that person just now was that she didn't want to climb the stairs. If she maintained the state of psychological invisibility, she would not be seen even through electronic devices. After all, it was still the human eyes that saw the screen in the end. It would even be easier to operate because it only needed to affect vision without affecting the other five senses.

However, because of this, the empty elevator ran automatically, which was very strange, so she either climbed the stairs or disguised herself as someone else, and she naturally chose the latter.

With better luck, the elevator did not stop halfway, but went straight to the end and arrived on the 15th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, there was a person standing at the door. When he saw Hanabi, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said, "Nobuko, didn't you go to deliver the documents? Why are you back again..."

However, as soon as the man finished speaking, he continued to say to himself, "Alas, why are you so careless."

"Let's go, anyway, we have to finish this part of the work quickly."

While talking, he walked past Hanabi and entered the elevator.

Because she just disguised the appearance of a passerby, Hanabi had no idea what kind of person this so-called "Nobuko" was, and she even just knew this name.

So it was a bit difficult to deceive this person at this time, so the moment she saw this guy, she directly used the ability of illusion to construct a scene that was exactly the same as this time. This person was talking to the "fake" Nobuko at this time.

It is worth mentioning that constructing an illusion is actually a very troublesome and tedious thing. This ability may be the most difficult to use among Hanabi's three abilities.

As the owner of the illusion, Hanabi can construct whatever she wants to construct at will, but obviously, if it is too outrageous, it will be seen as an illusion at a glance, so what she did just now was actually to copy and paste a copy of the scene in reality as an illusion, and then... leave it alone.

In this illusion she created, she could naturally control everything, such as controlling the behavior of 'Nobuko', what she said, what she did, such as controlling the direction of the elevator, making the elevator suddenly appear garbled, and suddenly fall to the non-existent negative tenth floor and negative twentyth floor.

For example, the surrounding corridors and floors can also turn into a monster with a bloody mouth in the blink of an eye.

Well, the more I talk about it, the more it tastes like a horror movie.

In short, Hanabi did not do this, but let the illusion develop freely, so that the illusion will go in the most reasonable direction according to the subconscious of the person just now.

For example, he imagined the reason why 'Nobuko' would take the elevator here and convinced himself.

Hanabi continued to move forward, and at this time, her image changed from 'Nobuko' just now to the male worker who entered the elevator.


After walking through the corridor in front of her, turning left and passing two rooms, she came to the door of the general director's office of this place. This was the exact location she knew when she was on the first floor, after being "kindly" told by a front desk staff.

Before entering, just standing here, Hanabi could hear the heated conversation coming from inside.

"Dongdong~" She knocked on the door politely before pushing it in.

As soon as she came up, she could see a man with a classic cherry blossom mustache saying angrily, "In just the first wave of fighting, two aircraft carriers sank, and the naval battle was completely defeated. Bad news, bad news! Why is it all bad news, why is there no good news!?"

The director of the Sakura Country is dead, so this person can only be the deputy director at this time. His voice is very loud and deafening, and the person he is yelling at is a young man wearing glasses, bending over, and is obviously a civilian. The civilian stuttered, "Uh... good news, it seems that there is still some, our country is good It seems like an outsider has appeared. "

The deputy director was stunned, "Outsider! ? Where?"

The civilian staff quickly operated on a computer, "On Rope Island, after the huge alien dimension crack disappeared, a small, short-lived dimension crack appeared, and no disaster occurred. Then, last night, someone called the police and claimed that his friend raped him."

"Ah?" When hearing this, the deputy director showed a confused expression, because the pronouns for men and women in Sakura Country are different, so it can be clearly heard here that both parties are men.

The civilian staff continued, "At first, the police had no intention of accepting this case, but when these two people spoke, it was obvious that their descriptions were incoherent, as if they were mentally ill."

"One person said that he had lost his memory of yesterday, and the other person was screaming madly, saying something like...'Why didn't you become a beautiful girl, why did you lie to me'."

"Because the time was very consistent, the local police realized that this might be related to the suddenly disappeared dimensional rift, and reported it to the investigation bureau for an in-depth investigation."

Just as the civilian staff was talking vividly, Hanabi next to her almost laughed out loud. She didn't expect that the stalker's friend was so fierce. Could he do this?

At this time, the civilian staff called up a video. This was a digital store. It can be seen that a guy with a confused expression walked into the store and put a handful of money on the cash register.

But as the civilian staff member pulled the progress bar, time went back, and it can be seen that not long ago, a girl with black twin ponytails and a very cute appearance came in and took out a mobile phone. There is no doubt that it was Hua Huo.

The civilian staff member found the right time and quickly pressed the pause button. The picture just froze on Hua Huo's profile. He pointed at the screen and said, "This girl is very likely to be an outsider, and judging from her dress, her country is also likely to be our Sakura Country."

It seems that the official of Sakura Country is not completely paralyzed. Hua Huo did not expect how she would be discovered, but it is not a big problem. If the other party knows her identity, she will not have to introduce herself later.

Hearing this, the deputy director frowned. In the current situation, the appearance of an outsider with a national bias is indeed a good thing, but the strength of the outsiders is uneven, and it is still unclear whether they can help.

Not to mention that a day has passed, and it is probably difficult to find this outsider now.

"Ah..." The deputy director sighed. It was only then that he seemed to notice that Hua Huo had been standing at the door for a while. He immediately asked in confusion, "Huh? Why are you back? Have you completed the work I just assigned to you?"

"No, but I suddenly learned a very important piece of information and need to report it to you!" Hua Huo said with a serious face.

"What?" The deputy director seemed to be infected by her serious look, and his expression became solemn.

"Just when I was about to leave the investigation bureau to do something, I suddenly saw your wife walking through the door of the investigation bureau with another strange man's arm around her! I clearly saw that the wife even leaned her head on the man's shoulder, showing a happy expression!"

"Ah?" The deputy director immediately showed an unbelievable expression, "How is this possible!? How could she have an affair with another man when I was away?"

Then, the whole office fell into silence for a few seconds.

Civilian, "Ah?"

Hua Huo, "?

? ? "

No, this sentence contains a lot of information, so I need to sort it out carefully.

Hanabi originally wanted to fool the deputy director and make him think that he was cheated on for no reason, but from what this guy said, he seemed to know that his wife was having an affair with someone else? Or even that his wife's affair itself might have been instigated by him?

What kind of cuckold fetish!?

You Sakura people are really good at playing.

Then, the deputy director continued, "Every time I forced her, she reluctantly agreed. She couldn't have an affair with someone else in private. You are lying to me!"

Civilian, "Ah?"

Hanabi, "..."

There is no doubt that the deputy director's outrageous remarks directly burned her cup, and she didn't know how to respond.

The next second, the vice president directly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Hanabi in front of him, "Besides, Kawabata Kyoichiro would never make such a joke. You are not him, who are you? "

Seeing this, Hanabi spread her hands helplessly, "Who am I? Aren't you looking for me? And now I show up, not only do you not welcome me, you even point a gun at me, it's really heartbreaking..."

At this moment, in the eyes of the deputy director and the civilian staff, the serious-looking and meticulously dressed 'Kawabata Kyoichiro' just now, in the blink of an eye, has turned into a girl with black twin tails without any warning.

While talking, Hanabi walked to a nearby desk, she jumped lightly and sat on the desk, and unscrupulously crossed her legs, crossed her arms, and looked at the two people in front of her with interest, "This is really an interesting world, and the dimensional crack is also very curious. "

It is no exaggeration to say that the deputy director now has a feeling of sweating. He was just discussing the matter of this outsider, but the next second, the other party appeared in front of him???

You know, this is the Investigation Bureau of Sakura Country. Although many evolvers were sent out because of the war, this is still the place with the highest quality and the most densely populated evolvers in this country. But under such circumstances, this girl passed by under the noses of so many evolvers and appeared in front of him?

The previous suspicion that the strength of the outsider was uneven can be directly ruled out. Just based on this infiltration ability, the strength of this outsider is definitely not weak.

The deputy director put down the pistol, and the moment he saw the girl, his tone reversed 180 times, from solemn to flattering, "Uh... Haha, this lady, I am really sorry, no one went to greet you when you just appeared in this world, but I hope you can understand, after all... There has been a disaster recently, and other countries have declared war inexplicably, and I am really too busy. "

Then, the deputy director quickly explained the general meaning of the dimensional crack, "That is to say, you traveled from your world to the current world. This is a completely random probability event. I am sorry for this, but you will need to live here for a period of time."

"But it doesn't matter. Isn't Sakura Country very similar to your hometown before you traveled? You can just treat this place as your new home, your second home! I can guarantee that you can experience the same warmth here as in your hometown!"

Hanabi didn't speak the whole time, just listening to this guy's chatter, feeling like a salesman selling products door-to-door.

"By the way, Miss, I don't know your name yet..."

"Well, you can just call me Hanabi~" She curled her lips and said, "Don't worry about other families. Can you tell me more about the dimensional crack? I am still more interested in this."

"Of course! Of course! "The deputy director said proudly, "You know, even in the world, our research on dimensional cracks is the best, and there are very detailed data in the laboratory in [Bancheng]. As long as you are willing to treat this place as your home, I can take you there to observe it carefully!"


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