The old man was arrested for a crime.

[Beihai Handsome God], "Ah...ah?"

There is no doubt that he was stunned. He could not imagine that he was found by the Investigation Bureau just because he was watching a live broadcast? What is the point of attacking the internal information database of the Investigation Bureau? He is not sick, how could he do such a thing?

At this time, the man in black was still saying, "Come with us, you are arrested for espionage."

The information database of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau contains a large number of detailed information on evolvers, shapeshifters, outsiders, and dimensional cracks. They are all confidential. If you want to hack into this place, what else can you do if not espionage?

"Wait...wait, no, I didn't, how can I be a spy! It's unfair!" [Beihai Handsome God] shouted, but it was useless to say anything at this time. Two black-clad men from the Investigation Bureau stepped forward and handcuffed him directly.

According to Article 110 of the Criminal Law of Longguo, acts of espionage, such as endangering national security, shall be sentenced to more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment. Even if the circumstances are relatively minor, there will be more than three years but less than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment.

Maybe [Beihai Handsome God] did not think of stealing confidential information. He just wanted to open a box simply, but what he did is here, which is an ironclad fact.

Maybe he will not be sentenced to ten years, but people in the K station live broadcast circle will probably not see him for a few years.

Of course, Mu Heng didn't know about these things. She was still familiar with and learning new songs. However, this matter was reported to the Abnormal Investigation Bureau in Longcheng (the city where Mu Heng was located). Except for Lu Heng who was on a mission, the remaining four people in Zhong Wanhong's team were all watching Mu Heng's live broadcast.

Zhong Wanhong glanced at his phone, then turned his attention back to the computer, sighed, and said, "The one who wanted to open the box of Robin just now was caught."

" the box, open the box, open the box, why do young people do this all the time now?"

At this time, a red-haired girl next to him shook her tail and said, "Humph, he deserves it!"

While speaking, she still stared at the screen in front of her, or more accurately, at Mu Heng in the live broadcast room, and the two ruby-like beautiful eyes seemed to be able to see stars twinkling.

And what's more eye-catching is that on both sides of the girl's head, above the ears, there is a pair of curved dragon horns, and a red tail that is almost as thick as an adult male's thigh extends from the clothes behind her and drags on the ground. Along with the girl's excited expression when watching the live broadcast, the tail also swings from time to time.

The girl's name is 'Yu Lin', a local of Longcheng, and a member of Zhong Wanhong's team. Looking at her appearance, most people would probably regard her as a 'transformer' at the first time, but in fact, Yu Lin is a genuine 'evolver'.

When she was young, a dimensional crack appeared near her home, and a wounded dragon emerged from it. However, even in its wounded state, it caused great damage to the town where Yu Lin lived. Her parents died in the dragon's mouth in order to protect her, and just when she was about to encounter an accident, a figure stood in front of her.

It was a member of the local investigation bureau. The man looked very old, hunched over, with white hair and beard, holding an ordinary-looking iron sword in his hand, but such a person, like an airtight wall, intercepted all the attacks of the dragon.

Yu Lin still remembers that scene until now. The man swung the weapon in his hand, and the sharp blade flashed across the sky, cutting off the dragon's head. The blood in the sky fell like raindrops, soaking the two people.

After that, Yu Lin became a half-dragon and half-human evolver, and she did not need additional training. Her own strength even increased steadily with age.

In theory, the man should also be able to become a half-dragon evolver, but the fact is that after slashing the sword, the man died directly in front of Yu Lin.

Later, Yu Lin learned that the man was actually only in his early twenties. He just had the ability to "exchange short life for strength", and in the actions of rescuing others again and again, he gradually became that old man. In order to save Yu Lin, the sword that cut off the dragon's head used his last year of life.

After that, Yu Lin joined the local Abnormal Investigation Bureau to study and train, and a year ago, he became a formal

The on-duty personnel joined Zhong Wanhong's team.

"Ahem!" Seeing the girl's dedication, Zhong Wanhong couldn't help but cough lightly, "I asked you to watch the live broadcast, not to find you a single push target, tell me, what do you think of the song of the robin?"

As a dragon girl, Yu Lin has a very high "resistance", and all negative abilities are difficult to take effect on her. For example, if a person has the superpower of hypnosis, it may be easy to hypnotize an ordinary person, but there is absolutely no way to hypnotize Yu Lin easily.

At this time, Zhong Wanhong asked Yu Lin to watch the live broadcast just to let her feel whether Mu Heng's song would hide any bad negative abilities.

However, Yu Lin shook her head and said, "This song does not contain any supernatural power, it is just simply beautiful! Very, very beautiful! It is so beautiful that you can't stop listening to it!"

"Alright, alright." Zhong Wanhong interrupted the girl and pinched his eyebrows. Anyone can see that this dragon girl is now obsessed with the other party. Either the song of the robin is too powerful and directly broke the resistance of this dragon girl, or there is really nothing wrong with this song.

"Captain Zhong." At this time, another woman in the office who was also watching the live broadcast, wearing a black uniform and glasses, and had a very serious expression, said, "The song of the robin may not have supernatural power, but it has certain effects of 'restoring spirits', 'calming emotions', and 'giving courage'."

"It's like a timid person, but if he is in the army, all the teammates around him are shouting to charge, he will naturally have the courage to charge and follow his teammates forward. This is the power of 'atmosphere', and the song of the robin has achieved a similar effect. It does not require any supernatural power, and it can also resonate with everyone."

Hearing this, Zhong Wanhong also remembered what Mu Heng said when he asked yesterday, singing to buff others, so this is what it means.

"In short, there is no hidden danger." Zhong Wanhong said, it can be seen that he really took into account both friendliness and caution towards Mu Heng, the 'outsider'.


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