After a brief hesitation, the deputy director took the revolver, then raised it with his right hand tremblingly, and pointed the muzzle at his temple.

Hanabi could even see the guy's trembling lips and his forehead sweating wildly. It can be seen that he is really nervous now, or it would be strange if he was not nervous when he pointed a gun at his forehead.


Accompanied by an empty sound, the deputy director suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then threw the revolver directly to Hanabi as if he had thrown away a hot potato.

Hanabi took it steadily, and after the revolver turned beautifully in her hand, she aimed at herself and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


"Haha, it's your turn again~"

Before a normal person shoots at himself, he would hesitate, hesitate, and recall and cherish the past, right? But Hanabi's movements were so neat, as if she despised her own long life, and she shot with a smile. Whoever saw this scene would say that she was mentally ill? !

"No! This is not fair! You are just a clone now, right? If I die, I will really die! But you will not die even if you are shot in the head!" The deputy director growled, "Since we are playing this kind of game, it should be fairer to let the real you come!"

"Clone?" However, this Firefly tilted her head and said nonsense, "What clone? It seems that you don't understand my situation. All of me is me~ We are not like clones and original bodies."

This sentence almost burned the deputy director's CPU. He thought for a long time before he understood what Firefly meant. He looked around and saw the other four Fireflies staring at him with a weird smile. He couldn't help but shiver a few times.

In his mind, the danger level of Firefly was already high enough, but now it seems that he still underestimated it.

However, the more 'dangerous' Firefly behaves at this time, does it mean that the promise she just made is more credible?

The deputy director gritted his teeth, took the revolver again, and pointed it at his temple.


The fourth shot, another empty shot!

This means that the fifth shot that will return to Hua Huo's hand next has a 50% chance of having a bullet and a 50% chance of being empty!

In fact, according to normal thinking, the previous four shots were empty, and the probability of the fifth shot having a bullet is very, very high. Now the deputy director only needs to hand over the gun and wait for the result silently.

Will Hua Huo commit suicide, or give him the last shot? If it is the latter, knowing that the last shot has a bullet, the deputy director can completely cheat and not play.

Knowing that the last shot has a bullet, who would shoot normally!

However, this guy did something that Hua Huo didn't expect at this time. The deputy director did not return the revolver, but continued to press it against his forehead and pulled the trigger again!


This is a gambling game, and at this moment, the deputy director made another big gamble!

He thought of Hanabi's initiative to shoot at him first, and her bad character, so he guessed that the bullet was most likely the last one, and this bad girl was waiting for the last shot to hand the gun to him and appreciate his expression.

Of course, this is just a guess, but... it was because of this guess, for the possibility of victory, that the deputy director pulled the trigger!

After hearing the empty sound, the deputy director seemed to be exhausted. He suddenly collapsed on the ground and gasped.

Seeing this scene, Hanabi couldn't help but curl her lips. She had to say that the other party made the right bet. She really wanted to see what expression this guy would have when she handed the revolver with only the last shot left to the other party.

However, daring to bet on the fifth shot itself requires great courage. From this, it can be seen that the deputy director's obsession with wanting Sakura Country to win is indeed very, very deep. Is his "willing to pay any price" true?

After all, if you are willing to gamble your life, what price can you not pay?

"Huh-huh-I won this game, right? According to the gambling requirements just now, you..." However, before the deputy director finished speaking, Hua Huo silently bent down and picked up the

The revolver on the ground, then pointed at herself, she showed a sunny smile, and then...


After a gunshot, the bullet shot in from the chin, and a corpse with a smile on his face fell straight in front of the deputy director. Of course, this smile now looks not sunny at all, but very, very scary!

The deputy director opened his mouth wide, looking confused, "???"

As mentioned before, this revolver is essentially a pen, which can't kill other people, but... it can be used to kill Hanabi herself. The pen pretends to shoot, and then she pretends to be shot and killed, isn't it?

Of course, in the eyes of the deputy director, it is this Hanabi who knew that there was a bullet in the last shot, but still shot at herself, and shot while laughing. Is this something a normal person can do? !

"I'm just following the rules of the game." The other Firework that was squatting on the window sill jumped down and hopped to the body of this Firework. "Anyway, I'm willing to accept the loss. You won the game this time. To be honest, I admire you a little bit."

"So, you are willing to help me deal with White Eagle!?" The deputy director said excitedly.

"Hmm~" The new Firefly nodded, and then spread her hands, and a cute Q-version Firefly doll appeared in her hands, "Let me introduce it to you. This is the weapon I used to destroy my world. It's called..."

"Super Invincible Spiral Destruction Annihilation Bomb!"

The deputy director showed an expression that you might be kidding me, "Huh???"

Firefly put one hand on her waist and said, "Hey, don't question my credibility, okay!"

It must be said that based on the corpse of Firefly lying next to her, her words are still very convincing now, but the deputy director still looks unbelievable, "But this looks like a doll no matter how you look at it..."

"It just looks like a doll on the outside, the key is its inside, okay, inside!" Firefly said, "I put a package on the outside of the bomb to make it look a little cute, what's wrong, is it not okay?"


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