However, since he had been discovered, the hermit naturally had no need to continue hiding. Instead, he decisively withdrew his ability, pushed open the half-closed office door, and walked in openly.

"How did you find me?" he asked puzzled.

The hermit's ability, in simple terms, can be [Erase Memory].

Unlike the hunter, this is a completely growing superpower. At the beginning, the hermit's ability can only make him forget what he thought one second ago.

Hey, I have superpowers? What is my ability? Try it.

Hey, I have superpowers? What is my ability? Try it.

Hey, I have superpowers? I...

In short, it is very, very abstract. No matter how you look at it, it is useless. It can even be concluded that it has no potential and is a completely useless ability.

However, with the comfort of his biological sister, the hunter, the hermit did not give up, but continued to pursue the dream of becoming stronger.

It took the hunter only a few months to reach the position of the White Eagle Eight. At this time, the hermit's ability was almost unchanged compared to when he just got it. It was very, very weak.

Later, the hunter used the power in his hands and the identity of the White Eagle Eight to concentrate a lot of "resources" to help the hermit exercise his abilities.

It can even be said that this was the original purpose of the hunter's competition for the White Eagle Eight.

This naturally caused a lot of dissatisfaction. However, these people did not dare to resist the hunter head-on, so they had to insult the hermit in secret, and all this deepened the hermit's obsession with becoming stronger.

He must become strong enough and must be worthy of his sister's efforts!

After several years, he really succeeded, and trained the ability that should have been very useless to the current level.

Erasing memory can be used for oneself or others.

Let's talk about the former first. The hermit can make his behavior not interact with the outside world and not produce "memory". This is also what he uses most often. The effect is "invisibility".

Because when other people see the hermit, although their eyes see it and transmit this image to the brain, but... the brain forgets it the moment it receives this memory, or even does not receive this memory. The hermit also achieves the purpose of invisibility in this way. This principle is similar to the psychological invisibility of Fireworks.

And this is just real-time "erasure". In addition, the hermit can also erase the impact he had on the world a long time ago and erase those past memories.

For example, the hermit can make people who have insulted him forget his existence, as if those people have never seen the hermit and will not have the slightest impression of him.

For example, the Dragon Country Investigation Bureau once conducted a survey on the Eight White Eagles and recorded their abilities, but the Hermit can erase this "history", just as if, when Dragon Country conducted a survey, there were only seven of the Eight White Eagles, and there was no Hermit. Dragon Country did not know the existence of the Hermit, so naturally it would not investigate his abilities, and naturally there would be no records.

Of course, now recalling it. This is undoubtedly a very strange thing. How could there be only seven of the Eight White Eagles? When Dragon Country conducted a survey, it was not noticed that one person's information was missing? The most outrageous thing is that this incomplete information was reported like this and has been used to this day?

So, whose information is missing? At first glance, it was the Hermit, and someone was sent to White Eagle to investigate, but the result was... No one in White Eagle knew what the Hermit's abilities were, and the investigation was fruitless.

At first glance, this ability does not seem to be offensive? But... Imagine that you are fighting an invisible enemy, you can sprinkle flour around, hide in a corner and only guard against the front, or even close your eyes and fight blindly by feeling.

But... how to fight an enemy you can't remember? Because after the battle begins, you don't realize that you are in a battle at all. You will only wonder why you suddenly raised your weapon, but there is no one around? Then put your weapon down.

Then, the hermit slashed you with a sword, and you raised your weapon alertly, and then... you forgot how you were injured, and began to wonder why you raised your weapon? Why did you suddenly bleed, and there was no one around?


In addition, the second use of the hermit's ability is to use it on other people. Except for the change of the target, the hermit can do the same as above.

He can make all traces of a person in this world disappear, and even the biological mother of this person forgets that she has given birth to such a child.

This is to erase the past. At this time, if the hermit continues to use the ability on this person, he can make this person leave no trace in the future. In a sense, this is to completely erase a person's existence.

Although this person is alive, no one can see him, and no one can interact with him. So what is the difference between this and non-existence?

However, if the ability is used on other people, the hermit must have physical contact with the other party, and to be honest, it is too troublesome to make a person disappear completely. It is better to kill the enemy directly.

This ability is very cost-effective when used on enemies, but... what if it is used on teammates?

With this, the hermit selected four loyal subordinates, and after the consent of these four people, all traces of their existence in the world were wiped out, making these four people the sharpest blades around the hermit.

The 'non-existent' killer.

It is worth mentioning that the hermit is not affected by his ability, that is, he can see these four people and communicate with them, but these four people do not know each other's existence. The only person they can communicate with is the hermit.

So the perspective returns to the present. Although the hermit has withdrawn his ability, this office looks like there are two people, but in fact there are four non-existent killers, and... several fireworks.

It looks like there are only two people, but in fact it is overcrowded.

The deputy director slowly turned around and looked at the man with a blurred face at the door. It was not that he had no face, but that he could not see the other person's face clearly. To be more precise, he could not remember the other person's appearance at all, which resulted in the man in front of him looking like he had no face no matter how he looked at it.

The deputy director was slightly surprised, but soon calmed down and said, "How did you find out? I have my own way."


ps: There is only one update today, a little stuck, let me sort out the plot

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