After a few hours of studying in the evening, Mu Heng prepared to go out to find something to eat. However, as soon as she went downstairs, she felt a burning gaze on her. This kind of sight can really be felt, especially the kind of undisguised, straight gaze. She frowned slightly, took out her mobile phone with her right hand, and was ready to call the investigation bureau at any time. But in the next second, she saw a 'dragon girl' running straight towards her. It was the classic dragon girl image with dragon horns and tail that you often see in animations and comics. Mu Heng was stunned for a few seconds. Although she already knew that this world was "abnormal", she was still shocked to see such a lively "fantasy creature" with her own eyes.

Until the other party stopped in front of Mu Heng with an excited and happy expression, Yu Lin's eyes seemed to be shining with golden stars, "Robin! Bird! I like you so much, let's be friends~~~"

"...Ah?" Anyone who hears such a sentence out of the blue will be confused, and Mu Heng is no exception.

But Yu Lin continued to speak quickly, "My name is Yu Lin, a member of the Zhong Wanhong team of the Longcheng Abnormal Investigation Bureau. I just changed shifts with Lu Heng. From now on, your safety will be guaranteed by me!"

"Sister Robin, can I call you sister?"

"Stop... stop, let me stroke it." Mu Heng's wings behind his ears trembled, "You said you are from the Investigation Bureau?"

"Yes, I'll show you my ID." As she said that, Yu Lin reached out to touch her pocket, but didn't touch it in her pants, then she touched the pocket of her shirt, but didn't touch it either.

It was visible to the naked eye that the dragon girl's expression began to become flustered, "Eh... Eh!? Why? How could it be gone???"

"I remember I put it in my pocket..."

"No... It shouldn't be..."

Looking at the other party sweating and constantly groping on her body, Mu Heng said helplessly, "Okay, don't look for it, I believe you."

In fact, the fundamental reason was that during the time when the other party was looking for the ID, she used her mobile phone to send a message to Zhong Wanhong on WeChat and received a positive reply.

Mu Heng continued to ask, "You mean a shift change? Does it mean that someone will be changed every day? And to protect my safety...shouldn't your task be to monitor me?"

Yu Lin scratched his head and grinned, "Isn't monitoring to protect your safety? There is no difference. As for the shift change, theoretically this is Lu Heng's task, and he should always do it, but I talked to him for a while and changed our tasks, which means there will be no shift change. It will be me in the future~"

At the same time, in the Longcheng Investigation Branch, Lu Heng rubbed his wrist while grinning and muttering, "Oh, what a good job."

Obviously, he didn't volunteer to change shifts with Yu Lin, but the problem was that he had to change, and he couldn't beat that little ancestor. Under the other party's "coercion and inducement", he finally had to agree.

Then for Mu Heng, there was only one last question left. She looked at the dragon girl in front of her with some surprise. Even if she stood up straight, she was still about half a head shorter than the other party, and this was not counting the other party's dragon horn. If the dragon horn was also counted as height, this dragon girl would probably be a head taller than Mu Heng.

She pointed at herself, "You call me sister? But I'm only... eighteen years old."

Mu Heng said the age that Zhong Wanhong casually set for her, and she felt a little ashamed at this time.

However, Yu Lin nodded, "That's right, I'm seventeen years old, you are one year older than me, aren't you my sister? Sister Robin~!"

"Ha, you are seventeen?" Mu Heng looked suspicious, she looked at the other party's figure again, but the other party should not have to lie to herself in such a place, so this... well-developed dragon girl is not yet an adult?

"That's fine." Mu Heng said helplessly. Even if she didn't agree, judging from the other party's temperament, she would probably call her sister, sister.

"Thank you so much, Sister Bird, thank you~" While speaking, Yu Lin actually hugged her and even rubbed her face against Mu Heng's cheek.

Feeling the soft touch from the side, Mu Heng hurriedly struggled, "Too... too close, and are you a dog? Don't rub me!"

It took a lot of effort to get away from the other party.

Mu Heng broke free from Fang's arms, while combing his messy hair, he took a few steps back.

As for Yu Lin, she showed a very satisfied expression, scratched her head and smiled foolishly, "I'm not a dog, I'm a dragon."

How to say it, the other party is a little too familiar and has no sense of distance, but surprisingly, looking at this girl with a happy face, Mu Heng didn't have any dislike for her.

She said, "I'm going to eat now, do you want to come with me?"

Yu Lin immediately said, "Okay, okay! Sister Bird, you are so beautiful, maybe you will be attacked by bad guys, I will definitely protect you closely!"

Mu Heng, "The security of Dragon Country should not be that bad."

Then, the two began to stroll around. After all, Mu Heng didn't know if there were any delicious foods nearby. She originally planned to walk around casually and explore a store or something, otherwise how could she say she was out looking for food.

During the whole journey, Yu Lin seemed to be in a very good mood, which could be seen from her long dragon tail, which swung left and right regularly like a dog's tail.

Then when the two were waiting for the traffic light at the intersection, there was a "dong" sound, and the tail hit the traffic light next to it.

Mu Heng's first reaction was, "Won't the tail hurt?" Then he clearly saw that the dragon girl's tail swung to the other end at a uniform speed, just like before, but on the traffic light pole, he could clearly see a piece of metal sunken into it.

Mu Heng, "???"

Then, in order to avoid a second slap, she hurriedly reminded, "Yu Lin, your tail!"

"Ah... sorry sorry, I didn't notice." Yu Lin then saw the traffic light pole that she had destroyed. She quickly squatted down. In the shocked expressions of all the passers-by nearby, just like restoring a dented can, Yu Lin pressed the two sides of the traffic light pole and forcibly pressed the dented metal out.

After finishing, she clapped her hands, as if she didn't use much force.

In this regard, Mu Heng couldn't help but sigh silently in her heart, fortunately this guy didn't use so much force when he hugged her just now, otherwise she would be crushed directly.


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