The fog was so thick that the fog was so thick that the fog was so thick.

"Yu Lin! People in Fancheng will turn into zombies after coming into contact with this fog!" Mu Heng told the dragon lady in front of her the conclusion she had deduced in the simplest words. In fact, her original intention was to ask Yu Lin to come and help.

But when she looked in the direction of Yu Lin, she knew that this was impossible.

A monster more than four meters tall, swollen all over, and showing a strange dark green color was standing in front of Yu Lin, but even so, Mu Heng still recognized the identity of the monster.

Qin Chuming.

This guy's mouth opened and closed, and even though his will was no longer clear, he kept repeating a few words, "Evolver... Evolver..."

Obviously, Qin Chuming was also from Fancheng, and he was just in the center of the fog, so he was naturally exposed to the most viruses.

The monster raised his swollen right hand high and slapped Yu Lin, who was closest to him, and Yu Lin also decisively clenched his right hand and punched back.

In Mu Heng's eyes, the size difference between the two sides was huge. The monster's right hand was almost bigger than Yu Lin's whole body, but in a battle, size does not mean everything.

The next second, the two collided, without any stalemate. This was a pure crushing, an absolute gap. The whole right arm of the monster, like a water ball that had reached its limit of endurance, burst directly, but at the same time, the sticky green mucus also splashed everywhere, directly covering Yu Lin.

Then, Mu Heng heard a retching sound.

"Ugh - what the hell is this? Why is it so smelly?"


Not to mention Yu Lin, even Mu Heng, who was far away, smelled an indescribable stench, just like a smelly sock that hadn't been washed for a month thrown into a pot of herring soup and boiled for several hours.

But no matter how smelly it was, the battle had to continue. The loss of a right arm had no effect on the monster. It was even visible to the naked eye that dense granulations appeared where its right arm had originally been, and a brand new arm was growing again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Help, help!!!" A miserable cry came, and Mu Heng turned his eyes away from Yu Lin, only to see a customer being thrown to the ground by the barbecue restaurant owner, while most of the other customers continued to run away, only one person stopped where he was, with a horrified face, as if he wanted to go over to help, but his legs were trembling and he couldn't move a step.

Mu Heng vaguely remembered that these two people should have just had dinner, and the people sitting next to her seemed to be a couple, and it was the man who was knocked down at this time.

In a sense, the woman did not turn around and run away, and even had the idea of ​​helping her boyfriend, which was already a very impressive thing. Of course, it may also be that she was so scared that her legs were weak that she couldn't run at all.

Although Mu Heng was not familiar with these people at all, and even in five or six minutes, she should have forgotten all of them. After all, no one would be bored enough to remember the appearance of a passerby, right?

But the person who had just eaten in a store was knocked to the ground at this time and could die at any time, and the attacker was still the kind store owner, which gave Mu Heng a very sad feeling.

Turning around and running away, keeping oneself safe, may be a good choice, but compared to this, Mu Heng wanted to help more.

Of course, she was just an ordinary person, without any great ideals of saving the world. She made this choice just for herself. If she turned around and ran away at this time, listening to the biting and screaming coming from behind, even if she could survive safely, she would have nightmares for a long time afterwards.

She ran against the fleeing crowd and headed for the entrance of the barbecue restaurant. When she started running, her legs were a little weak, and she couldn't help but stagger, but fortunately she quickly maintained her balance and didn't fall.

Mu Heng passed the woman who was standing there blankly, at a loss, and kicked the barbecue restaurant owner's temple fiercely with his bloody mouth open and about to bite him.

She was wearing sandals now. If she kicked, she didn't know how the zombies would react, but her own toes would probably hurt to death, so she could only kick with her heels.

Mu Heng's strength was not great, but he kicked the barbecue shop owner's head crooked. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man on the ground also burst out with a fierce force. He kicked the barbecue shop owner's waist with his legs and kicked him aside.

"Thank you very much!" The man's left forearm was covered with bite marks and bloodstains, but it was precisely because of these wounds that he, who was originally extremely terrified, was in danger of death.

, burst out with that fierceness under the threat.

This also made Mu Heng realize another very important thing. These zombies are like the running zombies in the game. They are not bulky, strong and fast, but on the contrary, they do not have the most terrifying thing about zombies, that is, they are not contagious!

Even if they are injured by these zombies, because everyone is not from Fancheng, there is no risk of infection. If everyone musters up the courage and works together, even if they do not seek to kill, they can push the zombies to the ground and suppress them. It is not difficult.

But the most difficult point is also here. Not everyone is a "superman". In the end, holding a baseball bat can blow up the zombies' heads. These guys are much more terrifying than they look in games and movies. Even Mu Heng's behavior just now has basically exhausted all her courage.

And now, how can we ask all the strangers who don't know each other to muster up the courage to fight side by side?

No, maybe!

Suddenly, such an idea came to Mu Heng's mind. She might be able to make everyone muster up the courage to fight side by side!

Thinking of this, Mu Heng's mood calmed down inexplicably. She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. The next second, an invisible "wave" swept out from her to the surroundings. In an instant, all the panicked and fleeing passers-by stopped.

Mu Heng did not "mentally control" these people. On the contrary, she just calmed the fear in everyone's heart, calmed everyone down, and ignited a power called courage.

Of course, if there is only courage, it is not enough for these ordinary people to fight. This is "courage" and not "madness".

But at this time, at least five people were caught and bitten by the zombies nearby. The relatives and friends of these people originally chose to escape because of fear and chose to stand by and watch. But when the fear in these people's hearts was extinguished and the power called courage ignited from their chests, these people showed annoyed looks.

"Why did I run just now!"

"What's so scary about this? I'm here to help you!"

"I'll come too!"


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