After the incident, the two sides of the two sides had a close relationship.

Mu Heng roughly understood the whole story, but she asked curiously, "So, what is Fuguanghui?"

Zhong Wanhong said, "This is a long story, and it will take a while to explain it clearly. Besides, it's better to talk about your deeds of letting these ordinary people kill zombies. How did you do it?"

"Uh..." When it comes to this, Mu Heng didn't know how to describe it specifically, "I, I don't know, I suddenly felt that I could do it, and then it was like this..."

In the final analysis, it has been less than two days since Mu Heng came to this world, changed his identity, and used this body.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not questioning you." Zhong Wanhong raised his right hand again, as if he wanted to rub Mu Heng's head again, but he put it down when he remembered what the girl said just now, "Can you still use that ability now? Does this ability have any side effects for yourself and others?"

"And, what do you think about the question I asked you yesterday? Are you willing to join the Investigation Bureau?"

"..." To be honest, Mu Heng had experienced so many things during this period that she had forgotten about the invitation. She had said before that she would 'consider it', and now she said, "Sorry, I don't really want to join..."

This is not because she hates the Investigation Bureau. On the contrary, it has not been long since she was helped by the Investigation Bureau several times. Mu Heng still has a high impression of the official organization of this world, and joining the official also means that she can get a huge backstage.

But the problem is that Mu Heng's most important task now is the goal of [Singer]. If she joins the Investigation Bureau, she will probably have to work all the time, which will definitely have a great impact on her efficiency in completing this task.

"Don't rush to refuse, because your ability itself is not offensive, and the Investigation Bureau is not short of manpower, so you don't need to go to the front line, just do some logistical work."

Although Zhong Wanhong's team has only five people, there are not only his team in the whole Longcheng, but four investigation teams, each responsible for an area.

Zhong Wanhong touched his chin and continued, "As for your work, let me think... As for what you are doing recently, release more songs and live broadcast more. Even if you don't use your ability, your songs have the ability to soothe people's hearts. Now everyone in this society is very impetuous. If more people can hear your songs, maybe some potential troublemakers can be solved from the root."

"Even if the crime rate is reduced by 0.1%, the vicious incidents you have stopped alone are enough to equal the achievements of the Investigation Bureau for a month."

"Is this... really okay?" Mu Heng hesitated, because this clause was not bad for her. She still did what she wanted to do. The only difference was that she could get a salary for free, that's all.

But the uncle in front of her smiled, "That's enough."

"Okay then." At this point, Mu Heng naturally had no reason to refuse.

"If there is no objection, you can report to the Investigation Bureau tomorrow morning, go through the entry procedures, and test your ability by the way. This is a necessary process."

"Then... I have nothing to do now, so I'll leave first?" Mu Heng asked impatiently. What she wanted to do most now was to go home and take a bath. Although she was some distance away from the battlefield when Yu Lin and Qin Chuming were fighting, it is no exaggeration to say that the whole street nearby is now filled with stench.

After getting a positive answer, Mu Heng left here quickly and walked towards her home. After entering the house, the first thing she did was to take off her clothes, soak in the basin with water, and then go to the bathroom to take a serious bath.

Forty minutes later, she changed into a light blue loose pajamas and lay on the bed.


The next morning, in the investigation bureau, the five members of Zhong Wanhong's team were all here. She was quite familiar with Zhong Wanhong, Lu Heng, and Yu Lin. As for the remaining two people, one was a woman wearing glasses with no expression on her face, giving people the impression of being a serious school teacher. Her name was Bai Yuanju.

The other person was a sturdy man with a height of nearly two meters and a strong back. His name was Artyom. Yes, this guy was not from Longguo, but from the neighboring Bear country. As for why he worked in the Longguo Investigation Bureau, Mu Heng didn't know.


Mu Heng was standing in front of these five people at this time. Under the gaze of these five pairs of eyes, he took a deep breath and used his ability.

Invisible fluctuations radiated from her, soothing negative emotions and giving courage.

After feeling the feeling on his body, Bai Yuanju pushed his glasses and said, "This ability essentially has no amplification and strengthening effect. It will not make people stronger or faster, but it can make a person's state better."

For example, when taking exams, there are often situations where the performance is abnormal or extraordinary. A person's strength is the same, but the results of two exams may be completely different.

Mu Heng's ability can make a person perform exceptionally during the exam, and when fighting, he can definitely exert 120% of his combat power.

In addition, Mu Heng's ability can also eliminate all negative emotional effects, so in general, it is already very powerful.

Bai Yuanju sat in front of the computer and kept typing away. Others were also feeling the impact of Mu Heng's ability. Only Yu Lin pouted, "It's so annoying. Why don't I feel anything~!"

Yu Lin's 'resistance' can make her immune to the enemy's debuff ability, but at the same time, this 'resistance' will also prevent her from receiving the buff from her teammates.

However, at this time, Mu Heng suddenly raised her hand and said, "That... my ability seems to have an enhanced version of use."

Zhong Wanhong nodded, motioning her to continue, and Mu Heng hesitated for a moment, then opened her cherry lips slightly and sang a song in a soft voice. It was also one of the two songs she knew, [Star Hymn], and while singing, she released this ability on her own singing.

Whether it was ordinary singing or ordinary release of abilities, there seemed to be nothing special, but when both were used at the same time, it was as if a chemical reaction had occurred.

The moment this dreamlike song sounded, everyone, including Yu Lin, seemed to see the wonderful starry sky and the twinkling stars.

Thousands of sounds played, and the stars fugue!


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