The earthquake was so severe that the weather was very bad.

"Is this...!?"

An earthquake? No, it didn't seem like it. The tremor only lasted for a short time. Instead, it was like the aftermath of an explosion somewhere far away.

But the next second, Cheng Hui, who was opposite Mu Heng, showed a panicked look, "It's a dimensional crack!"

"Ah?" Mu Heng suddenly looked up and looked out the window. He could vaguely see a suspended black silhouette in the sky at some point.

Because it was already evening, it looked too blurry. It was not until the black curtain spread out from this 'silhouette' as the center, like a piece of black cloth, completely covering the sky, that Mu Heng realized that this was indeed a dimensional crack.

The coverage is still unclear, but the hot pot restaurant she is in is definitely in it.

"What's going on? Why did the dimensional crack suddenly appear? Are we going to die?"

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

"Help, call, call the investigation bureau!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't block me!"

Some people were shouting in despair and helplessness, some were trying to call the police, and some were running outside frantically, as if they wanted to escape the coverage of this dimensional crack.

At this time, Mu Heng looked at the girl opposite him. Although Cheng Hui did not shout, her face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her whole body was shaking slightly, looking very scared.

However, compared with everyone around her, although Mu Heng was also a victim involved in this dimensional crack, she did not feel much fear.

The main reason why other people are so scared is that they can see the accidents of dimensional cracks on the news every day, and so many people have died. This has lasted for decades. Fear has long been rooted in their hearts. Now they naturally have a mentality of "Is it my turn after all?", and of course they are afraid.

But Mu Heng is different. She has only been in this world for a short time.

Looking at the chaotic scene around her, she took a deep breath, then stood up and shouted loudly, "Everyone, don't panic, I am a staff member of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau, I will do my best to protect everyone's safety!"

While speaking, she took out her Bureau of Investigation ID and activated her ability. The invisible power radiated out, extinguishing the fear in the hearts of everyone around her and calming everyone down.

In any case, she is indeed a member of the Bureau of Investigation now. When it is time to stand up, she feels that she still has to stand up.

Although she is just an ordinary person, aren't the firefighters who rushed into the fire to save people and the anti-drug police who fought against drug dealers also ordinary people?

It can be said that as soon as Mu Heng said this, everyone in the hot pot restaurant focused their attention on him. Looking at the certificate in her hand, it was like seeing the light of hope.

"It's really the certificate of the Investigation Bureau. I've seen it once, and it's exactly the same as this one!"

"Are you... Robin!? The Robin on the Internet?"

"Great, now we're saved!"

"Please be patient, don't gather around, and go back to your seats first, okay?" Mu Heng shouted again with all his strength.

Because of her ability, everyone became much more rational, and because of the certificate in her hand and her identity as an Investigation Bureau member, everyone obeyed the command and returned to their seats.

It can be said that the chaotic scene just now stabilized at once.

"Robin, you are actually a member of the Investigation Bureau!?" At this time, Cheng Hui, who was opposite Mu Heng, couldn't help but say, her face was still a little pale, but her body was no longer shaking, and she looked much better than before.

"Well, although it's not local." Mu Heng nodded gently. She would carry the ID of the Investigation Bureau with her. The reason was actually very simple. She thought that this thing might be used to show off!

The simplest thing is that if someone wants to bully her because she looks kind, such as charging more for a taxi, paying more for buying things, or even an old man suddenly lying on the ground to blackmail her, as long as she takes out this ID, wouldn't it be a perfect act of showing off?

But unfortunately, she did not encounter the above situation, but encountered a dimensional crack.

Although everyone around her returned to their previous seats, their eyes drifted towards her from time to time. This feeling that everyone pinned their hopes on her did not make Mu Heng feel the pleasure of showing off, but instead a deep pressure.

Cheng Hui's body

Leaning forward, holding Mu Heng's right hand, "So, what should we do now!"

However, Mu Heng answered simply, "I don't know."

Cheng Hui, "Huh?"

But the problem is that Mu Heng really doesn't know. She has only joined the Investigation Bureau for a few days, and in theory she is still a field position that does not need to go on missions. She has no idea how the Investigation Bureau will deal with the dimensional crack incident.

Mu Heng asked, "This doesn't look like a benign dimensional crack at the moment, but I read the news, don't most dimensional cracks have some monsters appearing out of thin air? What's the matter with this black curtain?"

Cheng Hui, "?"

No, who is the staff of the Investigation Bureau between us, why are you asking me? And what's the matter with "reading the news"?

Although Cheng Hui wanted to complain now, she still thought about it and said, "I don't know, but at least the last dimensional crack incident in Qingcheng was like this."

"Is this curtain inaccessible?"

"Is it possible... otherwise there wouldn't be only one survivor last time."

"In other words, it is likely that we can only rely on ourselves..." Mu Heng frowned, and she looked out the window again. Although she still couldn't figure out the current situation, it would be okay to first determine the coverage of this curtain and gather all ordinary people.

Gathering together may lead to being caught in one fell swoop, but dispersing may also lead to being eaten one by one. For Mu Heng, no matter what she does, there are great risks, and she can only choose relatively less dangerous ones.

"Everyone, please do me a favor!" Mu Heng shouted, "Go find other people and bring as many people as possible here to gather!"

If it is a normal situation, at the scene of the incident, even the Investigation Bureau will find it difficult to order ordinary people. This is not because ordinary people don't obey orders, but because everyone is too scared.

But Mu Heng is different here. She can calm everyone's fear. Because of her identity as an investigator, as long as they want to survive, they will naturally tend to follow her command.


"I know!"

Suddenly, the ordinary guests in the hot pot restaurant just now left in an orderly manner like well-trained soldiers.

And Mu Heng also left his seat and began to explore the scope of this curtain.


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