The truth is that you can't change back.

This is not narcissism, Mu Heng is just telling the truth.

However, that's all. She put down her skirt and didn't go any further. This is not because of any indecent view or because she has a noble character.

The name of this system is called the beautiful girl vest system, so Mu Heng estimated that she probably can't change back, and other vests in the future are probably female. In the previous system description, she didn't see any instructions about "changing back".

In other words, this body is now her own, and she will live with this body for a long time, so isn't it a bit hypocritical not to look here and touch there?

It can be said that if there is a chance, Mu Heng will definitely learn more about her current body. She doesn't believe that a normal person would not be curious and would do nothing in this situation.

If there is, then she really admires it, what a saint on earth who has no desires.

And the main reason why Mu Heng stopped now is because of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau.

Although the words just now, the new mobile phone and bank card show that the Investigation Bureau has goodwill towards her, she doesn't believe that this official organization will just let her go. In other words, it is very likely that someone is monitoring her somewhere now.

So after coming to his senses, Mu Heng stopped immediately.

And the fact is indeed so. The staff of the Investigation Bureau who sent Mu Heng here just now did not leave, but went to a building opposite and began to follow.

There is surveillance, but it is not pervasive. Mu Heng has to understand the kind of surveillance before doing anything. The order received by this staff member is just to observe the movements of the "robin". If she goes out to go somewhere, she needs to follow her. That's all.

After calming down, Mu Heng left the bathroom and took the phone that had just been placed on the shoe rack. She first took a general look around the house, understood the general structure, and sat on the sofa to look at her phone.

Although the house is fully furnished, it was last occupied a month ago. Logically, she should clean the room first, but there is another thing that is more important than this.

That is to understand the world, and reading news and history on the Internet is naturally the best way.

Because Mu Heng's ID card has not been issued yet, this phone has no SIM card, but Mu Heng found that there is a wifi with full signal and no password nearby, so she naturally didn't hesitate.

Mu Heng opened a browser on his phone, and the first three hot searches that popped up were:

[The dimensional cracks in Qingcheng have caused at least nearly a thousand people to go missing, and the specific situation is still under investigation]

[The dimensional cracks in Quasi City are still expanding. Although there is no danger trend at present, is it really so? ]

[Five street shootings occurred in White Eagle Country yesterday, and the number of casualties is being counted. Click to view detailed data]

There are even more than these three. Mu Heng looked down and saw that seven of the ten hot searches were related to dimensional cracks, one was related to foreign countries, and only two were slightly more normal.

[The couple has been married for ten years, but the children born by the woman are not the man's]

[Wei Guoguo unexpectedly got pregnant while filming a movie. Who is the biological father? 】

Okay, these two don't seem to be normal, but Mu Heng doesn't have time to read these gossips. She focused on the 'dimensional crack'. "Does this thing happen so frequently?"

However, after watching for a while, she found that it didn't seem to be the case. The frequency of this dimensional crack is about once a month in each city, and occasionally there will be a few positive 'dimensional cracks', such as causing a person to become a 'transformer'.

In the history of this world, the dimensional crack that caused the most harm in Longguo was about 200 meters in diameter and appeared in a place called Fancheng. Then, monsters that looked like zombies began to appear throughout the city. They appeared out of thin air, refreshed randomly, and attacked all creatures around them indiscriminately. Although they were suppressed by the army in the end, the disaster caused a total of about 300,000 deaths and injuries.

In addition to this most harmful incident, minus those few benign dimensional cracks, the average number of casualties in most dimensional cracks is only about 100 to 200.

This is actually not much at all. You have to know that the number of people who die in car accidents in a city in a month may be far more than this.


But... although the casualties are not many, they can cause enough panic.

It's like there are car accidents every day, but no one pays attention to it except the relatives of the victims, but what about airplanes? There is an accident every few years, and one accident can be discussed for several years.

Or, a serial killer wanders to a new city. For example, he has killed 20 people. Looking at the entire city with a population of tens of millions, what are 20 people?

But such a serial killer is enough to make this city with a population of tens of millions panic. After all, no one wants to be the next victim.

In short, the attention of the dimensional rift incident is extremely high. These frequent disasters that are "close at hand" have cast a huge pressure on everyone's heart. People live in such a very depressing environment every day.

And the consequences of this are very serious. The most obvious first point is the increase in crime rate.

Dragon Country is not bad. Looking at the third hot search just now, we can know that the neighboring White Eagle country is probably exchanging fire every day and having a lot of fun.

After searching for relevant information about the dimensional crack, Mu Heng began to look at the past history of this world.

Its historical trend is generally not much different from Mu Heng's previous life, but on [August 24, 2023], which should be the stage of rapid development of the entertainment industry, the first dimensional crack was born.

It is also the largest dimensional crack in the world's history. It descended on a certain cherry blossom country next to the Dragon Country. It is a huge monster over 100 meters tall. It feeds on nuclear energy. Its skin is extremely hard and it can even spray powerful breath from its mouth. In a few months, it flattened nearly one-third of the cherry blossom country, and finally quietly went into the sea and disappeared from everyone's sight.

And to this day, the monster should still be alive, but humans can't find it for the time being.

"What the hell? Godzilla???" Mu Heng's pale blue eyebrows raised slightly.

In short, in such an era, countries naturally attach great importance to the development of weapons. Many weapons in this world are ridiculously advanced in Mu Heng's eyes, even individual laser weapons, which are even sold in the weapon stores of White Eagle Country.

But civilian daily necessities such as mobile phones, or entertainment products such as movies, games, comics, novels, etc., are similar to Mu Heng's previous life. You know, this is 2045!


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