The two of them were in the same boat.

Peace dove: "Also?"

Free eagle, "Uh, I mean, Robin is from the Bureau of Investigation, so you are too, right?"

Mu Heng looked at her phone and raised her eyebrows. Although there was nothing wrong with this explanation, she simply felt that this was not what the other party wanted to express at first.

'Could this guy also be from the Bureau of Investigation? And he looks like he's abroad. '

But just as Mu Heng was thinking, her WeChat suddenly received a reminder, which was two friend requests, Shu County Cat and Invincible Brother in the group.

She agreed directly, and two more friends appeared in the originally empty WeChat, and then she quickly pulled a WeChat group chat.

Shu County Cat, "Is it really Bird? Is it a liar?"

Mu Heng's WeChat name and profile picture are her own. She is pure real name online, so at first glance, she doesn't look like her real self.

So, she just pressed the voice input key and sent a voice message, "Are you the two people recommended by my colleague?"

As die-hard fans of Robin, Shu County Cat and Brother Wudi are naturally very familiar with her voice. There is no stronger evidence than this.

Almost the next second, Shu County Cat said, "It's really you? Bird! I'm your fan!"

Robin, "Thank you for your support."

It is worth mentioning that this time Mu Heng typed. To be honest, she doesn't like to send voice messages to communicate. The most fundamental reason is that in her previous life, her boss always liked to send voice messages of 40 to 50 seconds, or even longer, and then she had to listen attentively for 40 to 50 seconds. Once there was any movement around her, distracting or attracting her attention, she had to listen again from the beginning for another 40 to 50 seconds.

This is really a bit too torturous.

Compared to the very abstract Shu County Cat, Brother Wudi quickly got to the point. He asked, "What do you need us to do specifically?"

Then Mu Heng slowly explained that the job content was to help her make videos and manage the comment area. There were just two people, so each of them had one job.

Making videos was actually what she did every day after Mu Heng went off the air. To put it nicely, it was making videos, but to put it bluntly, it was just slicing them and sending them out.

Since she was looking for someone to help her do this, the requirements naturally needed to be higher, but how high... Mu Heng didn't know how to describe it.

So she said, "Just try your best to make the video better."

The Shu County Cat decisively took on this task.

As for the other job, managing the comment area, there was no need to say much. Mu Heng only needed to give Brother Wudi an administrator privilege, and let him do the rest himself.

In fact, it can be seen from here that Mu Heng has no potential to be a capitalist or a black-hearted boss. There is no need to separate these two jobs. Just let one do it and pay one person's salary.

Even for managing the comment area, she only needs to post a dynamic with her own account, and a bunch of fans will come voluntarily to help her work for free and generate electricity for love.

And Shu County Cat and Invincible Brother also obviously realized this. Invincible Brother said, "This... is all the work content? That's it?"

Robin, "No."

Invincible Brother, "But for such a small matter, I still ask you to pay me a salary. This is not appropriate, right?"

Robin, "Then... you can also help Shu County Cat make videos? And then manage the comment area in your spare time?"

Invincible Brother, "This... is also OK."

Then, the two sides talked about the issue of salary. Because they had never done such a thing, Mu Heng had no idea how much salary was appropriate, so a very outrageous scene appeared.

As a boss, she kept raising the price, but the other party, as an employee, kept lowering the price.

It is worth mentioning that in the WeChat group, Shu County Cat said a sentence at the beginning and then did not appear again. Instead, Brother Wudi kept discussing work details with Mu Heng, and in the Penguin group next door, Shu County Cat kept talking like a machine gun:

Shu County Cat, "@Peace Dove@Peace Dove, godfather, I love you so much!"

Shu County Cat, "Bird sent me a voice message, her voice is really nice!"

Shu County Cat, "Bird actually took the initiative to raise the price when negotiating wages? She really, I cried to death."

Shu County Cat, "No, I can't stand it, she is so cute! I feel so cute and cute


Peace dove, "?"

Mu Heng sent a question mark in the Penguin group, and then switched back to the WeChat group:

Robin, "@Shu County Cat, the requirements are probably the above, is it okay?"

Shu County Cat, "Yes!"

Mu Heng was speechless. No, isn't the difference between your performance in the two groups a bit too big?

In short, as far as the result is concerned, from now on, Mu Heng does not need to edit the video herself after the broadcast every night. She only needs to wait for Shu County Cat and Brother Wudi to send her the finished video, and then she can post it on the website herself.

After everything was done, Mu Heng returned to the Penguin group and chatted with everyone again.

One amazing thing is that the three of them chatted in the WeChat group, while in the Penguin group, The three of them were still chatting in the Goose Group, the only difference was that Mu Heng changed her alias. She was Robin in the WeChat Group and Peace Dove in the Penguin Group.

This made Mu Heng think, if the Shu County Cat knew that the Peace Dove was the Robin, the kid would probably be shocked, right?

Of course, it could also be that he recalled the crazy remarks he made about birds in front of the ‘Peace Dove’ and was so embarrassed that he exploded?


Time passed, and on the tenth day after the outbreak of the Fancheng virus, the army and the Investigation Bureau cleaned up After the third gathering place, on the thirteenth day, the fourth gathering place was cleared, and only the last one was left. This crisis could be declared over.

However, on the same day, a small accident occurred. A new dimensional crack appeared in Longcheng, hanging above the blue sky. Several "white ghosts" appeared out of thin air just below the dimensional crack and began to wander around.

This is the most common dimensional crack that will give birth to monsters. This so-called "white ghost" is invisible and intangible. It feels like the traditional ghost in the movie. It can fly and pass through walls. Just getting close will make you feel a chill.

They will actively attack living creatures in their field of vision. The means of attack is to float over, attach to the victim, and slowly absorb the victim's vitality until he dies.

Ordinary thermal weapons cannot attack this kind of monster. However, because this kind of ghost-type monster is not the first time it has appeared, Longguo has already had targeted weapons.


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