As time passed, finally, on the fifteenth day of the outbreak of the ‘Fancheng virus’, the disaster that lasted for half a month came to an end. Nearly 99.9% of the zombies in the entire city were cleared, and the remaining 0.1% was actually an estimated value.

After all, everyone in the investigation bureau is not a god, and no one can guarantee that all the zombies have been cleared. Maybe there is a zombie hiding in some unknown corner that has not been discovered yet? But at least for now, zombies are no longer a threat to the city, and the half-month [city closure] has ended.

Even though a large area of ​​the city was damaged to varying degrees by the military firepower, and a large number of zombie corpses had not yet been transported out of the city, Longcheng had to resume operations.

The economic losses caused by blocking a city and completely shutting it down were too high. Even if the city was blocked for one more day, the money lost was unimaginable.

This was also because it was Longguo, and the people had extremely high trust in the country and had super strong execution, so they could just block the city. If it were other countries, such a zombie crisis would definitely not end so easily within half a month.

No, there might be another country that was an exception. If the zombie crisis broke out in White Eagle Country, I'm afraid everyone would rush to the streets with guns and start slaughtering zombies.

Just today, Mu Heng received a WeChat message from Zhong Wanhong: [There is a party at the Investigation Bureau tonight. Robin, can you come? ]

Although there are still a lot of "tails" to deal with in Longcheng, everything is far from over, but... everyone has been fighting for so many days, what's wrong with having a party to relax a little?

However, Mu Heng replied: [This is not good, your celebration party has nothing to do with me, is it appropriate for me to go? ]

Zhong Wanhong typed: [Of course you have also contributed, whether it is saving a large number of evolvers on the first day, or dealing with a dimensional crack in the rear at a critical moment, of course, the most important thing is that everyone also hopes you will come]

Or to be more precise, those evolvers who were "saved" by Mu Heng's singing on the first day all wanted to see her very much.

These ordinary people who have adapted to the virus and have just become evolvers, a total of 187 people, all obeyed the command of the Investigation Bureau and participated in the fight against zombies. With such a group of combat power, this is one of the reasons why the entire operation went so smoothly.

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of high-end combat power, the Investigation Bureau is completely in a state of surplus overflow.

Remember in Mu Heng's live broadcast room, there was a comment saying that he saw an evolver chopping zombies with a knife? It was these new evolvers who did it. After all, these new evolvers were ordinary people not long ago. It would be better to assign each of them a cold weapon to rush up and chop instead of letting them use guns.

Zhong Wanhong sent an outrageous, 80-second voice to explain the above reasons. The moment she saw the length of this voice on WeChat, Mu Heng's eyebrows instantly frowned, but in the end, she still listened to this long string of voices and understood the situation.

She typed: [I know, I will go]


At 4:30 in the afternoon, Mu Heng put on a white sun hat and a light blue dress, and tied her long hair into a high ponytail (Mu Heng still doesn't know how to do a very difficult hairstyle).

In fact, Mu Heng didn't want to wear a skirt, but it was too hot today!

It has been more than a month since Mu Heng came to this world. Now it is the early August, the hottest time of the year. Even though it is almost evening, the temperature outside is still 35 degrees.

'I just succumbed to the hot weather! ' She thought silently in her heart.

And tying her hair into a high ponytail is also to keep a little cooler. Otherwise, with her hair volume, it would be like covering a quilt directly behind her, which is too hot.

As for the sun hat, Mu Heng chose the one without a top, which would not get stuck on the 'sky ring' on her head. In fact, even if there is a top, it doesn't matter. This sky ring can be buckled into the hat, and it can even be 'taken off' directly if necessary.

Yes, Mu Heng only recently discovered that this 'ring' can actually be taken off.

In short, this thing is like a special 'tail tip', which belongs to

An "organ" on her body, but it is not directly connected to her body, that is, the "tail" is invisible.

Mu Heng can use her hands to fine-tune the position of this ring, but it cannot be too far away from her, otherwise she will feel a sense of being pulled by her limbs. If other people touch this "sky ring" on her head, Mu Heng will not feel much. There is no strange setting such as sensitive points. This "sky ring" is essentially like "her nails".

Finally, she put on a pair of sandals with a slightly height-enhancing effect, and carried a small blue bag in her hand, and Mu Heng walked out of the house.

As soon as she left the community, she could see that many pedestrians had appeared on the street outside. Unlike the previous lifeless appearance, the city has regained its vitality.

However, before she could sigh, many passers-by also noticed Mu Heng, because she was too conspicuous, the ear feathers and sky ring on her head were too recognizable, and almost one look at it would tell that it was her.

"Is that a robin?"

"She's really beautiful, even prettier than she looked in the live broadcast."

"Ah? No way, are there really people who don't use beauty filters when they live broadcast, and look better offline than online?"

Many passers-by started to discuss quietly, and after they came through, Mu Heng encountered this situation many times. When she walked outside, passers-by would marvel at her beauty, but this time was different. Most of these passers-by knew her.

They didn't sigh 'this person is so beautiful', but sighed 'Is she the robin? '

And the change brought about by this is that many people who are more socially competent surrounded Mu Heng.

"Ms. Robin? Can you sign an autograph for me?"

"Ms. Robin! Can you take a photo with me?"

"Ms. Robin! Your songs are so beautiful! I like you so much!"

"Ms. Robin! I'm your fan!"

Soon, seven or eight people surrounded Mu Heng, and everyone looked at her excitedly, making her a little overwhelmed.

You know, the last time she met a fan was when she ran into the Shushire Cat on the subway. Did she sigh in her heart that she had so few fans at that time? She only met one along the way.

But now that she has met so many fans, she is a little confused.


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