In fact, let alone Mu Heng, the contractor himself also felt it was outrageous. Who could have thought that not long after he started working, a bunch of evolvers came over inexplicably and said they wanted to work for him for free.

The contractor was completely dumbfounded at the time. What the hell? What did you say?

But each of these evolvers showed a resolute expression, patted his chest and said, "This is our mission!"

The contractor was shocked. He couldn't understand it, but he had no other choice. He couldn't stop these evolvers from working, right?

Then after some communication, he understood what was going on.

So, these evolvers came to help spontaneously just because this place was the venue for the Robin concert. This is too outrageous.

However, the contractor also agreed with these evolvers not to reveal their identities. He looked at the beautiful girl with long light blue hair in front of him and continued, "In fact, let alone here, other construction sites are probably the same!"

This statement is full of loopholes. As long as you go to other construction sites, you can directly expose this lie. However, except for the nitpickers, will anyone really go to other construction sites because of such a sentence? At least Mu Heng is not such a person. She never argues with others.

However, Mu Heng tilted her head slightly, "How do you know I'm a robin?"

You know, in order to prevent being surrounded by people and unable to walk, she deliberately disguised herself when she went out today. For example, she took off the ring on her head and put it in her handbag, wore a sun hat and sunglasses on her head, and folded the wings behind her ears and hid them in her hair.

After all, it's summer now, and this is the biggest disguise she can do. If it's winter, she can wear a mask and a thick coat. But even so, after losing the ring and ear feathers, her recognition rate has dropped sharply.

"Uh..." The contractor was stunned when he heard this, and stuttered for a while before saying, "Isn't it because the color of your hair is too conspicuous? Normally, no one would dye their hair this color."

This excuse is also reasonable. Yes, an excuse. Mu Heng is not stupid. She naturally realized at the first time that the other party recognized her as a robin first, and then found an excuse.

She looked at the construction workers who were walking briskly, thinking in her mind, 'Evolvers? However, in order to repair this stadium as soon as possible, the Investigation Bureau actually hired evolvers to the construction site. This is too extravagant. '

'It seems that I have to continue to work hard. I must not let this concert fail! '

Time passed, and gradually, other people also gathered here, including Lv Heng and Chu Xingyu who were responsible for the main affairs, Cheng Hui who was responsible for the songs, and several composers, and netizens 'Shu County Cat' and 'Invincible Brother' who were responsible for miscellaneous things.

In short, the main force of this concert is all here. Everyone got to know each other, then added WeChat friends, pulled a large group, and then started working.

Mu Heng first came to Cheng Hui's side. There were a total of eight 'composers'. At this time, their eyes looking at her were very hot and excited. The reason was very simple. As insiders, they certainly knew how powerful Robin was. As long as the song was not particularly bad, it would definitely sound super good after being sung by Robin.

The more famous the song sung by the robin is, the more famous they will be as composers. In other words, after this order, their careers will definitely be much smoother.

This is why in just half a day, the original four composers Cheng Hui found became eight, and in addition to these eight, there are still several people on their way because they are too far away.

"Miss Robin, do you have any requirements for the song?"

"What style of song do you want? Classical music? Pop music? Country music or electronic music?"

"Do you want all Chinese songs? I have heard you cover English songs, and if you want to write an original English song, that's fine too!"

In short, these composers began to ask about the conditions for creating songs one by one, but what conditions did Mu Heng have? Her only requirement was to create songs of the highest quality possible, and that was enough.

However, she still stopped the one who asked if she needed to create an English song.

Wen Ge's composition, and took the other party aside.

This is a young lady who looks to be in her twenties. She is wearing a capable women's suit and black transparent stockings under her hip skirt, but this does not tempt Mu Heng. This is far worse than her. Well, if she wants to see it, she can look at herself in the mirror when no one is around.

Mu Heng is more concerned about whether it is hot to wear it like this? And I heard that if you wear black stockings, your feet will be particularly smelly, but I don't know if it is true.

Mu Heng did not continue to associate it, but turned to say, "Actually, I really have a small request. I can hum a melody for you. Can you try to...make it into a complete song."

Then, Mu Heng simply hummed, "en~en~en~enhe~enen~~~"

Yes, this is the bgm of "Free a Heart from Sorrow". Although there are no lyrics and it is just a simple humming, the person in front of Mu Heng soon indulged in it.

It sounds good, it is really too good!

Although it is not known whether it is because of the quality of the song or because of Mu Heng's nice voice, in any case, the composer gave a very high evaluation in her heart.

After the song was finished, the female composer, Tong Guoguo, also pondered, "I...maybe I can give it a try!"

In fact, when she took on this task, Tong Guoguo knew that her work would probably be much more arduous than others.

The reason is very simple. Tong Guoguo could hear that Mu Heng's requirement was not to "compose a song according to her melody", but to "reproduce [the song] in her mind."

This means that if the song written by Tong Guoguo does not meet the requirements of "Party A", it will most likely be rejected, infinitely rejected, but reproducing a song in other people's minds is like describing a colorful black. How difficult is it?

But Tong Guoguo still resolutely took on this task, not for anything else. If she succeeds, she will gain far more than other composers, as well as the friendship of this super singer Robin.

It's a big gamble, my friend.


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