The first time, the first time, was to go to the airport.

On the 18th, some fans who had grabbed tickets came to the city one after another. At the airport, two foreigners with thick eyebrows and big eyes had just got off the plane.

"Huh, we're finally here. It's really far."

"I heard that this country is very backward, but it seems okay now."

The two men talked as they walked:

"But, Jack, I remember that your work is very heavy, right? How did you take a full week off?"

"Hey, Tom, I finally got the concert ticket. If I don't come, wouldn't it be a huge loss? I naturally have my own way!" However, the foreigner called Jack thought silently in his heart, 'My good brother was hit by a stray bullet while walking on the street, and the other party was an orphan with no other relatives, so he had to take care of him, and then he took seven days off'. This kind of reason is hard to say no matter how hard you think about it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are willing to come to this place with me to watch the concert together. That's enough, good brother!" Tom hugged Jack and said.

"Yes, yes, good brother!" Jack wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and responded with a smile.

Just like the situation of these two people, people from all over the country and even all over the world are gathering in this city. While a large number of people flow to drive the economy, there may naturally be some guys with less pure intentions.

And this is the work of the Investigation Bureau, to strengthen the control of airports, subway stations and other places, and everyone entering and leaving needs to undergo strict identity checks.

Of course, having said that, in fact, it is enough to show your face in front of a machine. Under the technology of 2045, this machine can instantly identify the identity of the scanned person. If it is an evolver from Longguo, it can be directly identified.

If it is a foreigner, it will be a little difficult. After all, other countries cannot share their own country's evolver data with Longguo, so they can only detect whether this foreigner is an international dangerous person or an evolver wanted criminal.

But if other countries send an evolver spy here, this scanning machine will definitely not be able to identify it.

You know, except for Yu Lin, who is quite special, most evolvers look exactly the same as ordinary people. As long as they don't show anything extraordinary, it is impossible to determine whether they are evolvers.

Watching the two foreigners just leaving the airport with laughter and chatter, Lv Heng couldn't help but sigh, and operated the machine in front of him, sending the appearance of the two people to the investigation bureau. He did this not because there was something wrong with these two people, but simply to record all foreign visitors in case of problems.


On the 19th day, after the last rehearsal, Mu Heng sat on a chair and rested for a while, looking at the people around him, and said, "Okay, let's stop here today. The concert will officially start tomorrow night. Everyone go home early to rest and recharge for tomorrow."

Mu Heng herself went to the dressing room, took off her skirt and changed into a very ordinary dress. At the same time, she disguised herself slightly, put on a hat and sunglasses, and then left the concert venue.

Because the concert is about to start, it can be said that the "robin fan content" of the entire Longcheng has further increased, and she doesn't want to be stopped after taking two steps.

Then, just as she came to the door, she saw a certain dragon lady. Yu Lin waved at her, "Sister Bird! Let's go have a meal together!"

"Of course, I can, but you didn't go to work?" Mu Heng asked in confusion.

You know, after Lu Heng was almost busy with the concert, he was immediately transferred to the airport to help.

"I don't know?" Yu Lin tilted her head and said, "I asked the captain, but he didn't let me go anywhere and asked me to go home directly."

"Emmm..." Mu Heng pondered for a while and roughly understood the reason. It can only be said that this child is indeed very strong in combat, but as long as it is a clerical job, it is not very good.

Even during the time she came to help at the concert, Yu Lin did physical work such as helping to move things.

The two walked together on the busy streets outside. Yu Lin was just like before, as if she had endless things to say. She kept recommending one delicacy after another, and she wanted to eat every one of them, looking undecided.

"Yu Lin, you really like food..." Mu Heng couldn't help but sigh. Of course, she

It's not that this is bad, on the contrary, she even has some envy in it.

Eating is a happy thing, and if eating is also a hobby, isn't it a blessing on top of a blessing?

Unfortunately, Mu Heng's appetite is very small now, and he feels full after eating a little. He feels a sense of stagnation for no reason. He just eats well, and then he can't eat anymore.

The evaluation is that he eats like a bird.

But this is also good. If Mu Heng himself can eat a lot, she will have to face the situation of forcing herself to eat less in order to control her figure, which is even more tormenting. Mu Heng doesn't want to grow himself into a fat bird.

Then, Yu Lin said, "Eating is a very happy thing! However, I am hesitant because I have been to all the places I just mentioned and have eaten there. They all tasted very good, but Sister Bird, don't you have a small appetite? What I am hesitant about is, if I can only choose one, which one has the least amount and tastes the best?"

This is what bothers Yu Lin the most, because she has never considered the issue of quantity when eating before, and she just eats and eats, and now she is turning her cute and somewhat poor little brain with all her strength, recalling the scenes of eating in the past.

"......" Hearing this, Mu Heng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She looked at Yu Lin who was thinking seriously in front of her, and couldn't help but pinch her cheek.

In the end, the two still chose a noodle restaurant. It can only be said that the winner of Yu Lin's mental struggle for so long tasted really good.

After dinner, the sky gradually darkened, and now it was past the hottest time, the temperature began to drop slightly, taking off the sunglasses, looking at the half-moon in the sky, Mu Heng couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and the fatigue of the whole day seemed to disappear at this moment.

Then the next second, Yu Lin took Mu Heng's hand, pointed to a bath center on the side of the road and said, "Sister Bird! Do you want to take a bath together? The environment here is very good!"

Bath center, in simple terms, is a kind of public bathhouse that is very common in the north. It also provides services such as massage, scrubbing, essential oils, etc., and even some informal bath centers will have some improper transactions.

But this is not the point. The point is that although Mu Heng has completely adapted to and gotten used to her body, and even gradually accepted wearing skirts and high heels, it is still too outrageous for her to take a bath in a women's bathhouse.

Whether she doesn't want to see others or doesn't want to be seen by others.

"No, no, no! Forget it!" She immediately refused.


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