The blond youth was very confused now. He originally thought that he could split into four clones, including himself, and run in five directions. The three of you are not as fast as me, so it is not easy to run away? But as he ran, one or two people appeared from the corner from time to time, and one or two ordinary passers-by rushed out to beat him from time to time. If he had not learned a lesson the first time, the blond youth would pay attention to his surroundings when he ran away this time. He might have been hit again. But even so, there were several sudden attacks that he barely avoided by almost rubbing against the attackers' fists and feet. As a result, the blond youth ran and ran, from the initial five people running and three people chasing, gradually evolved into five people running and fifteen people chasing.

From five people escaping three, it became an average of three people chasing one.

"No, where did Dragon Country get so many evolvers? Even if the information was leaked, there would be no way so many people would come to chase and intercept me? This is unreasonable!?"

At the same time, these evolvers in the [Robin Fan Group] also complained:

"No, how can this guy run so fast?"

"He slips like a loach, and his reaction is too fast."

"Damn, I almost caught him!"

It is worth mentioning that the man who said the last sentence suddenly attacked on the side of the road but was reacted by the blond youth. He originally grabbed the opponent's arm, but accidentally grabbed the trouser leg.

In real life, there is naturally no setting that clothes will "never be damaged", so there is another "rip" sound, and a trouser leg was torn off.

Then, this is what Lv Heng saw, a pervert running in front, and three people chasing behind.

Although he didn't know what was going on, as a Dragon countryman, Lv Heng's first position was definitely on the three people chasing behind. After a few seconds of hesitation, he decisively chased after them, but soon he found that... he couldn't catch up with anyone.

Whether it was the perverted foreigner running in front or the three Dragon countrymen chasing behind, he found that he couldn't catch up. Although they were all evolvers, Lv Heng's speed was obviously lower than both.

There was no way, Lv Heng had to chase behind while taking out his mobile phone to notify everyone in the Investigation Bureau and ask for help.

The first person to receive the notification was Yu Lin, who was listening to the concert in the stadium. At this time, Mu Heng was singing the third song, and the atmosphere in the stadium was very hot. Yu Lin held the cheering stick in one hand and took out her mobile phone with the other hand to take a look.

However, the order Yu Lin received was not to go out to support Lv Heng, but to continue to stay in the concert and be careful and guard against possible accidents.

After learning about the situation on Lu Heng's side, Zhong Wanhong immediately suspected that the foreigner's target might be Robin. After all, at such a time, he appeared near the concert, which was naturally the most likely possibility. He just didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

Later, Zhong Wanhong, who was watching the live broadcast of the concert at the Investigation Bureau, had to turn off the live broadcast, took some equipment from the warehouse, called Artyom, and drove to the vicinity of the concert.

During the concert, Mu Heng sang the fourth song with passionate style.

Outside the concert, the blond young man gritted his teeth and fled in a straight line.

During the concert, Mu Heng sang the fifth song with a warm and soothing style.

Outside the concert, the blond young man rushed into a large shopping mall nearby, hid temporarily, and took the time to recover his strength.

When Mu Heng sang the eighth song, the blond young man was discovered again, and he had to use his ability again and fled in five directions.

After the eighth song, Mu Heng took a short break. She held the microphone and interacted with the audience. At the same time, Zhong Wanhong and Artyom arrived at the scene and planned the encirclement in detail.

After the ninth song, Zhong Wanhong somehow contacted the people of the [Robin Fan Group] and temporarily took over the command of the scene and began to carry out the encirclement.

After the tenth song, the range where the blond youth could escape became smaller and smaller.

During the twelfth song, the four false clones of the blond youth were destroyed and the real body was locked.

During the fourteenth song, Zhong Wanhong raised his pistol and aimed at the blond youth who was running wildly. He fired a shot with a predictive nature. With a slight sound, the blue bullet accurately hit the opponent's right leg.

5.56 Ice Bomb Begins

It took effect. Almost in the blink of an eye, a thick layer of frost condensed on the blond young man's body. He had to slow down his movements and shivered in the extreme cold.

Artyom set up a sniper rifle in a nearby position with a good view and began to observe the surroundings to guard against other enemies that might appear, while Zhong Wanhong and a group of people from the [Robin Fan Group] directly surrounded the blond young man.

The foreign guy who looked very handsome at first looked so embarrassed at this time. Zhong Wanhong also asked directly, "What is your purpose for sneaking into Dragon Country illegally?"

Didn't Lu Heng record all the foreigners who entered the country? And the identity of this blond young man when he entered the country was undoubtedly an ordinary person.

In this world, each country has a clear law that an evolver from another country needs to report if he wants to enter another country.

You don't need to disclose your ability, but you must at least disclose your identity as an evolver, and this kind of deliberate disguise as an ordinary person to enter other countries is absolutely illegal.

"Purpose... ahem, my purpose is this..." Although he was caught, the blond young man did not look annoyed, but laughed instead.

From the beginning, his purpose was not to attack the robin or the concert, but just to create a riot and distract the attention of the local investigation bureau.

This is why the blond young man started fighting with the 'evolved worker' after an argument. He is arrogant by nature and looks down on ordinary people. Another reason is that his purpose is this!

If the blond young man is really a spy, how could he hang around outside so high-profile? It is normal to reduce his presence as much as possible and act covertly, right?

At the same time, a person came to the door of the investigation bureau.

"Who!?" Bai Yuanju, the only one left in the investigation bureau, frowned and looked at the foreigner who walked in, with a bad premonition in his heart.


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