The missing piece is still in the bag, but the new one is still in the bag.

[Surprise wooden box: an item that appeared out of thin air during the "Skybridge Dimensional Crack Incident" on January 3, 2044, its function is unknown]

This is the thing that was lost. Mu Heng had seen a sign for this thing when he went to the underground warehouse before.

This is a square wooden box with a diameter of about one decimeter. There is a clown head pattern painted on the surface of the box. It looks like a toy box used to scare people. Once it is opened, something will jump out under the action of a spring, so it is named [Surprise Wooden Box].

But in fact, the box is completely sealed and cannot be opened at all. The Investigation Bureau has studied it for a period of time and tried many methods, but all failed. Then the wooden box was stored in the underground warehouse until today.

"I neglected it..." Zhong Wanhong said with a gloomy face. The main reason was that everyone's attention was attracted by the concert of Robin. Zhong Wanhong was originally in the Investigation Bureau, but after hearing the news from Lu Heng, he thought someone was going to attack the concert. Who would have thought that the target of this group of foreigners would be the Longguo Investigation Bureau?

And what puzzled Zhong Wanhong was, how did a foreigner know that the Investigation Bureau in Longcheng had this wooden box, and what was so special about this wooden box that it was enough to attract the other party to do such a thing?

Insider? The possibility is extremely low. If there is an insider of the Fuguang Society in the Investigation Bureau, it can only be said that everyone has different ideas, but they are all for the good of Longguo, but betraying Longguo and leaking information to people in other countries is indeed a bit too outrageous. Zhong Wanhong does not believe that there are traitors in the Investigation Bureau.

And there is another point. The foreigner who stole the surprise wooden box must know the function of this wooden box, otherwise why would he steal it when he has nothing to do? But the investigation bureau itself does not know what this wooden box can do, so the theory of the insider is not true.

About twenty minutes later, Mu Heng arrived at the investigation bureau, and as soon as she came in, she felt a solemn atmosphere. Everyone sat on a chair, with one hand on their chin, looking thoughtful.

Even Yu Lin is no exception!

Then, the moment she saw Mu Heng coming in, Yu Lin changed her previous thoughtful expression and ran directly to her side, "Sister Bird, you are finally here, I am almost bored to death!"

Well, it turns out that this guy is not thinking, but just imitating the actions of others. However, it is indeed unrealistic to expect this stupid dragon to come up with something.

After seeing Mu Heng, Zhong Wanhong quickly stood up and said, "Robin, come and see Bai Yuanju, something is not right with her."

Under the guidance of the other party, Mu Heng came to a small lounge inside the Investigation Bureau, where he could see Bai Yuanju lying on the sofa. Her breathing was steady, and there were no obvious injuries on her body. Just as she said on the phone at the beginning, she seemed to be in a coma.

Zhong Wanhong said, "There is nothing wrong with her body, she is very healthy, but I also tried to wake her up, but there was no response at all."

This matter itself is very unreasonable. How could a person who is not injured inexplicably faint and cannot be woken up? The only thing that could cause this phenomenon is...some kind of "ability".

From forced sleep to the extraction of souls, similar effects may be achieved.

Mu Heng also thought of these things at once. She nodded and said, "I'll try."

Her ability can remove mental debuffs. Although Mu Heng used it most often to remove fear, if it is a debuff imposed by other people using some ability, it may also be removed.

Of course, if the soul is really taken away, Bai Yuanju is only a shell at this time, and Mu Heng's ability is naturally useless, but the good news is that the next second after Mu Heng activated the halo ability, Bai Yuanju's eyelids lying on the sofa trembled slightly.

In less than three seconds, Bai Yuanju opened his eyes. Although his pupils were not focused yet and his expression was still a little confused, the speed of taking effect was too fast. Even Mu Heng himself was stunned by the immediate effect.

"Come back to your senses!" Zhong Wanhong waved his hand in front of the other party and said seriously, "What happened? Who attacked the Investigation Bureau?"

After Zhong Wanhong and others caught the blond young man and rushed back to the Investigation Bureau, all the cameras in the Investigation Bureau had been destroyed, Bai Yuanju was lying unconscious on the floor of the hall, and the internal warehouse was also nearly

The hidden elevator was forcibly found and destroyed.

After a detailed inspection, Zhong Wanhong finally found that only a "trivial" box was lost.

"..." After a few seconds, Bai Yuanju's eyes slowly focused. She looked at Mu Heng and Zhong Wanhong beside her, especially at Mu Heng, "Is it your ability... that woke me up?"

Bai Yuanju was silent for a while, then turned to look at Zhong Wanhong, sighed, "The person who attacked the Investigation Bureau is the [Martyr] of White Eagle."

Mu Heng could clearly see that Zhong Wanhong's expression became more solemn when he heard the word [Martyr]. She couldn't help asking, "Who is the martyr?"

"The actual ruler of White Eagle, one of the eight most powerful people..." Zhong Wanhong slowly explained.

Before the dimensional crack appeared, the White Eagle Country in this world, whose full name was "White Eagle Free Federation", was not much different from the old America in Mu Heng's previous life, but after the dimensional crack appeared, this country changed dramatically.

As we all know, White Eagle is a very, very "free" country, and their culture is full of heroism and individualism. Just like in Dragon Country, almost everyone has a martial arts dream and wants to become a martial arts hero who is happy to repay and enmity. In White Eagle, many people also dream of becoming a "hero".

And the dimensional crack really gave this opportunity. At first, this country did give birth to many superheroes who were chivalrous and fought against criminals.

But as time passed, some people gradually lost themselves in this powerful force.

On the first day, I was Superman, on the second day, I was a native of my country, and on the third day, I didn't eat beef.

Then, a huge civil war broke out among the Evolvers in this country. The national government was destroyed and the chaos lasted for three years. Finally, the entire White Eagle was divided into eight parts, each ruled by the eight strongest people.

Of course, these people did not allow their motherland to be divided like this, so these eight people established an [Eight-Man Council] that belonged to them alone, and the entire country was reconnected. This is the current "White Eagle Free Federation".

And the "martyr" mentioned by Bai Yuanju is one of these eight people!


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