The police said that the police had to take a special case.

Zhong Wanhong acted quickly, and the Kyoto Investigation Bureau also responded quickly, immediately suspending all flights that were about to take off from Longcheng. Since the martyr could sneak in quietly, he could also leave quietly. If this guy came to Longguo for a tour, took something and left openly, where would Longguo's face be?

Secondly, the [Special Mobile Team] closest to Longcheng has set off and is expected to arrive at the destination within 3 hours.

Everyone gathered in front of the computer. After seeing these replies, they waited for a while and no new information appeared. Lu Heng couldn't help wondering, "That's it, that's all?"

"Although the martyr came here secretly and didn't mean to reveal his identity, his identity is here, and he represents the White Eagle. This can be regarded as a provocation between countries, right? Won't Longguo give some response?"

If an ordinary foreigner comes to another country and causes trouble on the streets and publicly provokes, this can be regarded as a personal behavior and can be dealt with according to the law, but what if this foreigner is the leader of his country? This can't be regarded as a personal action at all!

However, Zhong Wanhong shook his head, "What response can be given? Publicly condemn the White Eagle internationally? This is meaningless."

It is better to say that after suffering a loss, scolding the other party loudly and verbally condemning a few times is something that only weak countries will do. What Longguo is doing now is to catch the martyr directly, ask the other party to repay the stolen items, and apologize publicly internationally.

It was not Longguo who spoke first, but forced the other party to apologize first!

"Next, this whole thing has nothing to do with us. We just need to wait for the [Special Mobile Team] to arrive and let them deal with it." Zhong Wanhong sighed.

In other words, after knowing the true identity of the enemy, the people in the Investigation Bureau can't let them go to fight the martyrs. This behavior can only be said to be tantamount to sending death. The gap in combat power between the two sides is too big.

Even if we look at the entire Longguo, the only one with the same combat power as the eight rulers of the White Eagle is the [Special Mobile Team].

Unlike the heroism of the White Eagle, Longguo advocates collectivism more. Perhaps a single person in the mobile team is not as powerful as the ruler of the White Eagle, but the combat power that the whole team can exert when united is no worse than the other side, and there are nine such [Special Mobile Teams] in Longguo.

Qiuniu, Yazi, Bi'an, Suanni, Taotie, Jiaotu, Bixi, Chiwen and Pixiu.

The dragon has nine sons, and these nine strongest teams are active in various places in Longguo, defending the country.

Mu Heng also analyzed at this time, "Although the martyr's ability is powerful, he can't teleport. If he wants to return to Baiying, he must either take a plane or use his ability to create something that can carry him to fly. For the former, the airport is now closed, and for the latter, if he does this, he will definitely be discovered in an instant."

"And according to the martyr's style of doing things, he should not want to expose himself, so he will most likely stay in Longcheng temporarily, so we really just need to wait, wait for 3 hours."

Of course, the premise of all this is that the martyr's only purpose is the [Surprise Wooden Box]. If the other party has other purposes, it is actually meaningless to seal the airport or not, because the other party has no intention of leaving.

Just when the discussion was heated, a sneaky figure came to the door of the investigation bureau. He walked three steps and looked back, walked three steps and looked back, hunched over, and trotted all the way.

And this person naturally attracted the attention of the investigation bureau. Zhong Wanhong was the first to discover it and said solemnly, "Who!?"

Instantly, the attention of everyone else present was attracted, but Mu Heng, Lu Heng, and Yu Lin all showed puzzled looks, because this guy was "Brother Wudi".

"What are you doing here?" Lu Heng asked in confusion, "Shouldn't you be cleaning up the concert now? Why, are you slacking off with pay?"

"It's unfair! The main reason is that a foreigner came out of nowhere and wanted to catch me, so I let him go!" Brother Wudi explained quickly. After Mu Heng left, he was indeed working hard at the concert to clean up the scene.

Not long after, a strange foreigner came in from the back door and said bluntly that he wanted to find a man named Ling Huai.

People, that is, the real name of Brother Wudi.

Let’s not talk about whether someone betrayed Brother Wudi. Actually, no one in the backstage of the concert knew Brother Wudi’s real name.

Because Shu County Cat kept calling him ‘Brother Wudi’, ‘Brother Wudi’, it’s like when netizens meet in person, they still call each other by their online names because they are used to calling each other that way.

And because Shu County Cat kept calling him that, other people also called him by this nickname.

So, when the foreigner made this request, everyone present showed a blank expression. No, uncle, who are you looking for?

Brother Wudi was not stupid, so he naturally had no idea of ​​revealing his real name. So when the other party was full of doubts, he found an opportunity to sneak out and went straight to the Investigation Bureau.

"That guy is outrageous. I have never seen an evolver of such a high level. It must be bad for such a person to suddenly appear in Longguo! Really, believe me, notify the [Special Mobile Team] quickly. I feel that only the mobile team can deal with that guy!"

Brother Wudi's sudden words sounded very strange, especially Mu Heng. She tilted her head, and now there was only a big question mark above her head.

What did you say?

Among all the people present, only Lu Heng instantly understood what the other party meant, because he had read the other party's evolver information and knew the other party's ability.

[Data Vision], this is like a super identification skill. Brother Wudi can present everything he sees in front of him in the form of a game panel.

For example, Brother Wudi can know the real name of the martyr with just a glance, and the name is marked in yellow. He can also see the other party's "level" and "ability".

It's like playing a turn-based game, you can view the boss information with a click.

There is no doubt that although this ability has no actual combat power, it is extremely functional. At this time, Lu Heng also realized something. In addition to viewing the "character panel", the invincible brother's ability can naturally check the "prop information". The surprise wooden box is probably no exception.


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