The time moved forward slightly, and the perspective returned to the Investigation Bureau. It turned out that they didn't have much time to prepare, and the martyr came here again.

Under the black brim of the hat, the martyr's face was slightly thin. He calmly stepped into the door of the Investigation Bureau, and his eyes swept over the vigilant and fully armed people. He said in a calm tone, "It seems that the ability I used on that lady has been eliminated, and you already know my identity."

"That is to say, those special teams in your country are on the way."

Zhong Wanhong, Lu Heng, Yu Lin and Artyom, all four of them did not speak, but raised their weapons and pointed them at the people in front of them.

But none of the four of them intended to take the initiative. In any case, delaying time would definitely benefit the Investigation Bureau.

"I'm really sorry, everyone from the Dragon Country Investigation Bureau." However, no one expected that the Martyr would apologize for no reason. "I didn't mean to attract anyone's attention. I just wanted to take something and leave."

"It's the same now. I don't intend to be an enemy of you. The man named Ling Huai, is he here? I just want him to do a favor and won't endanger his life."

It is worth mentioning that the Martyr did not use the 'translation headset', but spoke directly in Chinese, but the people from the Investigation Bureau could not feel any emotional fluctuations from his words. It seemed that he was apologizing, but he didn't seem to be apologetic at all.

"You have no intention to be our enemy? But what you did doesn't seem to be the case." Zhong Wanhong frowned and said, "You sneaked into another country secretly, attacked the local investigation bureau, and robbed things openly. Now you want to ask us for a citizen of Dragon Country?! This is impossible!"

It's like a robber who just robbed a bank and now goes to the police station to ask for a civilian, saying that he won't hurt the other party, but what about in reality? No one knows what this "robber" is thinking.

Don't believe everything others say, and even in the most extreme case, the martyr really has no intention of hurting "Invincible Brother", this person must not be given, this is a matter of principle!

Perhaps, a battle may break out later, and everyone in the investigation bureau may even be wiped out here, and then the martyr will go to capture "Invincible Brother" by himself. Although the ending looks the same? The only difference is that a few more lives will be lost, but even so, it cannot be given to others!

After knowing that the ending of a thing is doomed to fail, do you just not do it?

Giving up may be a manifestation of rationality, but if you choose to continue to persist, it is a proof of faith and courage, and everyone in the Investigation Bureau has never lacked these two qualities.

The martyr took out the "surprise wooden box". At this moment, his tone finally changed. He was no longer as calm as before, but had a fanatical feeling. "This thing and that person's ability are really important to me! No matter what... is there nothing to talk about?"

"No matter what!" Zhong Wanhong's tone was as firm as ever.

"Alas..." The martyr lowered his head and sighed softly. At this moment, without any sign, not only the four people present, but everyone in the Investigation Bureau fell into the illusion called the past.


In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scene suddenly changed. Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar door in front of him, Zhong Wanhong was stunned, because this was exactly the home he had in Fancheng ten years ago.

He reached out and touched his pocket, took out a black key, skillfully inserted it into the door lock in front of him, and gently turned it. With a click, the door slowly opened.

"Dad!?" As if hearing the movement at the door, a little girl about seven or eight years old with a double ponytail ran to the entrance and pounced on Zhong Wanhong.

Then, there was another very gentle voice that Zhong Wanhong had dreamed of many times in his dreams, "Are you back? Go wash your hands, dinner will be ready soon!"

Listening to his "wife's" words, Zhong Wanhong changed into slippers and walked straight to the bathroom. Through the mirror, he could see a very young face.

His hairstyle was meticulous and his beard was shaved very cleanly. It was exactly the same as he was ten years ago when he was still an ordinary social animal. The only difference was that Zhong Wanhong reached out to a pocket on his chest, and a feather emitting a faint light was very conspicuous.


Hallucination..." he muttered to himself.

Without washing his hands, Zhong Wanhong left the bathroom and walked to the living room. He looked at his wife who was serving food with her back to him. He looked around the living room and saw his father-in-law and mother-in-law who were watching TV.

And his daughter who was very clingy to him just now but now ran to the side to play with her mobile phone.

There is no doubt that this scene in front of him is a very, very big temptation for Zhong Wanhong, but he still sighed, walked to his wife, and finally hugged her.

"Sorry... I have to leave..."

"Leave? Is there something urgent at work?"

"I guess so."

"Then go quickly. Work is important, isn't it? Go early and come back early. I will heat up the food for you then."

At this time, his father-in-law who was watching TV also turned his head and looked at him, with a puzzled expression, "If you are working overtime, why don't you just make a phone call? What's the point of coming back? "

Faced with the father-in-law's question, Zhong Wanhong lowered his head, his face full of deep apology. He did not answer the other party's question, and finally just said, "Sorry..."

If Mu Heng was here, she would recognize Zhong Wanhong's father-in-law at a glance. He was the young version of the [Xiao] of the Fuguang Society that she had seen.

Zhong Wanhong clenched the feathers in his hand. Although he didn't want to stay in this warm and happy home, he still had responsibilities and more important things to do than the falseness in front of him.

The next second, everything in front of him had dense cracks like broken glass, and then everything returned to its original state. Compared with this beautiful dream, Zhong Wanhong returned to the painful reality.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zhong Wanhong did not hesitate at all and pulled the trigger at the black man in front of him.


At the same time, Lu Heng and Yu Lin also left the illusion at almost the same time and launched an attack together.


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