The truth is that I was pulled into a dream-within-a-dream world by someone who used his illusionary ability...?"

A normal Pinocchio should be divided into the real [Daydream Hotel] and a bunch of places in the dream, and the entire Pinocchio at this time is in a huge dream, so isn't this [Golden Moment] where Mu Heng is a dream-within-a-dream?

And this dream-within-a-dream is created by another person's ability to construct an illusion?

What a mess, what is going on?

This bunch of thinking actually only happened in a few breaths, and Mu Heng quickly shifted her attention back to the present, the hound family members who were walking towards her, and she began to hesitate, what to do, should she attack these people?

No matter what, being caught is definitely not a good thing, but the problem is that although there are no fighting scenes of the Hound Family in the game, since they are all local "law enforcement agencies", how could they not have any fighting power? Mu Heng was a little skeptical, could he really beat these people?

Just when Mu Heng hesitated a little, these Hound Family members suddenly stopped, and each of them showed a puzzled look on their faces.

"Huh? Strange, where are the people?"

"How can a living person disappear out of thin air? He must be nearby, let's look for him again!"

Saying these strange words, these Hound Family members turned around in unison and left here quickly, leaving Mu Heng confused.

No, she was ready to take action, why did she just leave?

Then in the next second, a gentle male voice mixed with a hint of doubt sounded from not far behind her, "Robin?! How come you are here..."

When Mu Heng heard this voice, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She trembled violently. She turned her head carefully, and a man with a sky ring on his head and a pair of wings behind his ears appeared in front of her.

Undoubtedly, it was the brother of "Robin", Sunday.

It's bad! The fake met the real brother, what should I do? Waiting online, very urgent!


At the same time, the perspective returned to reality. At the Investigation Bureau, a few seconds after the martyr activated his ability, he just stepped forward to skip Zhong Wanhong and others, but found that these people had gotten rid of his ability one by one and got out of that beautiful illusion.

"Swish!" As Zhong Wanhong pulled the trigger, a very delicate and sharp sound came from his gun muzzle, which did not sound like the movement of a bullet firing at all.

At the moment he pulled the trigger, a black metal wall appeared out of thin air in front of the martyr, followed by a tooth-grinding sound of metal distortion, as if many people were scratching a blackboard with their fingernails, and dense cracks appeared on the metal wall.

Yu Lin and Lu Heng ran to the two sides of the martyr respectively. Yu Lin held a giant sword that was almost as tall as her, and Lu Heng also held a pistol, looking for a suitable shooting opportunity.

There are four kinds of special bullets in the underground warehouse of the Investigation Bureau, namely blasting bullets, ice blasting bullets, thunder bullets and penetrating bullets. At first glance, most people should think that blasting bullets are the most powerful, right?

However, in fact, the most powerful of these four bullets is the last one. This is a kind of ammunition made by combining the two elements of "technology" and "magic". It has extremely high penetration. Almost nothing can stop the shooting of this thing. Except for the large-volume enemies, this bullet is almost invincible.

The metal wall that the martyr had just temporarily created did not actually block the bullet. Zhong Wanhong could see that there was a clearly visible hole among the dense cracks.

However, the wall still played a certain role. It slowed down the speed of the penetrating bullet and gave the martyr some time to dodge.

The shot that should have hit the head directly only left a shallow scratch on the right cheek of the martyr.

"Pah--" The martyr put his hands together with a calm expression, "It's really exaggerated. Can the bullets of Dragon Country penetrate even black gold..."

As he spoke, two fully armed silver knights appeared out of thin air beside the martyr and rushed towards Yu Lin and Lu Heng on both sides.

It was like the real world was "stuck". There was nothing here in the last second, but in the next second...

Something appeared, and at this time, the martyr was still saying, "It's incredible. I didn't expect you to be able to escape from my illusion, and escape so quickly."

Because this means that Zhong Wanhong and the other two all have the "means" to escape directly from the illusion, as well as the willpower to get rid of the past and refuse happiness.

Let's not talk about the former, just the latter alone, this is not something that can be done easily.

It's like in winter, on a day off, asking a person to get up from a warm bed immediately after waking up, and what Zhong Wanhong and the other two did is much more difficult than this.

It is worth mentioning that the fastest to escape is Yu Lin. She returned to her childhood, when she didn't have dragon horns and dragon tails, and her hair was ordinary black. She was just an ordinary little girl. Then, she looked at her biological parents in front of her, but she didn't hesitate for a second, and directly clenched the gorgeous and beautiful feathers in her hand.

Although Yu Lin had told Mu Heng before that she wanted to keep the feathers for collection, she didn't hesitate even for a moment when she should use them.

Although she saw her parents whom she dreamed of seeing again, she did not even say a word of farewell to them, but chose to leave directly.

Because Yu Lin knew very well that she was facing a very powerful enemy. She was stupid and her brain capacity was low, so she would not think about too many other things at this time. At this time, Yu Lin had only one thought in her mind.

Fight with all her strength!

This is her duty, her mission, and it is also what the dead senior of the Investigation Bureau who brought her new life did.

Protect the people of this country!

The second person to escape from the illusion was Lv Heng. Zhong Wanhong was the last one to leave because he said goodbye to his family in the past.


ps: If this book only wrote about a robin, there would definitely be Sunday, but unfortunately the protagonist's system is called the beautiful girl vest system, so I will not add Sunday.

However, although Sunday cannot stay permanently, it is no problem to make a limited-time appearance.

Unexpectedly, it is not Sunday that "comes", but the protagonist "goes".

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