The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

In reality, in the White Eagle Free Federation, a giant wonder building that is 500 meters high and looks like an inverted pyramid began to slowly collapse from top to bottom.

As if the food that is inexhaustible and will never rot began to disappear rapidly from a giant warehouse, and even the warehouse itself disappeared like a bubble.

In addition, a large number of schools, hospitals, orphanages; cars, cruise ships and airplanes are also disappearing one after another.

The martyr will not refuse the wishes of ordinary people. He is like an omnipotent wishing machine. As long as someone makes a request, he will directly satisfy it.

At this moment, all the phantoms that were originally created disappeared. It can be imagined that when a person is sitting in his luxurious and handsome private plane and enjoying life happily, the plane suddenly disappears, or the luxury car and cruise ship disappear.

As a matter of course, an unimaginable disaster occurred in the one-eighth of the territory ruled by the martyr.

But this is not the end. Immediately afterwards, millions of people woke up from the beautiful illusion. They were originally sleeping in the "sanatorium" specially built for this purpose, but at this moment, even the hospital itself completely disappeared. These people lay on the ground and opened their blank eyes.

They left the beautiful "world" where all their relatives and friends were alive and returned to this "hell".

"This is really...too painful..." At some point, the martyr was already in tears. As the master of the ability, he naturally knew the consequences of doing so, but even so, he still did not hesitate to cancel all the abilities he had maintained in the White Eagle for many years and attributed all the power to himself.

The fact that the martyr would help ordinary people for free, and even after gaining such powerful power, he did not change his heart and maintained his "promise" for so many years was enough to prove that he was a kind person, but this kindness seemed so vulnerable in front of his own "selfishness".

The martyr was indeed sad and felt heartbroken for the innocent people and ordinary people he killed, but he did not hesitate even for a moment when he cancelled his ability.

"No matter what, I want to see that [God]... No matter what!"

Thousands of giant dragons appeared around the martyr, either lying on the ground or lingering in the air. At this moment, the entire Pinocchio Theater was full of these creatures that should only exist in fantasy.

Black dragons, red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, and white dragons.

Brass dragons, bronze dragons, copper dragons, gold dragons, and silver dragons.

Whether it was the evil five-colored dragons or the kind metal dragons, they all stared at the huge figure in front of them, [Chorus] God's Day.

This scene was seen very clearly by Mu Heng and his friends in the [Golden Moment] Square, even though they were far away.

Lu Heng couldn't help but widen his eyes. It was hard for him to describe his current mood. The boss-level monsters that he had no idea how to deal with now appeared in batches like soldiers, and their huge wings almost covered half of the sky.

"No, are you sure... is your brother really okay?"

In response, Mu Heng just recalled the scene when he played the Star Iron Dungeon in his previous life, and said uncertainly, "If you can use that trick, probably... only one hit is needed?"

Lu Heng, "???"

His expression now was like seeing a ghost, staring at Mu Heng next to him, "Are you sure you are not kidding!?"

Pinocchio Grand Theater, Sunday looked at the thousands of "little bugs" surrounding him, and his expression did not change at all. The huge golden figure slowly raised his hand, and the four golden notes that were originally beside him also flew into the air.

"If you want to see God so much, I will give you a chance to see Him."

This is also the first time that Sunday has spoken since the battle began.

"All the work of creation has been completed, and the day of no doubt has come..."

"Fetus of philosophy, reshape the world for us!"

With these words, all the people in this illusion felt a shudder from the soul, as if something was looking here.

In a sense, Sunday and the "martyr" are both selfless, but also "selfish".

Sunday is willing to become the cornerstone of the new world with himself, and in other

When everyone else was living in a carefree and powerless dream, he was left alone to bear all the costs. He was so ‘fair’, but at the same time, Sunday had only one selfish desire, which was the robin.

The same is true for the martyr. He has been maintaining his abilities endlessly for countless people for who knows how many years. He is so ‘fair’, and his selfish desire is this obsession with seeing [God].

Perhaps, whether he saw the God who gave him power or any other God, it was not important. What was important was the act of ‘seeing him again’ itself. After all, the martyr himself did not know what the God looked like.

Both were fair and private, but the two were completely different. Sunday did everything rationally, purposefully, and plannedly, but the martyr was aimlessly, madly, and frantically searching.

Hearing Sunday’s words, the martyr was clearly crying, but the corners of his mouth were also raised high. He was crying and laughing.

Thousands of dragons stared at the figure in front of them, but did not attack. Sunday said slowly:

"On the first day, grant truth"

"On the second day, grant calendar"

"On the third day, grant speech"

"On the fourth day, grant value"

"O dead star god, with this seven-day oath, I order you to obey orders——"

As these words echoed throughout the entire Pinocchio, [Fetus of Philosophy] slowly raised his arms and looked up.

A terrifying sense of oppression appeared in everyone's heart. The few people far away in the [Golden Moment] Square, perhaps because of the most sensitive senses, Yu Lin's reaction was also the greatest. She was like a kitten with angry fur that met its natural enemy, frowning, staring at the battlefield in the distance, but the tail was wrapped around her right leg at some point.

Mu Heng could even see that the other party seemed to be trembling slightly.

Lü Heng and Zhong Wanhong listened to the voice that seemed to come from their ears, and they had already believed most of what Mu Heng had just said about the "one strike".


ps: In the hazy dream of gaining power, the martyr did not actually make any answer.

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