The matter was over, so Mu Heng naturally had no need to go home, but stayed to help clean up the battlefield.

Brother Wudi walked out of the lounge behind the Investigation Bureau. He was originally in a clean and tidy office, and pushed the door open... To be more precise, after pushing it, the door fell directly to the ground, and then what appeared in front of him was a battlefield-like scene that was plowed by artillery shells.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but shrink his neck. He knew that the Investigation Bureau was fighting a powerful foreigner in order to protect itself, but he couldn't do anything. To be honest, he felt complicated.

While he was thinking about it, Zhong Wanhong came to him with the [Surprise Wooden Box] retrieved from the body of the martyr, "So, what is this thing?"

It is impossible not to be curious. Mu Heng followed closely behind him, pricked up his ears and began to eavesdrop openly.

Brother Wudi gathered his thoughts, focused his eyes on the wooden box, and then... showed a very weird expression, "This thing... It is not a box at all, but a dice..."

In Brother Wudi's vision, you can clearly see:

Name: One-sixth dice (surprise wooden box)

Quality: Purple

Effect: Throw this dice high. If it lands on a blank side, nothing will happen. If it lands on the side with the "single clown pattern", the thrower will get a "small probability blessing". Within an hour after that, all the probability-related things encountered by the thrower will definitely happen with the lowest probability.

The name part, the name of the item before the brackets, and the name given to it by the Investigation Bureau without knowing the effect of this thing after the brackets are also displayed.

To be honest, Brother Wudi can understand why the Investigation Bureau can't study the effect of this thing. Who can think that this is a dice! And the people in the Investigation Bureau will definitely not have nothing to do to play with this thing, so naturally it is impossible to throw the clown side.

But this is not the point. The point is that after listening to Brother Wudi's description, Mu Heng couldn't help but show a speechless expression, "This... It can't be said that this thing is completely useless, but the martyr tried so hard to get this?"

After learning the detailed effect of this thing, Mu Heng's first thought was to go to the casino, which should be able to make a lot of money, but she couldn't think of other uses.

You know, this minimum probability event is not necessarily a good thing. What if you are hit by a car while walking? Or just get on the plane and the plane explodes on the spot?

Just when Mu Heng was thinking about what else this dice could do, the teams from other investigation bureaus in Longcheng finally arrived. That being said, these people were already very fast, but everything happened too suddenly on Mu Heng's side, and the battle ended too quickly.

In reality, only a little over ten minutes had passed. The flow of time in the illusion was not consistent with that in reality.

Then, after a while, the seventh [Special Operations Team: Bixi (bìxì)] of Longguo arrived at the destination earlier than the scheduled three hours, but unfortunately, it still did not catch up.

There were four people in this team. They looked at the bodies of the martyrs on the ground and fell into silence.

At this time, Lu Heng quietly approached Mu Heng and said, "Did you see the shortest girl among these four people? She is the captain of this team and also an outsider."

Hearing this, Mu Heng couldn't help but look over. Her first reaction was, would the other party be a time traveler like her?

No, to be precise, all outsiders are time travelers, but could the other party have traveled from the same place as her?

However, this question is not easy to ask, right? She can't just walk over and say "Odd things change, even things don't change" to the other party, right?

At this time, the other party seemed to have noticed Mu Heng's gaze, turned his head and nodded slightly at her, and then continued to talk about martyrs with the teammates around him.

"Since she is the captain...she must be very powerful, right?" Mu Heng asked.

"Of course, don't look at her small stature, but her swordsmanship is superb, and she also has a special power called [Qi], but unfortunately, this power can only be used by her, and no one else can." Lu Heng sighed.


, now Mu Heng can be sure that the other party is definitely not from his world.

In fact, this is also the reason why the Investigation Bureau did not ask Mu Heng about the information of the world before crossing after learning about his identity as an "outsider", because it is meaningless.

The cultivation system of the world before crossing? Even if you know it, it is useless. It is like a person from the Naruto world crossing to the world of One Piece and asking the pirates in it to practice ninjutsu. The people in the One Piece world don't even have chakra, so what is the point of practicing.

The general situation of the world before crossing? This is even more meaningless. For people in this world, listening to this is no different from listening to novels.

Not to mention, all the information that can be asked above is just a word, and there is a possibility of falsification. In the final analysis, it depends on the character of the outsider himself. Instead of paying attention to the other party's past, it is better to find a way to get along with the other party and look forward to the future.

So the Investigation Bureau made detailed inquiries on the first one or two outsiders, and never did so again.

Then, Zhong Wanhong walked to Mu Heng and said, "Robin, can you tell me briefly about your previous world?"

At this time, he made such a request to understand the world before Robin crossed over. First, it was naturally for the purpose of writing a report on this incident. Second, it was because... In Zhong Wanhong's opinion, the world Robin lived in before was really too terrible, and it was really necessary to understand it.

The other party's brother, the huge golden figure, and the last one... [God].

"Now?" Mu Heng said.

"No, I'll be free tomorrow. It's getting late now, go home and rest early."

While the two were talking, Brother Wudi also came to Lv Heng. After hesitating for a while, he made up his mind and said, "Well, Brother Heping, if I want to join the Investigation Bureau, how can I do it?"

Lv Heng was stunned, "Who?"

Brother Wudi, "Stop pretending, you are a colleague of Robin and also a fan of the other party. I can't imagine who else it could be except you. Since we have such a good relationship, please help me."

Lv Heng was even more confused, "As long as your identity is not tainted, it is not difficult to join the Investigation Bureau, but what are you talking about? Who is Brother Heping?"


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