The beauty collector of halberd

The Beautiful Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 10

After cleaning for three minutes, Lin Feng set out to select ingredients.

Now that the other party has asked for eggs to be used in the cooking, Lin Feng thought about it before and after thinking that it was just that one.

As a Chinese Cantonese cuisine, it is not at all inferior to Western high-end cuisine.

The time is limited to half an hour, so Lin Feng definitely can't come one by one, and must maintain multi-line operation.

Putting a pan on the fire, Lin Feng poured an appropriate amount of cooking oil.

After adjusting the heat, the real test of multi-tasking comes.He saw Lin Feng taking out several eggs from the ingredient box with one hand, breaking them into a bowl at the same time.While stirring again, the other hand starts to clean the shrimp.

"There are indeed two brushes."

Even if they were against the common people in their hearts, the two women cheered up after seeing this scene.

Of course, the exciting is yet to come.

The stirring of the eggs and the washing of the shrimps were completed at the same time, and Lin Feng took out the shallots again, and while washing with water, he swept the pan at the same time.

Three seconds is enough.

Lin Feng put the cleaned green onions on the table, picked up the kitchen knife on the side, and cut them straight.

The kitchen knife flashed quickly under Lin Feng's control, and all the movements were skilled enough to make people feel beautiful, and there was no hesitation at all.

Not only that, the slices that were cut all fly directly into the pot.After eighteen times, the whole scallion becomes evenly sliced ​​and floats in the cooking oil in the pot.

This scene fell in Erina Nagiri's eyes, and the previous contempt gradually disappeared.I have to say that Lin Feng's knife skills have improved the first impression of Miss Lin.

Nito Hisako, who was standing next to her, was also surprised, how could someone cut vegetables like acrobatics.

However, Lin Feng sank into cooking, shielding all noise from the outside world.

After frying the chopped green onion back and forth, Lin Feng poured the eggs into the pot.In order to prevent the eggs from sticking to the bottom, Lin Feng did not forget to add an appropriate amount of pure water while frying.

Next, pour the shrimps, and sprinkle with salt and seasonings.At the same time, place one hand on the switch to control the size of the heat, and hold the spatula in the other hand to stir fry to make the dishes all tasteful.

After calculating the time, turn off the fire and start the pot, Lin Feng put the cut of the pot into the dish.

At the same time, while the two women were dumbfounded, they sprinkled the long-prepared black truffles on the plate. The Cantonese cuisine comparable to Western haute cuisine was completed.

"Huh really is tiring."

Raising his hand to wipe the sweat stains on his forehead, Lin Feng smiled and said with a sigh of relief.

"Then, please also invite Miss Erina to taste this'Scrambled Egg with Black Truffle', and judge whether my assessment is qualified?"

Looking at it, the plate is like a golden ocean, and the shrimps seem to come alive, wandering in the ocean, and there are green grass and seaweed floating around.And the black truffles that have been poured before are now in this ocean like a coral reef.

"Huh, I have to look at the locals, what kind of cooking they will make?"

As he said, Erina Nagiri took the chopsticks handed by Hisago, and pointed towards the dishes on the plate.

Text 11. Wild dogs can also appreciate gems

Lin Feng put his hands around his chest and looked at the two women with interest.

On one side, Nagiri Erina picked up the chopsticks, gently reached into the bowl, picked up a piece of fried egg wrapped with shrimp, and put it in the mouth.

On one side, Hiisako Nito has a nervous face, for fear that the eldest will eat food that makes him sick.


Nagiri Erina's eyes widened for a moment.

The egg immediately melted into the mouth, and a strong scent lingered on the tip of Naraki Erina's tongue.

The scent of green onions and the umami of shrimp are blended with black truffle, and the fragrance fills the mouth for a long time.

Nagiri Erina felt that the whole person was relieved all at once, and the various negative emotions accumulated in her heart flowed into her abdomen with the cooking and gradually dissipated.


Lin Feng's figure appeared in Nagiri Erina's mind. A group of little people with wings and Lin Feng's head surrounded her and slid on her white skin.

I hate, how could such a person make such a delicious meal?

"Not tasty, not tasty!"

Nageri Erina suppressed the urge to taste another bite, frowning and saying against his heart.

After hearing Nakiri Erina's evaluation, Nito Hishasa breathed a sigh of relief.Let's just say, how could this kind of person cook dishes that please Miss.


Lin Feng's expression is a bit sluggish, how could it not taste good?

Then when he looked at Nagiri Erina, the doubts in his heart gradually dissipated, it seems that Tsundere Meow really likes to say something against his heart.

"Well, can you let me taste it?"

A word suddenly interrupted the subtle atmosphere between the three, Lin Feng and Erina Nagiri turned their heads to look at the door.

The speaker was a young man with piercing eyes. What made people notice was the leucorrhea on his wrist and the clothes printed with "Xingping Restaurant".

"Who are you?" Nito Hishasa asked.

The young man looked at Lin Feng's cooking and said, "Xingping Chuangzhen, is here to participate in the examination of transfer students."

"However, what interests me now is the dish in front of me."

As a chef, it is a great regret in life not to taste delicious dishes.Especially Xingping Chuangzhen just witnessed the whole process of Lin Feng's cooking.

With superb knife skills and skilled multi-line operations, Xingping Chuangzhen bet that Lin Feng must be like him, a chef who has worked on the countertop.

"Of course you can, but you have to be mentally prepared. The beauty in front of you is Miss Nakiri Erina who has the'God's tongue'. She just commented that this dish is not delicious."

With that said, Lin Feng took out the bowl and chopsticks again, and filled the back of the dishes to Xingping Chuangzhen.

After finishing all this, Lin Feng looked at Nakiri Erina, and saw that the other party's white face was quickly attacked by blush.

Damn, how could there be such a hateful person, really a low-level commoner, a third-rate cook.

Thinking of this, Erina Nagiri turned her head and said, "I can report to them now, but none of them passed the transfer exam!"

With that, Erina Nagiri raised her chin at Lin Feng.

Sample, tease with me, I will directly judge you as a fail, and see how you enter Yuanyue Academy.Humph, I also want you to carry the bad reputation of "cooking is rated as the most unpalatable by the tongue of God", humble common people

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