The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 15

Nakiri Erina was a bit tangled. Although Lin Feng had already stepped her down, what she said just now was a bit too much.

However, the rich fragrance lingered in front of Erina Nagiri, seduce her to take action all the time.

In the end, the scent defeated the reservedness, and Erina Nagiri raised her chin towards Lin Feng and said, "Listen well, you want to invite me to taste the food, but it is not my voluntary choice."

"As for me, I'm reluctant to taste your noodles, how good is your noodles?"

While talking, Nageri Erina comforted herself in her heart.This is to investigate the enemy's situation, get in touch with each other up close, and observe the dishes made by the common people.Well, that's it, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

Thinking of this, Nagiri Erina began to thank him for having a very smart and excellent head.

On the other side, Qin Fen looked at the weird expression on Erina Nagiri’s face, and couldn’t help saying, “Even if you really want to eat under me, you don’t have to have such a rich expression, right?”

Text 17. The deliciousness of cooking spreads in strange directions

Although he often visited Mochizukikaku before, today Nagiri Erina has an illusion of nervousness.

After pushing the door open, Nagiri Erina saw Yamato Ryoko sitting on a chair in the living room eating, and the refreshing scent once again impacted Nagiri Erina's senses.

"Well, Erina, why are you here?"

Yamato put down his chopsticks and got up and walked towards the door.

"That, that"

Nagiri Erina's face is blushing, do you want to tell the other party that he is here to eat?

In a hurry, I saw Erina Nagiri suddenly shifting her attention, looking at the dishes on the table and asking knowingly, "Aunt Ryoko, did you make this? It smells good!"

"It's Lin"

"Student Erina, come up soon, I have all your bowl of noodles ready."

Just when Yamato Yoshiko was about to answer Nakiri Erina's words, Lin Feng's figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.


Nagiri Erina felt an arrow hit in the knee, as if all the disguise had been exposed.

At the same moment, when Yamato Ryoko heard Lin Feng's words, he thought of Nakiri Erina's knowing question before, and a smile of "I know everything" appeared on his face.

Ah ah, Aunt Ryoko, it’s not what you think, me and him

Bah, I really have nothing to do with this damn commoner, I was just invited by him to taste the food.

At this moment, the atmosphere became more subtle, and Erina Nagiri was a little annoyed by her knowing questions, so she would have been outspoken if she knew it.

"What are you doing in a daze? The food will be cold soon, and it won't taste good when it is cold." Lin Feng urged.

The words fell in Erina Nagiri's ears, like a reminder, she really wanted to sew Lin Feng's mouth with needles and threads, so that the world could be completely purified.

"Then, do you want to eat first?"

Yamato Ryoko asked, breaking the strange atmosphere first.

"Ah, well, Aunt Liangzi, I will taste it, and then I will come to you"

With that said, Erina Nagiri quickly walked towards the stairs, and when he entered the second floor, he stared at Lin Feng who was leaning against the wall, and then angrily walked towards Lin Feng's dormitory.

Instead, Lin Feng, who was leaning on the wall, touched his nose and smiled awkwardly. Is this the legendary lying gun?

As soon as I entered the door, a quiet scent rushed over my face, which was even more scent than Nagari Erina had smelled in the room.

Of course, there is also the reason that Nagiri Erina was hungry for a day.

Locking his gaze on the bowls and chopsticks placed on the table, Nagiri Erina walked quickly, and Lin Feng's footsteps followed him into the room.

Picking up the bowls and chopsticks, Nagiri Erina took a look, and a confused expression appeared on her face.

Tomatoes are red, fried eggs are yellow, green peppers are green, and noodles are white. They are ordinary third-rate dishes. Why can it produce a refreshing fragrance?

"This is the'tomato dandan noodles' I made. Although it is only a common meal in restaurants, after my unique preparation, the taste is not much worse than that of the daytime'black truffle scrambled eggs'."

Seeing Erina Nagiri holding the bowl in a daze, Lin Feng smiled and answered the other party's doubts.

"You want to explain to me, common people, do you think I'm as ignorant as you and don't know anything?" Nakiri Erina gave Lin Feng a white look, then picked up the chopsticks and put a strand of noodles into her mouth. Taste it.

"That, that"

Seeing Erina Nakiri's action that has started to eat, Lin Feng felt that it was too late to say anything.

"The reason why this dish is so fragrant is not because of the unique preparation, but because of your'spicy tomato sauce.' How about it, am I right?"

With that, Erina Nagiri raised her chin towards Lin Feng, with an expression of'I guessed it a long time ago'.

"Actually, what I'm trying to say is" Lin Feng glanced at Nakiri Erina and said: "The portion you eat is mine, and yours is on the kitchen counter."

As he said, Lin Feng stretched out his finger and placed it on the kitchen counter, a bowl full of noodles.

"Well, I knew I didn't guess wrong"

Nakiri Erina, who was secretly delighted, the expression on her face suddenly became stiff after her brain went through Lin Feng's words again.

Wait, what he said is, the rice bowl I have now is his?

The scene of Lin Feng standing at the window eating just flashed in his mind, and Erina Nagiri realized that he had not only eaten the meal that the other party had eaten, the chopsticks in his hand, but also had intimate contact with the other party's lips.

This means that she, she actually kissed the humble common people, just like a wild dog actually gave the gem to kiss.

For a moment, Erina Nagiri felt deep in the quagmire. The original delicious food spread in a strange direction at this moment, and it was so unpalatable as if the body had been randomly played with.

ps: I am writing here, thank you for your support today, and also thank the friends in qun for their suggestions and amendments to my article, then, please continue to support it as always.

Text 18. What about the cute little Lolita for a lifetime?

A gleaming ruby ​​was thrown into the quagmire that exudes a foul smell.

Nagiri Erina's mind was filled with various bad emotions of nausea, discomfort, and nausea.

Me, my first wen is gone like this?It was still snatched away by a dirty and lustful commoner.

Thinking of this, Nagiri Erina's eyes were reddish, and water mist appeared in her beautiful eyes. She really didn't understand why Grandpa would admit such people into the academy.

"Actually, this bowl of rice belongs to you!"

Seeing Nakiri Erina's expression about to cry, Lin Feng quickly told a white lie.

Lin Feng, the girl who was crying and crying, didn't want to see it the last time, so in order to make Nagiri Erina happy, he had to "give" himself and said that the noodles he ate a little bit of noodles belonged to Nagiri Erina.

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