The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 24


Seeing Tian Suohui raising his head nervously and his eyes flushed, Lin Feng couldn't help but said: "In fact, whether it is cooking or living, there will always be stumbling. The important thing is how you treat it, and"

"We haven't lost yet. Leave the seasoning to me."

With that, Lin Feng patted Tian Suohui's head to signal the other party to relax.

"Well, then I will cut the side dishes first."

Tian Suohui nodded, and no longer felt nervous, and started to act according to Lin Feng's instructions.

On the side, Lin Feng closed his eyes, began to communicate with Ling, and spent a delicacy point to buy several seasonings.

In the next second, holding the condiment bottle that suddenly appeared in his hand, Lin Feng's eyes on the boy in front of him became worse.

The halberd was launched dignifiedly, and Lin Feng accompanied him at any time.But deliberately throwing the seasonings on top of the simmering beef and taking away all the remaining seasonings, this despicable method has completely angered Lin Feng.

No matter who the other party is, even if it is the Emperor Lao Tzu, be prepared to kneel down and apologize, and then get out of Tomotsu Academy.

Text 28. The opponent is everyone (seeking flowers, seeking collection)

What happened just now doesn't seem to affect everyone, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the beef was simmered, it was picked up by Lin Feng and put into the wok.

The hot oil immediately buried the beef. After the sauce was nourished, the color of the beef also changed.

"Xiao Hui, refined salt."


"Chopped green onions."

"At this."

"Bourgogne fine wine."

"I'll get it."

"As for the spices, you don't need to use vanilla bunches instead."


The cooking proceeded in an orderly manner. The heat, temperature, time, and any detail were perfect.

Just as the work was about to be completed, a voice suddenly rang from the laboratory, which caught the attention of the students who were immersed in cooking.

"Lecturer, I'm done."

With that said, Xingping Chuangzhen walked to Roland Chapel with the steaming food, and said, "Please taste."

"So fast!"

When everyone lamented that the speed of Pingping was too fast, Lin Feng also poured the fried beef into the plate, and at the same time sprinkled the previously made mashed potatoes on it, and the aromatic burgundy red wine beef stew appeared on the kitchen counter. Above.

"Very good food"

"Even if it is a rating, it is the top."

Roland Chapel picked up a paper towel and wiped the oil stains on his lips, and commented on Xingping Chuangzhen's cuisine.

"The hospitality is poor!"

Xingping Chuangzhen took off the leucorrhea tied on his head and looked at Lin Feng at the same time, with flames gushing out of his eyes.

It’s amazing. I can get the compliment of Mr. Chapel. Whenever I can

Tian Suohui looked at Yuping Chuangzhen on the stage, her small face was full of envy.


Lin Feng stretched out his hand and patted Shimoda Suohui's head. When the latter raised his head and looked at him pitifully, he said, "Let's go, little man, our cooking is finished!"


Tian Suohui's eyes widened, and she didn't hear clearly.

In the next second, Lin Feng held up the plate and walked towards the podium.

Standing in the same place, Tian Suohui glanced around and quickly followed Lin Feng's pace.

Roland Chapel is still thinking about Xing Ping's cooking. He didn't expect that there would be such an outstanding chef in his class.

Suddenly, the fragrance in the air pulled Roland Chapel back from the stunned state.

The white round porcelain plate is wounded, the dark brown beef is wrapped in a thick soup, and a layer of golden puree is attached to the plate. There are also vegetable embellishments on the plate. Just smelling the rich fragrance can make people appetite.

"Lecturer, I have an unrelenting invitation."

Lin Feng's words suddenly sounded, pulling back Roland Chapel's thoughts.

On the side, Xingping Chuangzhen also turned his head to look at Lin Feng. He knew that he had already lost Lin Feng on the fragrance alone.

"I want to ask the teacher to be a witness, and use this dish to challenge him with a halberd!"

As he said, Lin Feng stretched out his finger to the boy among the crowd, who had a bitter expression on his face.

Bastard, bastard, it's real?

The boy glared at Lin Feng with a bitter look, his face flushed, and when someone approached him in public, he seemed courageous to refuse.

However, thinking of the strong fragrance in the air suddenly, the boys can't afford to challenge them.

Although he admits that his cooking skills are okay, he can't make a Burgundy beef stew with such a strong aroma.

"in fact"

Just as the boy was thinking about how to refuse, Lin Feng glanced at the crowd and continued to say: "You are not enough to be my halberd object. I think everyone present is dissatisfied with what my freshman said during the speech?"

"Then, I will use this dish to come to the gambling table. No one of you can get a rating!"



No matter who it is, you can feel a powerful momentum from these words.

Tian Suohui tightened her little hand nervously. She wanted to say forget it, but at this time, she might not only dismantle Lin Feng’s platform, but also make the other person dissatisfied. Therefore, she had to stand aside and watch without a word. With.

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