The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 294

"I haven't seen it," Ander's blue pupils showed nostalgia, and said in a daze: "Have you ever heard of Zwilling? The kitchen utensils in George's hand are the 1731 series."

There are many famous knives in the world of halberd-eating spirits, such as the Damascus kitchen knife of Kohei Joichiro, and the mezzaluna (half moon) of Takumi Aldini. As for the 1731 owned by George, although it is not as good as the former, it is also a treasure in the kitchen. , Is the kitchenware that many chefs in the cooking industry dream of.Of course, at present, there is really no kitchen utensil that Lin Feng possesses that can match it. After all, this is a kitchen knife that even Dojima Silver can't forget.

With a good knife in hand, George seemed to have obtained a buff bonus, and the time to cut beef and ingredients was nearly half faster than before.

Similarly, because his opponent is a chef who is not weaker than him, he puts all his energy into cooking, and his state is much better than before.Because of this, when he personally brought three well-cooked steak dishes to the customers, the strong aura generated by the confidence really shocked the customers.Fortunately, the waiter who was waiting on the side had a vision, and hurriedly introduced: "This is Chef George of our restaurant. Because you are the lucky customers of our restaurant, you will not only taste the dishes cooked by Chef George, but also There will be steak dishes cooked by mysterious people waiting for you to taste."

"There is such a good thing?" The middle-aged men and women sitting in the chairs glanced at each other, and one of the women asked: "You won't have to pay for two meals?"

"No." George felt a pain, but he wanted to show a calm look on his face, and continued: "This meal is free!"

Hearing the word exemption, the waiter waiting by the side opened his mouth slightly. She never thought that the recently struggling boss would actually take the initiative to say the exemption.But thinking of taking the initiative to present an abnormal scene of a cooking showdown to a young man today, she became accustomed to it.

"Really? Then I'm not welcome!" The middle-aged man was polite, his hands were holding a knife and fork and began to cut the beef in the plate, then he picked up a small piece of beef and put it in his mouth to chew. He smiled contentedly, “It’s delicious, I thought the restaurant that looks deserted, the chef’s cooking in it must not be good. I didn’t expect it to be a real face today. This steak dish is no better than those restaurants with hot business. Bad!"

"I also think it's delicious, so I have to talk to my friends when I go back and let them taste it too..." the woman on the side said.

Hearing the praises of the customers, George smiled on his face, and the waiter on the side curled his lips and said: "If you know that two months ago, the restaurant could not be booked without a reservation, I'm afraid you will be surprised? !"

Of course, the waiter can only talk about these words in his heart, and on the surface he still has to echo the words of the customer.

Halfway through the cooking, the middle-aged man suddenly remembered that the waiter had said that another chef had also cooked the same steak and asked them to taste it, so he put down his knife and fork and asked, "Waiter, I remember you just said that, but There is another chef who made steak dishes for us to taste, right?"

"That's right." The waiter replied, looking at Chef George on the side, asking if he should enter the kitchen to urge him.

Just 5.7 before George could respond, a voice came from the corridor behind him, "Let you wait a long time, three steak dishes are completed, this is the seven mature steak you want, this is the eight mature steak the two ladies want. "

When the voice fell, three blue and white porcelain plates with steaks were placed in front of the middle-aged men and women by Lin Feng.

In the next second, a rich fragrance floated from the plate, lingering in front of the middle-aged men and women. When they looked down, they were instantly attracted by the beautiful scenery in the plate.I saw a steak wrapped in golden liquid lying in the middle of the plate. The reddish zhi liquid melted the steak, surrounded by herbs. Near the edge of the plate, there are three slices of yam sprinkled with honey. The whole dish is like white jade. It is piled with gold, which makes people unable to have the idea of ​​tasting, for fear of spoiling the beauty..

Text 35. Good cooking

Carefully crafted!

Judging by George's decades of experience in the industry, the dishes on the plate deserve such comments.

Similarly, the discerning chef Ander also saw the excellence of the dishes on the plate.Since co-founding Starlight Restaurant with George, he has interviewed many chefs, and he has also seen many chefs take shortcuts and work hard to decorate the dishes, but they can only be seen, but they are not delicious. Cuisine.However, at this moment, the scent of a steak made of gold on the plate told him that this should be a steak dish no weaker than George's careful cooking.

Thinking of this, Chef Ander once again looked at Lin Feng, who was smiling confidently, and muttered to himself: "Could it be that they were the one they sent to smash the place?"

However, Ande quickly dispelled this idea. After all, he had just seen George talking with Lin Feng in the kitchen, his expression of admiration was looming.Because of this, Ender became more and more curious about the identity of the youth who accepted George's initiative.14

Can't bear the chopsticks.

The middle-aged man stared at the steak lying quietly on the plate, his knife and fork did not fall for a long time. As a well-known gourmet in the circle of friends, he was the first time he saw that just smelling can produce infinite The cuisine of reverie, in a saying in the culinary world, is "the real delicacy comes from how you feel about it at first glance."

At this moment, the middle-aged man named Tom withdrew his mind, took a deep breath, looked up at Lin Feng and asked, "Can you taste it now?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng stretched out his hand to indicate, "ofcouse."

"Thank you." Tom withdrew his gaze, and pointed the knife and fork in his hands toward the steak on the plate. Then, with the waiter's throat trembling, he cut a small piece of beef and put it in his mouth to chew.


Tom's eyes widened for a moment.

The rich aroma of meat, the taste of warm-cooked red wine, and a touch of honey sweetness, fill the mouth while the beef touches the tip of the tongue.

Soon after, Tom bit down, and the soup contained in the meat quickly filled his mouth.


After swallowing the beef into the abdomen, a warm current filled the stomach pouch, and the limbs were covered with warmth, like being soaked in a winter hot spring, unspeakable joy.

At this moment, Tom suddenly relaxed physically and mentally because of the exhaustion of getting up early and busy with work.

At the same time, Tom’s wife and daughter also began to taste the steaks made by Lin Feng. Then, just like Tom, while being relaxed physically and mentally, the whole person was completely lost by the delicacy.

"Awesome!" Ande couldn't help sighing. Although he didn't taste it himself, he could tell from the expression on the customer's face that this is a great dish.

Because of this, the restaurant staff who witnessed this scene began to worry about Chef George. After all, although the other party had praised George's steak, the performance was not as exaggerated as it is now.However, George was very free and easy, speaking in front of the employees: "I didn't expect to try his best, but the skills are still not as good as others."


Hearing that, except for the assistant chef Ender, everyone in the restaurant took a breath. You know that George is famous for his bad temper. It is harder than to get to the sky if he admits that his skills are not as good as others.Similarly, they are not the only ones who have this idea, and even Gan Hyugako who is thinking about asking Lin Feng to cook a better steak dish for herself than now, after hearing what George said, her pretty face couldn't help showing surprise. .

I think they had come to Los Angeles with the commander, but they had a cooking competition with George.Even if Kojiro Shinomiya won the opponent in the end, George just said, "I will definitely win back next time." He didn't expect Lin Feng to let George speak inferiorly.Thinking of this, Gan Hyugako's heart was as sweet as eating honey, after all, Lin Feng was the man she liked.

Aroma, taste, taste, every control is perfect.

In the process of cooking, using spices to maximize the aroma of the dishes can attract people's minds in the first place.

and many more

Tom, who has a wealth of food tasting experience, looked at Lin Feng, frowning and said: "Should there be lemon juice in the dipping sauce?"

"As the most important dipping sauce for steak dishes, how could lemon juice be used?"

"Yes, don't say how the taste will change, the meat quality of the steak on top will definitely change."

"If the dipping sauce really contains lemon juice, then this steak dish is not a top dish, after all, it goes against the principle!"

After hearing the middle-aged man’s words, the kitchen helpers were shocked for a while, and they were busy expressing their opinions. After all, they didn’t want to admit that a young man who looked seven or eight years younger than them, his culinary skills were hundreds of times better than their chefs, even if they were their own. The chef of has admitted that his skills are not as good as others.

"Lemon juice?" George frowned, looked at Lin Feng, hesitated and asked 367: "Mr. Lin Feng, did you add lemon juice to the dipping sauce?"

George's question revealed the doubts in Ande's heart. The latter also looked at Lin Feng and waited for the other party to give him a clear answer.

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded, and continued with the shocked eyes of the crowd: "However, the lemon juice is not added to the dipping sauce as you guessed, but is incorporated into the steak."

"The time when the customer enters the store is just 8 o'clock in the morning, so the body and mind are in a state of exhaustion because they have just woke up. If the normal steak cooking method is used for cooking, then the greasy food will definitely cause discomfort to the customer's stomach. It affects, but I used olive oil for the steak. I also cut a few gaps when cutting the beef. Honey was added when it was half-ripe, lemon juice was added when it was half-ripe, and then red wine was used to taste. "

"Compared with the traditional method, the steak produced in this way is much less greasy and easier for the stomach to accept."

"For me, good cooking is the next best thing. The most important thing is to tailor it to the customer. Only if the stomach is not against it, the cooking can be swallowed."

The voice fell, and everyone including George had been silent for a long time, seeming to be thinking about what Lin Feng just said..

Text 36. Lin Feng's first believer

I lost, and I was convinced that I lost.

Not only because of what Lin Feng said, but also because George saw that the steak dishes made by middle-aged men and women Lin Feng were completely wiped out. The other party only took a few sips of the dishes, and then he didn’t take a second look. .

"Great food!" Tom gave Lin Feng a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Mr. Chef, can you tell me where the restaurant you run is located?"

As a well-known gourmet in the circle, he was completely attracted by the deliciousness when he tasted the first bite of Lin Feng's cuisine.If George’s cooking is compared to gold and silver, then Lin Feng’s cooking is agate pearls, and even more precious diamonds. The difference between the two is simply worlds apart.However, as far as the food George once tasted, George’s cooking is of the highest level, and the reason why he didn’t use a knife and fork after a few bites today is because Lin Feng’s cooking is too domineering and it will affect his taste buds. Completely conquered.

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