The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 55

Well, since you all like to come to the Chinese Hot Pot Research Association, then be prepared and stay here in the future.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng turned and walked to Tian Suohui's side, put his hand on the opponent's head, and asked, "Little attendant, are you not scared?"

"No, no"

Tian Suohui tried to keep her head from lowering her head, and said, looking straight into Lin Feng's eyes.

Just recalling the strong auras of Alice and Erina, Tian Suohui felt an inexplicable sense of inferiority in her heart.

The sky was getting dark, and a black Honda car was driving on the asphalt road.

In the car, Nito Hisashi tensed her body, not daring to look up at Erina Nakiri on the side, like a child doing something wrong.

"Crimson Sand."


Hearing Nagiri Erina's words, Nito Hishago quickly responded.

On the side, I glanced at Nagiri Erina outside, her face expressionless, and she heard her continue to say: "Next time you don't agree with me, don't just touch him casually."

Nito Hishasa naturally knew who he was referring to.

It's just that the current Miss Erina is like a different person, and she has two different personalities compared to when she was in the association before.


Nito Hishasha sighed in relief, but fortunately, Miss did not punish her.

"Also, wait to inform Mito and ask her to come see me."

After hesitating, Nagiri Erina continued.


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Text 59. Take Alice's ride

Early the next morning.

The alarm clock on the bedside table kept ringing, and Lin Feng turned over and kicked it to the floor.

After spending the night with the spirits in the God of Cooking Space, making desserts and receiving systematic training, Lin Feng felt bad.

Fortunately, Lin Feng didn't have the problem of lying in bed. He quickly dressed and washed, and then walked downstairs.

The breakfast had been prepared by Yamato Ryoko and placed on the table. The latter was wiping the vase on the counter with a rag.

"Good morning, Sister Liangzi."

"Good morning, Lin Feng."

After greeted Yamato Liangzi, Lin Feng sat in a chair and started eating.

"How about it, don't you be nervous?"

Yamato Ryoko put down the rag, walked to the table, pulled the chair away and sat on it, and asked Lin Fengdao.


Putting a piece of bread covered with ketchup in his mouth, Lin Feng chewed and looked at Yamato Ryoko, wondering: "What are you nervous about?"

"Accommodation study!"

Yamato Ryoko blinked and said.

In Totsuki Academy, Yoshiko Yamato is naturally aware of the terrible nature of residential study. Although under the banner of exchange, I don't know how many students are eliminated in this residential study every year.

Therefore, Yamato was a little surprised at Lin Feng's calmness.

However, she felt relieved when she thought about the rumors about Lin Feng that had been circulating on campus recently, and that even Erina was very close to him.

"You said this"

Lin Feng drank the porridge in the bowl, took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Liangzi, I haven't even seen my roommate. How could I stay in Zhonghui on this occasion? Get away!"

After chatting with Ryoko Yamato, after cleaning the dishes, Lin Feng went upstairs with his luggage bag, said goodbye to Ryoko Yamato, and left Wangyue Pavilion.

"Come on, Lin Feng!"

Seeing Lin Feng's back, Yamato Ryoko waved his hands to cheer for him.

Crystal dew is hung on the verdant green leaves, the rising sun slowly rises, and a touch of morning light pours down through the clouds.

Lin Feng was in a very good mood, but he was flabbergasted by the iron nails that somebody abandoned on the roadside.

Seeing the two tires of the bicycle dry out, with the dazzling nails in his hands, Lin Feng felt bad.

Calculating that it would take at least an hour to walk from here to the square where the students gather, and there is only less than fifty minutes left before the bus departure. This is a bit embarrassing for Lin Feng.


The black car came from a distance, and when it approached Lin Feng, it stopped.

The window of the car was slowly rolled down. Lin Feng thought it was Erina Nakiri, but he didn't expect that the silver-haired Alice Nakiri was in sight.

"Ah, isn't this classmate Lin Feng, why do you still sit on the side of the road and enjoy the sun?"

A suspicious expression appeared on Alice's pretty face, and she patted her hands together, blinked and said, "Student Lin Feng will not be here to wait for me."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng got in under Alice's wide-open eyes without saying a word.

"you you"

Nageri Alice came back to her senses and said quickly, "How can you get into someone else's car without their consent!"

"Master, let's go, and the destination is Xueyuan Square." Lin Feng said to the driver.

The driver looked at Alice Nageki through the rearview mirror, with a hesitant expression on his face.

The lady didn't speak, he certainly couldn't do anything.

"Well, if you don't leave, we will both be late."

As he said, Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Alice with his mouth pouting, and his face was full of unwillingness.

"Let's go."

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