The beauty collector of halberd

The Beautiful Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 6


Looking at Lin Feng's smiling face, Feng Zhizaki Yaeko was helpless.

I'm afraid that Lin Feng is the only one who can say about nurturing so confidently.

"Of course, even if you want to support me, I am definitely not willing!" Lin Feng said to himself.

Ah ah ah, my old lady is going to fight him!

Mineosaki Yaeko became more and more angry when he listened, what happened to the children now?There is the word nurture in the concept of 16 or 7?

"However, being able to make delicious dishes for beautiful women is a major event in my life."

As soon as the conversation changed, the expression of Yaeko Mineosaki, who was still a little sullen, gradually improved.Wouldn't it be better to say this earlier?Must hurt each other.

"Of course, I am not a volunteer, and the appearance fee is also required."

"A meal costs at least one million yen."

"Why don't you grab it!"

Seeing Lin Feng talking more and more outrageous, Mineosaki Yaeko roared angrily: "Who do you think you are? A meal costs one million yen."

"Who was begging for nothing just now and insisted on eating the egg fried rice I made?" Lin Feng quipped.

When the words fell, Fengzhizaki Yaeko glared at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng unscrupulously looked at the other's appearance.

Capable of acting and demeanor.

The chest is large and white, and the legs are long and thin.

Yes, it is the type I like.Lin Feng touched his chin and set the opponent as one of the targets to be attacked.


The windows of the car were heavily pulled up, and the black Honda sedan quickly left here, but it looked like a hurried flight.

In the car, the driver of the car glanced at Minesaki Yaeko through the rearview mirror, and said cautiously: "Director, do we still need to remove the Shunfeng Pavilion."


Damn little bastard, no one stares at a woman's breasts. He must be a scumbag in the future.

After the driver's continuous questioning, Mineosaki Yaeko came back to his senses, blushing, and said, "Let this matter go first. You can't speak without words."

Just thinking of what Lin Feng said, Fengzhizaki Yaeko felt hot on his face. How could a big man just say anything to keep, even if Lin Feng was still a kid.

Especially when Lin Feng's lion opened his mouth to make a big price, he rationally told Fengzhizaki Yaeko that this was a little bastard and could not communicate with him at all.

Of course, in the eyes of Mineosaki Yaeko, Lin Feng, like other chefs, will be moved by fame and fortune.However, this is only her wishful thinking.

Humph, as long as my old lady wants to eat, my old lady will pay for you to make it for me.After eating and wiping it out, if you don't need money, you will die!

On the other side, Lin Feng, who was standing still, shook his head, not knowing whether Fengzhizaki Yaeko had agreed.

If Minesaki Yaeko thinks the price is too expensive, Lin Feng thinks it can be discussed.

It's also okay to exchange things for things. Using the portrait of Yaeko Minosaki for a meal, although it is a bit of a loss, Lin Feng feels that it can still be done.

The place Lin Feng rented was a simple house. After he got home and cleaned up, he lay on the chuang to rest.

Take out the two business cards in your pocket and look at them. One is about your future future, and the other is the imperial sister who will be collected as the harem.

After being in this world for a long time, Lin Feng's network has begun to be established, and there is a trend to develop and grow.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng closed his eyes and started to rest.

In the dream, Lin Feng once again came to the white space that appeared before.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully opening the'Hall of Cooking God', the spirit has been waiting for the master here for a long time."

The fluttering little Lolita fell from the air and stayed in front of Lin Feng.The lovely breath rushing over made people feel the urge to knead and pinch little Lolita.

"Oh master, what are you doing with my wings?"

"It hurts, Master, let go!"


When the voice fell, Lin Fengguo really let go of Little Lolita, and then he saw him put his hands on Ling's cheeks dishonestly, squeezing the opponent's face.

"Abusing power, acting for personal gain, and arranging a handsome person like me as a messenger, let's see how I punish you."

With that said, Lin Feng gently applied force with both hands, pulling Ling's cheek out.Seeing little Lolita's cheeks instantly turned into a big round face.

"Master, let go!"

"Not loose."

"Master, I want to zoom in!"

"You let it go."


The charred Lin Feng fell to the ground with a thought in his mind.If you have something to say, you can actually say that the discharge is your fault!

Of course, I was fighting with little Lolita before, but after calming down, Lin Feng found three doors in front of him.

The first door was engraved with the word "forging", and Lin Feng could hear the sound of a hammer hitting gold and copper before it got close.

The second door is engraved with the word shop, and the third door is engraved with the word cooking.

"The first door leads to the forging room, where the owner can create his own knives."

"The second door leads to the store, which has a variety of goods on display, and the owner can purchase it with delicious points."

"The third door leads to the wisdom tree, where the owner can learn various skills with delicious points."

Little Lori patiently explained to Lin Feng. Through the dialogue, Lin Feng noticed that the three doors have a common feature, that is, they all need to be delicious.

"Ling, what is that delicious spot?" Lin Feng asked.

Little Lori stretched out her finger and nodded Lin Feng's eyebrows, and said, "The master can open the personal information to take a look."

The whole is too systematic!

Lin Feng opened the personal information bar and skipped the gender, age and height. After all, this is the only one who is as handsome and young as him.

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