The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 70


Kojiro Shinomiya's hand holding the armchair violently violently, his face flushed with anger and anger, he couldn't help but roar in his heart.

What the hell is that stupid woman doing? Isn’t enough to eat so much during the day?

Damn, there really is nothing more embarrassing than it is now.

"Okay, Senior Sister Hyugako, I can actually make ten more copies."

With that, Lin Feng turned and walked towards the kitchen counter while Kojiro Sinomiya was staring.

In less than five minutes, the ten steak set meals were ready again. The bodybuilder who stood next to Hyugako no longer cared about the gentleman's demeanor, and hurriedly took over the steak meal that Lin Feng handed over and ate quickly.

"Not delicious"

The bodybuilder couldn't help shouting, there is nothing happier than eating such a delicious dinner after a tiring day.

In the same way, Gan Hyugako didn't care about everyone's gaze, took the steak rice that Lin Feng handed over, and sat down in the chair to taste it again, without the seriousness that the lecturer should have.

I really wonder if Hyugako-senpai will never have enough to eat?

Glancing at the delicious dried Hyugako, Lin Feng put five or six steak sets in the cart and walked towards Shinomiya Kojiro and the others.

"Please taste, Chef Shinomiya, and see if this steak set can satisfy you."

With that said, Lin Feng handed the plate to Kojiro Shinomiya, and said, "I have issued a challenge, it depends on whether you dare to take it or not."

Pick up or not?

Kojiro Shinomiya hesitated, and finally reached out to take the plate full of dishes, and at the same time raised his head and shouted at the students who were still stupid.

"You have wasted five minutes in vain. Are you all going to pack your bags and leave tonight?"

Hearing Kojiro Shinomiya's roar, the students came back to their senses, but they didn't expect that the time had passed five minutes.

Thinking that there were dozens of packages left unfinished, they hurriedly started, but their faces were all shocked.

Ten steak sets can be made in less than five minutes, and the chef can still be satisfied. Is this really a freshman?

"It seems that I have slowed down everyone's progress."

Although it was an apology, Lin Feng did not apologize at all on his face.

The most important thing for a chef in the kitchen is to be able to devote himself to cooking. In this regard, even Tian Suohui, who has been working hard, does much better than everyone else.

Of course, these five minutes should not be underestimated. It is estimated that after tonight, the number of students who leave Yuanyue Academy will be increased from two to nearly a hundred after tonight.


Kojiro Shinomiya frowned and stared at Lin Feng, trying to accuse him but couldn't start.

After a good assessment, I was surprised by the other party making it look like this.And the stipulated time has been agreed, it would be too trivial to change it.

"Senior Sigong, don't froze, try Lin Fengjun's cooking."

Dry Hyugako's words floated from a distance, making Shinomiya Kojiro's eyebrows frivolous.

Then, under Lin Feng's gaze, Kojiro Shinomiya picked up a knife and fork to cut a piece of beef, and slowly put it into his mouth.

"this is"

At the moment of entrance, Kojiro Shinomiya's pupils suddenly enlarged.

It is chewy and full of taste. It is obviously just ordinary beef, but it gives Shinomiya Kojiro the illusion that he is eating high-quality beef.

The fragrant sweetness is honey, yes, honey is added to the spread sauce, which makes the taste of the whole dish even more delicious.

In the next second, 133, Kojiro Shinomiya suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, he didn't seem to see Lin Feng making the sauce at all, right?

"not bad."

Kojiro Shinomiya picked up a paper towel and wiped the oil stains on his mouth, resisting the doubts in his heart, and commented on the steak set meal: "It is barely qualified."

"What? Obviously seeing Si Gong-senpai's satisfied expression on his face, I still have to"

Before he finished speaking, Kanjiro collided with Kojiro Shinomiya's eyes, and immediately fell silent.

"Then the hospitality is not good."

After applying the truthful words of Xingping, Lin Feng turned and left the kitchen.

When passing by Tian Suohui, he specifically said: "Come on, little man."


Tian Suohui nodded heavily, and the movements on her hands became more proficient.

Seeing Lin Feng's departure, Kojiro Shinomiya sitting on the chair, a light flashed in his pupils.

It seems that during the stay in the next residence study, I am afraid it will not be very peaceful.

Thinking about it, his right hand seemed to pick up the knife and fork uncontrollably, and leaned toward the beef on the plate again.

ps: I woke up in the morning and there was a power outage at home, and tragically ran to the Internet cafe code word. I will upload Chapter 3 later. Sorry, readers..

Text 73. Do you know how to play things?!(Third more)

"Senior Master, you are not honest"

"To shut up!"

"I'll just talk about it"


In the kitchen, the two lecturers, Hyugako and Kojiro Shinomiya, would quarrel about a very ordinary steak meal, which was unheard of for the students present.

"What are you looking at, don't you want to stay here anymore?"

"What about you, little devil with a scar on his eyes, do you want to pack your bags and get out of here?"

The guilty-hearted Kojiro Shimiya glanced at the kitchen, and when he saw someone looking at him, he immediately roared.

"That, Chef Shinomiya, I'm done too!"

Said Kopei Sakuma, pointing to the fifty plates that had been wiped out in front of him, and blinked at Kojiro Shinomiya.


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