The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 72

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, "Two Four Three" Dojima Gin turned around, saw Lin Feng, and quickly smiled: "It's just right now. I won't find you time. Let me tell you a few things here. ."


Lin Feng immediately looked wary when Hearing Dojima Gin was asking him for something.

He didn't talk about the breakfast pit, and when the subject was assessed at night, he ganged up with others to shame himself.

To put it nicely, Lin Feng is his proud protégé, and it is not good to say it. Then Lin Feng was pushed out by Dojima Silver as a scapegoat to repay the favor.

"Come here, let's talk in the hot spring."

With that, Dojima Ginchao waved to Lin Feng, looking like he couldn't wait.

Glancing at the other party's explosive muscles and thick arms, Lin Feng can easily think of a brother in a certain country, and it looks like "Come on, hurt each other."

The body couldn't help but shivered, Lin Feng stepped into the pool, submerged his body, and let the warm water wash his body, sweeping away the fatigue.

"Lin Feng, are you interested in coming to Yuanyue Ligong to work after graduation?" Dojima Gin glanced at Lin Feng, seeming to be talking about a very common thing.


Lin Feng refused without even thinking about it. As long as everything is related to Dojima's silver car, there is no good thing.

"Don't refuse to be so decisive, if you think about it, when you come to Yuanyue Ligong, you will be the chef directly."

Dojima Gin was not angry at all because of Lin Feng's refusal, but gradually seduced him: "Think about it, the chef of Yuanyue Ligong, what a face is said to go out!"


"I can't think about it anymore"


"You will regret this!"


Lin Feng has an illusion. Is the tickle in front of him the majestic Dojima Silver Chief Chef in the morning?Are you sure that the door of a certain Castle Peak Mental Hospital was not closed properly, and the second person who ran out?


Lin Feng cleared his throat, and couldn't bear to look directly at Dojima Gin's sad look, and said, "Dojima Gin's chief chef, I think you should have understood from the fact that I established my own association in Tomotsu, I am unwilling to subdue. People who are people, so don’t talk about it anymore."

"Also, what if I fail to graduate from Yuanyue Academy?"


Looking at Lin Feng's harmless smile, Dojima Gin really wanted to sip the other party's saliva. How could it be possible that he would not graduate from Yuanyue Academy as the leader of the improbable jade favored by the commander.

However, knowing Lin Feng's thoughts, he did not continue to talk about this matter with the other party, but chatted about accommodation studies.

From Dojima Gin's mouth, Lin Feng gradually learned the purpose of this subject test.

During the daytime subject test, one is to test whether students can calmly face everything in an unknown environment.On the other hand, it also tests the coordination of the team, that is, the tacit understanding between the chef and the helper.

As for the 50 steak set meals in the evening, this is the custom of Yuanyue Accommodation Study since its inception.

In addition to testing the physical fitness of the students, it is more important to observe whether the students' perseverance is firm and whether they have the courage to break through the impossible challenge.

"So this is the reason why Dojima Gin's chief chef took special care of me?" Lin Feng turned to look at Dojima Gin's smirk, planning to borrow this matter, not to take advantage of the other party, and never stop.


Dojima Ginji smiled and said, "Actually, this matter was also decided by Shinomiya and others. I'm just a proposal."

"Then since I am finished, should there be other rewards as well"

Just when Lin Feng was about to scrape some oil and water from Dojima Gin's body, the latter quickly got up and stepped out of the bath, and said at the same time: "Well, Lin Feng, I have something to do in a while, so let's go first. Here you are. Slowly clubbing..."

Seeing Dojima Silver preparing to leave, several black lines appeared on Lin Feng's forehead.

Really, it's the chief chef of the entire resort, so stingy!

"That's right." Dojima Gin suddenly stopped, turned to look at Lin Feng and asked, "I heard that you had a meal with Isshiki Hui."


After hearing the questioning, Lin Feng immediately became energetic, and turned to look at Dojima Gin, with a look of'please ask me the result'.

As long as Dojima Gin asked what the result was, Lin Feng could say that he had defeated the other party, and by the way, he was included in his own association, so that Dojima Gin showed a shocked expression in front of him.

However, to Lin Feng's disappointment, Dojima Silver turned and left without saying a word!

Really, there is nothing more disappointing than now!

Da da da

Just when Lin Feng had soaked his body and was about to get up and leave, there was footsteps and noise outside.

"Asshole, aren't you just a few minutes faster than me?"

"One minute is faster, and I am five minutes faster than you!"


Hearing the conversation from the people in 2.2, Lin Feng laughed out loud, what the hell, there are still men competing with each other now?

In the next second, two figures walked into the bathing hall, and they happened to collide with Lin Feng.

"Well, I'm not fast at all, I'm very slow."

Seeing Xingping Chuangzhen and Tacomi who were already trying to pinch, Lin Feng squeezed his stomach and said these words and walked out the door.

"Lin, Lin Feng is not the first, why is it slow?"


Lin Feng's words still remained in his ears. Takmi looked at Xingping Chuangzhen, who shrugged and walked towards the pond, leaving him standing still on the spot with a dazed expression.

ps: When I wrote about the bathing hall, I suddenly remembered that when I was taking a bath a few days ago, I met a few children who were taking off their clothes faster than anyone else, so I felt it..

Text 75. All enemies except yourself!(Fifth)

The next morning, under the urging of an alarm clock, Lin Feng got up to wash and rushed to the place where the students gathered.

"Good morning, little man."

Looking at the listless Tian Suohui standing in the middle of the crowd, Lin Feng smiled and greeted him.

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