The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 79

I hope he can understand the real intention of his actions.

"Jun Lin, come on!"

Forgetting that his cooking had been judged as unqualified, Tian Suohui began to cheer for Lin Feng.


Lin Feng nodded, without saying more, turned and ran towards the ingredients.

Similarly, Kojiro Shinomiya, who had washed his hands, came to the front of the cabinet like Lin Feng.

As a result, facing the oxidized cauliflower, Kojiro Shinomiya's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Because it is to make French jelly of 9 kinds of vegetables, broccoli must be used.However, the good cauliflower has been selected by the students, and the rest is oxidized and damaged inferior cauliflower.

Subconsciously, a smile appeared on Shinomiya Kojiro's face. Is this asking for trouble?

"What's wrong, Senior Sigiya, don't you think it's impossible to make this kind of inferior cauliflower into vegetable jelly?"

Just when Kojiro Sinomiya hadn't started picking up the ingredients for a long time, Lin Feng suddenly came over, and while talking, he reached out to the cabinet and took out an oxidized cauliflower.


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shimiya Kojiro's forehead blue veins violently, but he couldn't say a word.

Choosing this inferior cauliflower means that he will change the method of vegetable jelly, which is completely different from the method described in the recipe sent to the students.

However, if you don't choose, the vegetable jelly will not be cooked at all because of the lack of broccoli.As for replacing cauliflower with other vegetables, Kojiro Shinomiya didn't even think about it. He was hitting himself in the face by doing so.

After a long time, I saw Kojiro Shimiya who hadn't done anything for a long time, and suddenly he ran his hand towards the cauliflower in the cupboard.


Lin Feng, who had already returned to the kitchen counter and washed the ingredients, saw this scene with a slight smile on his face.

Although some do not like Shimiya Kojiro's cooking skills, he should not be questioned by others. Even the customized recipes do not allow others to make discrepancies when making them, otherwise they will be kicked out of the kitchen.

However, when Kojiro Shinomiya picked up the cauliflower, it also meant that the other party had not forgotten his duty as a cook.

That is to make every effort to make delicious food for customers.

Not only Lin Feng, but also the five judges present here nodded in agreement.

However, although the opponent's paranoid beliefs have been shaken, but if you want to completely correct the opponent's ideas, these are not enough at present, unless Lin Feng can win Shimiya Kojiro in this halberd.

However, in everyone's eyes, Lin Feng's chance of winning is really too small.

Unless, he can do miracles!

ps: Regarding the role of Sigiya, some readers are ranting about it, and I have not exaggerated it. After all, he is such a person in the anime.As for casually winning the game and letting the opponent lose their minds, I won't write this way, please rest assured..

Text 81. Will the wholesale of bundles be discounted?(First more)

The oxidized cauliflower, there are few side dishes for two people to choose from on the cabinet, and even the condiments are almost wasted by the students

In short, it is very unlikely to use the existing ingredients to make a dish that satisfies the five judges.

However, thinking of the rumors about Kojiro Shinomiya in the food world, the students also put away their dissatisfaction, and some even looked forward to the dishes they made.


The washed cauliflower was put on the table by Kojiro Shinomiya, and the kitchen knife in his hand also fell quickly to cut the cauliflower.

In the blink of an eye, the ingredients on the chopping board have been processed by Kojiro Shinomiya, and the semi-finished dishes have also been put in the refrigerator by him, and the time has been set.

After doing all this, less than a dozen minutes passed, it was just "May 13".

Kojiro Sinomiya, who could finally rest for a while, turned to look at the kitchen counter where Lin Feng was.However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Feng and Tian Suohui were whispering, and the ingredients on the chopping board did not move.

what is this?Have you recognized the gap between you and me and are ready to give up?

Thinking of this, Sinomiya Xiaojiro looked at Lin Feng, raised his chin, and said, "Student Lin Feng, if you are ready to surrender, then there is no need to continue this halberd."

When the voice fell, the other party not only didn't have any response, but was still talking with Tian Sorui, which made Kojiro Shinomiya's face a little overwhelming.

"Okay, the little attendant has helped me a lot."

With that said, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and touched Tian Suohui's head, then turned around to process the ingredients.

"I, I didn't do anything"

Tian Suohui lowered his head, blushing and murmured softly.

There was just one thing, Tian Suohui didn't understand, where did Lin Feng know that she had cooked vegetable rice balls.

Is it just starting now?A bit late

Kojiro Shinomiya has absolute certainty that after Dojima Gin and the others have eaten their own dishes, they can't take any interest in Lin Feng's dishes.

At the same time, with a flash of cold light, the strangely shaped gods appeared quietly in Lin Feng's hands.

And when everyone's eyes were attracted by Kojiro Sinomiya, Lin Feng also began to cut and match the ingredients on his chopping board.

Da da da da

The sound of the collision between the blade and the cutting board reverberated in the hall again, and the heated spring continued to beat the rocks, attracting everyone's eyes from Kojiro Shinomiya.

"It's another kitchen knife with a unique shape."

Almost all the students present had experienced the hallucination, and after recognizing the kitchen knife in Lin Feng's hand, a look of fear appeared on their faces.

At this moment, what attracted everyone's attention was not how good Lin Feng's knife was, but the silver kitchen knife in his hand.

"That is"

At the judging seat, Dojima Gin's pupils gradually enlarged after seeing the gods waving in Lin Feng's hand.

Not only did Dojima Gin fail, but everyone in the room, including Roland Chapel, was completely attracted by God.

A chef who can climb to the pinnacle of culinary skills will have a handy knife in his hand.

Therefore, their group of chefs who are also good food tasters will often see some powerful chefs in the country and even around the world, and they will also have a kitchen knife comparable to a magical blade in their hands.

There is no doubt that the gods in Lin Feng's hands belong to the most top-notch existence among kitchen knives.

However, when they experienced the same hallucinations as the students again, their previous ideas were gradually banned. In other words, this uniquely shaped kitchen knife can only show perfect results in Lin Feng's hands.

"This guy, when did he get a good knife?"

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