The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 81


Lin Feng's expression was startled, then smiled and said, "No, this dish is already the most perfect."

After receiving Lin Feng's affirmative answer, Roland Chapel, who hadn't done anything for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief, picked up his knife and fork, and was about to taste the vegetable jelly made by Lin Feng.

At the same time, Hyugako, who had frozen a small piece of vegetables in his mouth for chewing, opened her beautiful eyes instantly, and an expression of disbelief appeared on her pretty face.

"this is"

At the moment of the entrance of the frozen vegetable, it is not the sweetness that sweeps the taste buds, but the biting coldness, and I want to freeze the dried Hyugako tongue.

It's like ice crystals everywhere in the twelfth lunar month, blowing cold wind into the bone marrow from time to time.

However, when the dry Hyugako's white teeth bit on the vegetable jelly, a warm and sweet breath filled his mouth, dispelling all the previous coldness.

This feeling is like swimming fish breaking out of the ice, green grass sprouting, and a breeze carrying the breath of spring, blowing from one end of the world to the other.

Not only does Hyugako have such an expression, but even Dojima Gin and others are also a satisfying enjoyment.

A variety of flavors are perfectly integrated into the Jiuzhen French vegetable jelly, and every bite can make people feel happy.

It's like going back to childhood, playing in the amusement park, playing with various toys, and laughing constantly.

Long time, long time.

Dojima Gin, Kan Hyugako and others put down their knives and forks, closed their eyes and pondered, without making a choice for a long time.

Two different dishes, one completely conceals the original flaws and presents the deliciousness perfectly; the other is to turn the flaws into the characteristics of the cuisine, and use various flavors to package them, so that the people who taste the dishes will also Amidst the impact of the taste, an inclusive psychology was developed for this flaw.

It is difficult to choose, or that the two dishes, each with its own merits, have a tendency to be indistinguishable.

At the same time, looking at the five judges frowning on the chairs, the expressions on the faces of the students in the hall were gradually banned in shock.

When it was done, I didn't expect that a freshman in the first year would actually cook something comparable to that of Chef Shimiya.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, this would be an incredible thing for them.

ps: If you update, it usually means one in the morning, three in the day, and one in the evening. How do readers think about it?.

Text 83. Chef Ninomiya, I won!(Third more)


Lin Feng took a breath, ignoring the expressions of the people, looking at the two different dishes on the table, and frivolous eyebrows a few times.

For today's challenge, Lin Feng prepared all night in the Hall of the God of Cooking.

There are no less than thousands of failed dishes, and as a taster, Xiao Lolita is also fed up with various flavors of French vegetables.

All the efforts, coupled with the cooperation of God's Hand and God's Fall, were just a tie.

This also made Lin Feng understand that apart from the Jiuzhen French vegetable jelly in front of him, there is still a big gap between him and Kojiro Sinomiya in cooking.

At this point, even Kojiro Sinomiya couldn't believe it. He didn't expect Lin Feng to actually make Jiuzhen French vegetables that were comparable to him.

After a long time, some judges finally took the lead and chose "Nine Three Three" to produce dishes that satisfied them.

"I choose Chef Shinomiya."

Donato Gouda hesitated and finally voted for Kojiro Shinomiya.

Although Lin Feng's cooking tastes unique and the flaws are handled very well, in his opinion, it is still not as good as Shimiya Kojiro.

Next, Suwon Dongmi, who was sitting aside, hesitated for a while before finally making his choice.

"Using the clear soup to erase the original flaws, coupled with the cabbage wrapper, makes the sweet taste of the vegetable jelly further improved. So, after thinking about it, I still voted for Chef Shimiya."

With two votes, Kojiro Shinomiya instantly won the support of the two judges.

Seeing this scene, the students present could only sigh with emotion that Kojiro Sinomiya was too strong, and Lin Feng still somewhat overestimated himself.

"It seems that I have already won. It's really a boring game."

With that said, Kojiro Shinomiya had turned around and was about to leave the hall, anyway, the next thing was to be handled by Dojima Gin, and it had nothing to do with him.

"I choose Lin Fengjun!"

Just when Shinomiya Kojiro took a step, Gan Hyugako suddenly said, "I choose Lin Fengjun's cooking."

This stupid woman

Thinking in his mind, Kojiro Shinomiya turned around and looked at Gan Hyugako, his expression gloomy.

Aside, the smile on Lin Feng's face did not turn away, as if everything that had just happened had long been expected.

"Although Senior Sigong's cooking is good, I still choose Lin Fengjun's cooking."

Faced with the cold eyes of Kojiro Shinomiya, Gan Hyugako looked at each other without showing weakness, and said what was true in her heart.

Although the other party’s cooking is very good, I don’t know why Hyugako has a feeling. Shimiya Kojiro’s cooking seems to be a little different. Although Lin Feng’s cooking is not as good as the other’s, when the two are compared, Lin Feng’s cooking appears More perfect.

"I also vote for Lin Feng." Dojima Gin said slowly.

Even he himself did not expect that Lin Feng not only really incorporated that feeling into the cooking, but also comparable to the cooking of Si Gong, which was really beyond his expectation.


The original overwhelming trend was instantly reversed by Lin Feng, and everything seemed incredible.

"Really, is it really that delicious?"

"Did I hear it wrong."

"Unexpectedly, I was able to draw a tie with Chef Shigiya."

At this moment, the people present forgot the non-discussion rule, and expressed their thoughts.

It's all about choosing Lin Feng's cuisine by himself. He didn't expect Lin Feng to get two votes in a blink of an eye.

This made Kojiro Shinomiya's feeling of calming down and became anxious again.

No, it’s impossible, my recipe is supreme

"I choose Lin Feng's cuisine."

As the finale, Roland Chapel, after hesitating for a while, voted for Lin Feng, interrupting Kojiro Sinomiya's hysterical roar in his heart.


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