The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 84

Dojima Gin's tight face immediately stretched out, shook his head and said, "How can you say that to your eldest brother? Anyway, I am also the guide who recommended you to Tomotsu, and so am I"

"Wait, will there be subject tests?"

"Well, use'eggs' as the test content, every student"

Suddenly, Dojima Gin stopped, stared at Lin Feng, and was almost taken into the ditch by the opponent.

"I see, thank you, Chief Chef Dojima Gin, remember the favor you owe me!"

While speaking, Lin Feng waved his hand and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at Lin Feng's leaving back, Dojima Silver stood still for a moment, and then grinned.

Lin Feng, who was resting in a chair, suddenly heard a voice calling his name.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Nito Hisako, who was wearing a Totsuki student uniform, standing in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Feisha." Lin Feng raised his eyes and said weakly.

"Don't call me so kindly."

Nito Hisako cast her eyes irritably, Lin Feng, and continued 960: "I heard that you had a halberd meal with Chef Sinomiya and defeated him?"

Because it was carried out under the condition of being witnessed, news of Lin Feng and Kojiro Sinomiya soon spread in Yuanyue Ligong.


Lin Feng sat up straight, stretched his waist, raised his head, and took a few steps backwards because of his actions. He smiled playfully: "Why are you going back, I won't eat you."


A blush appeared on Nito's pretty face, and she continued: "Then you call Dojima Gin's chief chef, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's because Big Brother Dojima saw that I was so talented, so he had to have a year-end relationship with me. Thinking about it now, I feel too exciting."

Seeing Xinhu Feishasha dumbfounded, Lin Feng's surface was calm, and happiness blossomed in his heart.You can't let Dojima Ginken by yourself, it's time to fight back.

Hearing Lin Feng's answer, a different color flashed in Nito Feishao's beautiful eyes, and then continued: "That, there's more."

"In fact, if Xiao Naru really wants to know, just let her ask me, I won't hide anything." Lin Feng looked at the evasive gaze of Xinto Hui Shao, and Lin Feng was playful. Smiled, said..

Main text 86. The night that cannot fall asleep (first more)


Nito Hisako blinked her beautiful eyes and was speechless for a moment.

He, how did he know that the young lady asked me to come

Just as the two were speechless, the loudspeaker on the ceiling suddenly heard a sound.

"To all the students, everyone has worked hard today"

"Please put on your uniforms immediately and gather in the grand banquet hall."

"It seems to be busy again"

Lin Feng stood up, stretched out, and walked towards the kitchen.

When passing by Nito Feisha, Lin Feng suddenly stopped, and said softly: "Fishi, are you interested in being my secretary? The treatment is much better than that of Xiaonaru."

"No, it's impossible, you don't have this idea anymore."

Nito Feisha suddenly stepped back, while staring at Lin Feng and said, "Also, I warn you that you are not allowed to deliberately approach Miss Erina."

Seeing that Lin Feng did not discuss this matter too much, but chose to turn around and leave, Xinto Feisha sighed in relief.

Obviously, I only met a few times, so I wanted to move myself away from Miss Erina's body 260. This kind of person must be guarded carefully and not let him have too much contact with Miss Erina.

Thinking in her heart, Nito Hisako suddenly remembered what Dojima Gin had said in the speaker, and hurried to the room.

Although physically exhausted, after hearing Dojima Gin's words, the students continued to walk into the banquet hall.

By the time Lin Feng stepped into the banquet hall, hundreds of students had gathered together in twos and threes and were talking quietly.

"Hi, Yuuhime, Ryoko."

Seeing Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakura Ryoko standing together, Lin Feng stepped up to say hello.

"Hi, Jun Lin."

Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakura Ryoko turned around, saw Lin Feng, smiled and responded.

"How about the subject test during the day?" Lin Feng asked.

"As usual, choosing the ingredients by myself, and then following the recipes to make dishes that satisfy the judges and lecturers, it almost exhausts me."

With that said, Yuuhime Yoshino reached out and rubbed her shoulders, and said helplessly: "Especially letting you make another 80 steak set meals, it's really hell lodging study."


Ryoko Sakura on the side covered her mouth and chuckled: "Yuhime, they all said that the accommodation study is not for us to enjoy, you don't believe it."

Lin Feng deeply agreed with the words of Yoshino Yuuhime and Sakura Ryoko.For most people, residential study is a hell-style training. If you participate with an attitude of enjoyment, you will soon be eliminated.

"Lin Jun, I heard Xiaohui say that you played a game with Chef Si Gong, and you won the other party?" Ryoko Sakura blinked and asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded and continued to ask: "Why isn't she with you?"

You know, usually Yoshino Yuuhime and the three of them are inseparable.

"Say it's taking a bath, wait a minute"

As he was talking, Yoshino Yuuhime's eyes lit up, and she quickly waved to Tian Suohui who walked into the banquet hall and shouted, "Xiaohui, here."

After hearing Yoshino Yuuhime's greeting, Tian Suohui trot over and greeted the three of them at the same time.

"Yes, sorry, I'm late"

"Look, it's Miss Erina."

"Well, Miss Erina is still that charming."

Just when Tian Suohui said sorry, an exclamation suddenly came from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, when Lin Feng turned his head and looked towards the door, Erina Nagiri, who was put on the uniform of the Yuanyue student, walked in blankly. Behind him, Nito Hisako held the record book and followed the other party’s pace.

It's just that when Nito Hisako and Lin Feng met their sights, they immediately remembered what the other party had said before (beeg), and his body stopped.

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