The beauty collector of halberd

The Beauty Collector of Halberd Eater Chapter 95

"That's it, don't change it." Lin Feng said decisively.

Are you kidding me, a duck with a mouth can make you fly with wings?

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Hojo Miyoko first reached out and touched his forehead, and then put his white hand on his forehead for a while while Lin Feng's eyes widened.

Then, I saw Miyoko Hojo withdrawing her little hand, and said puzzledly: "It shouldn't be, there is no fever."


What do you mean?

Lin Feng hurriedly looked at Miyoko Hojo and said, "I am in good health, how could I have a fever?"

To Lin Feng's answer, Miyoko Hojo nodded in agreement, and then said: "Since there is no fever, why are you talking nonsense?"


Lin Feng's expression was stagnant, and he pretended not to understand, and asked again: "I didn't understand, what did you just say?"

"I said, you don't have a fever, how can you talk nonsense!".

Text 96. Second-year senior who can only do Mapo tofu (first more)

Seeing Lin Feng's blank face, Miyoko Hojo couldn't help but increase his tone of voice and said, "I said, you don't have a fever, how can you talk nonsense!"

"No, you have to talk about it well, why did you become nonsense when I asked you to join the association?" Lin Feng asked Miyoko Hojo with a dumb face.

Seeing Lin Feng looking like she didn't know anything, Miyoko Hojo shook her head helplessly, then turned around and walked into the house, sat on the chair again, looked at Lin Feng and said, "You don't know if it's difficult. Jie is eyeing your association?"

Shijie is eyeing my association?

After Hojo Miyoko said, Lin Feng didn't even understand what it meant.

It seems that from the beginning of the school to the present, among the ten outstanding talents of Yuan Yue, he only came into contact with ten seats Nageki Erina and seven seats Isshiki. He has not even seen any other people. It is impossible for Yishihui to join the association. After spreading, and then to her, she became the association that Isshiki was staring at her?

Thinking in his mind, Lin Feng said, "Aren't you talking about the seventh seater Isshihui Senior? He has already agreed to join my association."

"what did you say?"

This time Miyoko Hojo looked at Lin Feng without hearing clearly, and asked, "You said Isshiki-senpai also joined your association?"

"Yes indeed."

Lin Feng nodded. Didn't the matter of defeating Issehui 503 spread around the campus?

When the voice fell, Miyoko Hojo's face became serious. For a long time, she looked up at Lin Feng and said: "Then I can only wish your association can be preserved."

"What do you mean?"

After Hojo Miyoko's repeated mentions, Lin Feng also understood that the other party was not joking, and indeed there were ten outstanding people who wanted to start with the Chinese Hot Pot Research Association.

"My God, don't you pay attention to Yuanyue Academy's daily newspaper? For the eighth time, I Zhaoji, the senior teacher, has already said that as long as you give him the position of chairman of the Chinese Hot Pot Research Association, he will ensure that you are in Yuan Stay in Yue Academy."

Miyoko Hojo looked solemnly, and suddenly remembered something, and continued: "Also, you may not know that when I was a senior, I invited the senior Isshiki to join his association, but was rejected by the senior Isshiki. So, since then, For a long time, my senior said in secret that if anyone invites Isshiki seniors to join his association, or joins Isshik seniors' association, they will definitely not be able to eat."

"So, I was targeted by the second-year senior who can only make Mapo tofu?"

Lin Feng suddenly interrupted (beai) Miyoko Hojo, with a playful smile on his face, and said: "I was planning to look for him after the accommodation and study, but he did not expect him to come here."


After hearing Lin Feng's words, Miyoko Hojo's eyes widened, and he did not recover for a long time.

When others saw Shijie, they were scared and avoided everywhere. When they arrived at Lin Feng, how did the earth-shaking changes happen?

Seeing Lin Feng as if he couldn't wait to end the residential study, Hojo Miyoko was stunned and said: "Lin Feng, the other party is the eighth seat of the top ten, he is also the chairman of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, you say so."

"Don't worry, I even dare to challenge the chef of the fourth house, let alone a second-year senior who can only make Mapo tofu." Lin Feng said with a smile.

I don't know what others think, but since learning that the chairman of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association is a young Japanese who only learned Chinese Sichuan cuisine, Lin Feng felt that he was wronged by the four words'Chinese cuisine'.

Not to mention that China has eight major cuisines, it only refers to Sichuan cuisine, which also has the characteristics of cabbage.But after a long time in my hands, only spicy is left in my hands. The more spicy the better

Therefore, from the moment he entered the Yuanyue Academy, he had already focused on the Chinese Cuisine Research Association of Jiu Wo Zhaoji.

After Lin Feng mentioned this, Miyoko Hojo remembered that the opponent who had eaten a halberd with Kojiro Shinomiya and won, how could he be afraid of the provocation of Teruki for a while.

However, Miyoko Hojo, who runs a Chinese restaurant at home, has stayed in Totsuki for three years. Naturally, he understands that Teruki Kuga has a very large say in Chinese cuisine at Totsuki Academy. It can be said that his Words and deeds represent the Chinese cuisine of Tomotsu Academy.

"Relax, don't forget that I am from China, and my best is Chinese cuisine." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Just when Miyoko Hojo was about to speak, the door was knocked again.

Lin Feng hurried to open the door and found that it was Mito Yumei who was still dressed in American style.

"You, why are you here too?"

Looking at Mito Yumei, Lin Feng said in surprise.

"What did I do?"

Mito Yumei walked into the house with a puzzled look, and when he saw Miyoko Hojo sitting in a chair, he immediately understood what Lin Feng said.

"Then I will go first."

Miyoko Hojo hurriedly got up and walked towards the door. When passing by Lin Feng, he stopped and attached to the other person's ear and said, "Since you are so confident, then I will join your association. But I can I didn't want to stay in the association for less than half a day, and the association was changed hands."

"will not."

Seeing Miyoko Hojo disappearing at the end of the corridor, Lin Feng turned around and looked at Mito Yumi who was already sitting in a chair, and asked: "Nu Mei will not be here to tell me that I am willing to lose the bet and ask me what conditions Right?"

Fart. Yu Mito, who hadn't settled in his chair, almost fell to the ground after hearing Lin Feng's words.

After finally stabilizing his figure, Mito Yumei took a deep breath and looked at Lin Feng and said, "Let's go, I am not the kind of person who loses and refuses to admit it."

"I like the bold character of Roumei"

"Bah, who allowed you to call me like that? Hurry up, I have to go back to sleep after I'm finished."

Just halfway through the words, he was interrupted by Mito Yumei. Lin Feng was not embarrassed at all, and continued: "I want to think about it, so let's go, then you can join my association."

"That's it?" Mito Yumei asked with a frivolous eyebrow.

"Yes, that's all." Lin Feng nodded and replied.

"I thought it was something. It turned out to be joining your association. Come on, when will you report?"

Unlike Hojo Miyoko thinking about it, Mito Yumi didn't hesitate at all, and started asking about the reporting time, which surprised Lin Feng.

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