The next few minutes ... 

"Okay, let's continue." (Hendra) 

"Are you sure?" (Nathasya)

"Yes .. I don't have much time. I left my wife alone in the room."

"Your mother is your first love, you have a very strong feeling for her and you feel the same way to your wife. She affects your feelings so strongly, you are even frustrated because she rejected you. Right?" Tio (Chapter 55) 

"So, what should I do?"

"Don't you want to reveal your true condition to your wife?"

"I still need some time to think about it."

_I don't want her to pity me, especially by her whom I love. I want to look perfect in her eyes_ 

"You couldn't complete the therapy procedure to fully heal the symptoms because your mother couldn't possibly be a part of the 'Psychosocial therapy'. So that made your team of doctors give up after treating you for 5 consecutive years." (Firman)

"This time, we really hope you don't give us the reason to give up." (Tio) 

"Miss Aruna can be a part of the 'Psychosocial therapy' that you need. She is a cheerful and healthy girl and we have checked her personality with the help of Pradita, and she has been proven to be a good girl since she was little." (Firman) 

(Psychosocial therapy, Turner (1978) is a method of healing in which regards to the knowledge about human bio-psycho-social and community behavior; skills in making relationships with individuals, families, and communities; as well as the ability in mobilizing available resources that are combined in through the relationship of individuals, family, and group to help people to change their personality, behavior, and is included as a treatment for PTSD) 

"Wow, you guys really have thought that far."

"Actually, in the meantime what I need is that I can watch her sleeping, it's my simple wish. For the rest… I need more time." 

"Even for your simple wish, we still need her help. Your syndrome isn't the same as a phobia of heights or tight spaces. Your PTSD is caused by interactions between individuals, and only individual interactions can help you." (Firman) 

"To be honest, we have a certain agreement in this marriage. That's why I am able to survive the night with her although I'm still trying."

"Maybe we can use this agreement." Hendra adds.

"Can you see her sleeping without any problem?" (Tio) 


"This is the risk if you make your own conclusions without consulting us." (Nathasya) 

"We have investigated the two chronologies when you lost consciousness. Both of them were when Ms. Aruna was sick. Just like your mother…" Not wanting to trigger the bad memory, Firman stops himself.

"But to watch her fall asleep without anxiety needs process." (Tio) 

"How or whatever the process is, I will do it." (Hendra)

"Tonight you didn't faint because maybe you know that she is breathing, moving or talking?" (Tio) 

"Ah, yes I managed to convince myself because I know she replied to me." 

"Make sure when you lie down together, you can feel the signs of life from her." (Tio) 

"Signs of life?" Hendra frowns, doesn't really understand.

"Do you mean that I have to check her pulse, breath, or some sort?" 

"The easiest way is to hug her and feel her pulse, breath, and natural movement." 

"How about checking her pulse, will that be enough?"

"Everything we present is a theory and you have to experiment it yourself!". 



"Um… Hendra, what is this for? You dropped this key from your pocket."


"Oh it's nothing, give it to me". Hendra looks at the key seriously and immediately grabs it from Aruna's hand. 

"Aruna, now I have a way to sleep and lie down with you." 

"What do you mean?"

"Yes .. You no longer need to wait for me to fall asleep first before laying down."

"So, you really can't sleep and lie down with other people?" Hendra's statement is difficult to understand. As if it's important information, even though he's talking about a simple behavior. 

Hendra is silent. 

He changes the subject. 

"Let's put your clothes in the closet."

Hendra brings a collection of midi dresses and hugs them close to his chest. And Aruna follows his suit. 

"You bring accessories or something not heavy. Don't bring too many."

"Don't worry I'm used to carrying heavy things."The workload in Surat Ajaib is even more extreme. 

"Aruna, put them down!"

"I don't like seeing women carrying heavy things like that."

"Why are you being so difficult?" The girl pouts. Hendra takes the things she carries on her arms and asks Aruna to bring a collection of complementary accessories inside three light tote bags. 

"Meanwhile, Hendra is almost invisible under the pile of midi dresses that he brings."

They work together to help each other arranging clothes in the closet that stretches across one of the hallways. Every time she stands on tiptoe while putting the midi dress on the top hanger. Hendra always stops for a moment to glance at her. The enticing swell of her breasts look better from the angle. 

"Hendra, it looks like this closet is too high for me".

"What do you see??" Aruna caught the look of strange blue eyes. 

"You talk to me, of course I look at you."

"Geez .. you've been suspicious since earlier."

"But by the way, can't you ask the maids to buy me some underwear?"

"It's too late, don't you feel sorry for them?" Aruna frowns at Hendra's expression. 

"Um… actually I have something that is quite valuable for you right now." This man starts to feel bad. 

Aruna slowly raises her eyebrows. 

"You just need to hug me while sleeping tonight, like you did last night."

"I did not hug you ..." 

_Last night I was carried away because I stalked this crazy CEO's mobile phone_ 

"Wow .. wow .. someone tried to forget last night." 

Aruna looks embarrassed and awkward under his stares.. 

"Your face can't lie."

"Hug me and I will give you the precious things back." Hendra takes out the key from his pocket, smiles happily as he shakes the precious key. 

"You are strange. What is that key for?" 

"They ruined the aesthetics so I put them into a drawer, so that my bathroom is looking elegant as before."


"Give it to me!" The girl is jumping up and down on tiptoe, trying to grab the key in Hendra's hand. It's easy to keep the key away from Aruna, Hendra just needs to put hand higher. 

"Hendra, give it to me!" 

"Promise me first that I'll get a hug tonight."

"You are a crazy CEO. Are you not ashamed to be a stalker, peeping Tom, and now a thief?!" 


"Absolutely not. Because watching a pair of breasts jumping around is more fun"

"Aaaargggghhhhhh .... I will kill you, Hendra!!" Aruna chases after her husband who is running away giggling out of the hallway.

"Ha ha ha". This man laughs cheerfully while teasing Aruna who is burning with anger. He jumps onto the bed and off the bed when Aruna is closer.

Aruna grabs anything near her, because he always moves faster, and she needs to hit Hendra with anything. Several pillows are thrown towards the crazy CEO. 

But Hendra is too good at dodging. This girl grabs the laptop on the work desk. 

"Remember, this laptop price is 100 million! If you break it, you have to replace it."

"How can it be so expensive?" 

"Yes! Because there are important company files." 

This girl sulks and abandons her intention. 

"Hendra, give it to me". This girl begins to slowly approach as the man standing there not far from the carved door. If he is cornered, there is no way this commotion would be carried outside the room. Unless he's shameless. 

"No, unless I get a hug like last night."

"Aren't you ashamed to ask outright like that?" She moves slowly and getting closer now, and Hendra doesn't realize Aruna is talking to him with a specific purpose. 

"As if I need to be ashamed in front of my wife, we are officially married, legally in front of everyone."

"But our marriage is different from ..."

"Ssreek." Aruna quickly grabs the key Hendra is holding. 

But Aruna's grip is less stronger than Hendra's. The man grins, raises his hand slightly and makes Aruna have to follow the suit.

Seeing the girl so close to her, and still not wanting to lose the key.

"Muah". Hendra kissed her lips. This girl flushes with irritation and anger.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Habit huh ..." He used to take advantage of the opportunity presented to him. 

"Oh I forgot one of your skills besides stalking and peeping. You are a skilled thief!"

"Ha ha ha". The man in front of her laughs happily.

Because she couldn't bear her irritation any longer, this girl starts tugging at his clothes and beating his chest. Hendra feels cornered, opens the door of their room and flees out. 

"Ha ha ha". The man runs down the stairs to the 1st floor followed by Aruna's fast run who doesn't accept it. 

"I'll kill you! Just watch."

"You damn thief! Aaaaarrrgh!" They begin to destroy the living room, the home of the Djoyodiningrat family. Several sofa cushions are thrown everywhere and Aruna even throws a flower vase. 


"Hi, that is a crystal vase, do you know how much it costs? That's Grandma's special thing."

"How much does a vase cost?" 

"100, you can replace it? Grandma must be angry with you!"

"Rp. 100,000? I will give you the money." 

"I mean it costs 100 millions!" 

"What? What? Seriously that expensive?!".

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