[2 Days Before]

A man in a dark brown coat stretched out over his hands, resting on the support and wrapped in a cast. 

He thought for a long time before finally deciding to follow the elder's wishes, taking his special elevator. 

With a card belonging to the leader of the bodyguard named Raka, Hendra found out how to get to the D floor, which reportedly was in the basement.

Raka taped his card on the elevator then pressed together with the numbers 5 and 8. The elevator then launched downwards with a blue light.

When the lift stopped, they were confronted with a detector door. 

Raka touched his hand on a box on the right side of the door. An instant later, the eye corneal detector asked the visitor to come closer.

The door then opened.

'Waa, Wiryo. How could the old grandfather's head be able to build such a sophisticated room?'

Hendra slowly realized why his grandfather had the title of 'ruler without limits.' His business partners always bowed to him. 

It was rare if anyone dared to refuse the elder Wenceslas's request.

Hendra walked down the hall while observing the situation inside. 

On the left side of the hallway, there were the cyber's activities. A transparent thick glass divider made their activities perfectly captured. 

The table arrangement in a semicircle lined up several layers. Right in front of the IT experts, there was a large, stretched screen capable of being operated by them in the form of a cut or full screen.

Between the screen and the workers was a semicircular podium. Someone Hendra knew was giving instructions.

Pradita, the key holder for the D floor or, more precisely, the head of Wenceslas Mega business information technology center.

The man paused for a moment from his activities, noticing Hendra's arrival. He stood towards the Wenceslas's heir, saluting.

(Cyber ​​can be interpreted as another term, namely 'cyberspace taken from data' cybernetics. Cyberspace is a space that cannot be seen. This space is created when there is a communication connection made to disseminate information, where physical distance is no longer an obstacle).

Hendra blankly stared at him.

The sound behind the glass wasn't heard. He was wondering what his grandfather's crazy purpose was to build this place. 

He thought the madness of the old man for his life was the most fatal one. 

It turned out that it was nothing compared to this one.

Now, Hendra's eyes glanced on the right side. The transparent glass was divided into two rooms.

Raka paused for a moment.

"In front of you is Thomas's team (Negotiators)." Raka explained. 

The workspace was more like a worker room than a stack of files equipped with a meeting room.

"And next, Vian's team (internal secret agent)." Not far from Thomas's room.

It was just that Vian's room was more mysterious and seemed like a group of investigators or detectives.

"Where are your subordinates?" Hendra asked Raka. 

The man who carried out firearms smiled, smirking.

"Don't be surprised. Our place is more human than them." Raka slowed to a stop at the end of the hall.

They stopped at the closed space. Unlike others, it was limited only by thick transparent bullet-proof glass.

Hendra was almost unsure that inside was a large room like a martial arts training ground when that door opened.

Some people were relaxing in their typical martial arts clothes. It looked like they just finished training.

"Stand up all of you!" Raka's loud voice made them prepared and saluted Hendra.

Hendra didn't care. He was more interested in the surrounding space.

The edge of this place had about seven doors. The man slowly walked closer to the sound of the faint yelling that could be heard. 

His eyes slid into the A4-wide glass gap on the door. 

The door seemed to be slammed randomly so that it didn't close tightly, resulting in Andros's cursing being heard more clearly.

"What is he doing?" Hendra asked Raka.

"He is punishing the team that was negligent in their duties." Raka replied, briefly inviting him to go.

However, Hendra was still stunned. 

Yes, in that room, there were Putra and Hery. The two bodyguards who saved him in yesterday's sabotage.

Hendra moved to open the door. Andos and the people inside were surprised. 

His grandfather's personal secretary, who was now mostly taking care of Hendra, glanced at Raka. 

Raka realised that he must immediately take his master away.

"You shouldn't be here. Can you come out immediately!?" Raka ordered.

"I ask for 2 minutes!" Hendra's request was a little surprising. 

No one dared to refuse because he was the real leader.

Seeing the people in silence, Hendra moved and stood in front of a group of bodyguards who had just received punishment.

"Thank you."

Those words made each eye open wider.

"Thank you for saving my life and my future wife."

Hendra only said that word. He then walked away. But he was intrigued to turn to approach Andos.

"Learn to see the positive side." 

Hendra actually had almost the same characteristics as Andos. Somehow, except for a moment ago when his point of view had slowly changed with his simple companionship with Lesmana's daughter.

"Didn't you guys have succeeded in catching the culprit? So our goal is to catch the threat, whose identity is never known getting closer, right?" 

Hendra's voice was cold without seeing Andos. When behaving like this, Hendra was like Wiryo's young version.

"Your prediction is wrong." Andos interrupted. 

Hendra seemed to frown.

"Until now, we have not succeeded in opening the culprit's mouth." 

"For that you are asked to come here."

"Your grandfather gave full authority what to do with that person." Andos added.

"Where is he?" Hendra asked.

Raka asked Hendra to follow him out of the bodyguards room, including Andos who was trailing behind.

"This place is not the D floor." 

Hendra was surprised to hear Raka's words.

'What's now?'

"Open the D floor for us!" Raka pressed something in his ear. 

A moment later, Pradita approached them. The four of them sneaked into one of the doors that looked like the door of an ordinary room. 

The door was an elevator, not going up or down. It led to the side.

Pradita pressed a few buttons and asked his master to come closer.

"Stand here!"

"Close your eyes!"

The man looked expert at using the smartphone in his hand.

"You can enter the room in five minutes. Your body structure, face and corneas have been captured by the system." Pradita explained.

Hendra was waiting, staring at his grandparents's subordinates. They looked young as him. Only Andos looked aged.

"How many years have you known my grandfather?" Hendra asked.

'That's right, I am his grandson, but I know nothing.'

'Of course, people believe that the President position may not fall on me.'

"Some, oh no, more precisely the majority of us are your grandfather's adopted children. We live and go to school until also studying abroad with your grandfather's support. So we have known him since we were a child. "

"Ha ha ha." Hendra coldly laughed like Wiryo.

'Ah, the old man is an expert in planning.'

The door slowly opened to the room, which formed the D letter in front of Hendra.

The room had a curved semicircular roof and appeared to be facilitated by high technology. There was a meeting table containing eight chairs in the middle of the room on the D floor.

"Our members consist of 8 people now. We are five, your grandfather, and you are a new member."

"And the other one??" Hendra asked.

"It's not the time yet for you to know." Pradita explained.

"Later, when the time is right, you will definitely be informed." Raka added.

A few minutes later, Andros appeared, throwing the culprit. 

The man fell under Hendra's feet. He didn't even dare to stand up because of the weapon that Andros was pointing at.

"This is your last chance."

"Speak properly or you will die here." The words of this former investigator were terrible and seemed to have just shown his identity.

"My question is still the same. ANSWER!!" Andos bluffed.

"Kriek.. clikk." The sound of Raka's gun was loud.

"I've said many times Sir. I really don't know who they are."

"I was suddenly released from a life sentence and was promised 1 billion in cash in one condition. It was to kill you."

"I had to conspire with them because I wanted to meet my daughter."

"It was true that I could be free."

"After that, I was being chased to fulfill their request because my daughter's safety was also at stake." The battered man approached and touched Hendra's shoes.

"Please forgive me, Sir." The man moaned, begging for forgiveness.


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