_If it's not because of Aruna, I wouldn't have agreed with this easily_

"But, regarding your political plan, it is your own business. I, personally and as a representative of Wenceslas Group, have no interest in helping you out in political matters.

The mayor smiles to hear the CEO agrees to his term.

"Can I hug you?" Riswan opens his arms, as a seal of their upcoming partnership.

"Wait, I've found her!" The man ignores him. Instead, Hendra turns around and walks quickly to hug Aruna's back from behind.

"Where are you going?" Aruna moves uncomfortably in Hendra's arms, trying to let herself go.

And the next second, the pair are shocked to find Camilla and Riswan are smiling at them and ask them to have lunch together.



"I think both of you have a great relationship." Camilla tries to start a conversation while Aruna tries to ignore her comment by enjoying her food.

"Don't eat too fast, you will choke," Hendra warns the woman sitting beside him that is drinking a glass of water too fast and spills some of it on her chin. The man grabs a tissue and asks her to wipe it off.

"Hehe." Both of them enjoying the food while ignoring Camilla's commentary.

"That's why the press loves them so much. So sweet, I want to go back to our younger days." She adds while watching the CEO helping Aruna to grab some food.

"I'm also surprised. I thought Hendra isn't interested in women." The mayor whispers to his wife.

"Huh? Why do you think so?" His wife asks back.

"He has never been seen with a woman. He is also known as being rude towards women and he goes anywhere with his male secretary, so I thought he was gay."

"Huh?!" Camilla's mouth falls open.

"Watch your mouth, Riswan! I can hear you." Turns out Hendra is listening to their little chats.

"Hahaha.." They laugh to erase the tension. Camilla and Riswan are quite well-known on social media as public servants, especially the wife. The woman always draws media attention by posting funny content and their little interaction in social media as husband and wife is enjoyed by netizens.

"So, when is your wedding date?"

_When is it?_ Aruna almost forgets about it.

"Ten more days."

"Would you mind being a witness at our wedding?"

"Yes, of course. I'm honored."

"Okay, my staff will inform you of the schedule."

Aruna clutches her chest, suddenly feeling a panic attack. 


Before they leave, Aruna gets her wish. The two couples take photos together and not long after that, Riswan and his wife upload their photo on social media. Nevertheless, the photo makes a buzz.

Unfortunately, Aruna couldn't enjoy it. She has logged out from her private account on Instagram, and is currently only active in her account in Surat Ajaib. But she is also not interested in checking her account because it will flood her phone with notifications.


On the other hand, Aruna feels empty inside her heart on the way home from the mayor's house. The woman looks at the street of Bogor, the city of rain, and watches the rain pouring as if trying to soothe the anxiety she is currently feeling.

It's not enough to be a good daughter to face the problems she has in her life. She used to have a great principle in facing the problems, 'make peace with the situation and take the first step to find the best way.' But now, the principle becomes something that she can't grasp. (The reason to refuse Chaniago's love, Chapter 9)

Who is going to help her? Which way is the best? Everything turns grey because their marriage isn't a real marriage. It's marriage out of an agreement. If she was able to try, maybe she could become a great wife.

Whether it's going to fail or be successful, at least she had tried. Just as she tries to become a good daughter, she will also try to become a good partner.

But, destiny plays with her. The man who is busy with his iPhone looks so comfortable in living this contract marriage. Maybe he is used to doing everything, including marriage, based on agreement. And Aruna knows that he is looking at her as his colleague.

Her perspective is wrong because their marriage was started on the wrong foot and way. The CEO forced his way into Aruna's life.

Unfortunately, the CEO falls in love. The cold and hardened heart unpredictably warms up in her presence. And this hope makes him absolutely crazy.

Who's to blame if the woman couldn't see the changes in the blue-eyed man? It's not because she is oblivious to the change, but she tries to guard her heart because the CEO is unpredictable. He could be very sweet and in one minute, he was colder than ice. He could be annoying and even downright terrifying when he is angry.

"Aruna, what's wrong?" Hendra starts to open a conversation, but his eyes are still focused on his works.

"I don't know. I'm just a little bit dizzy." She feels that her head is getting dizzy. Maybe because she is trying to think too hard. 

"Let me see." The man scoots closer to check on her forehead.

"You don't have a fever. But you look so pale."

"Is there anything else that you feel?"

_Don't ever fall sick in front of me, it's horrifying_ Hendra starts to worry himself aside from her condition.

"I feel a little bit sick. I want to throw up." The girl moans and tries to massage her shoulders.

"Come, let me help." The man sets down his works, grabs Aruna's shoulders, and starts to massage them.

"You have to pay me with massages when we get married." 

"Don't do it if you don't want to help," The woman tries hard not to throw up.

"Turn up the AC." Hendra and his driver follow her instruction as quickly as possible.

"Please stop, stop!" Aruna yells suddenly.

"Wait a moment, Miss." The driver asks for some time. They are driving in the middle of the busy road.

"Are you feeling sick? Maybe because you eat too late?" Aruna nods, not wanting to open her mouth to answer.

"What's wrong, Aruna?" Hendra is panicked, trying to read Aruna's face who is trying to hide her face.

She pushes Hendra away. But suddenly, she taps Hendra's arm to ask for something. But before she manages to say anything... 

"Hoek…." The girl throws up all over Hendra. 

"Oh my God, what are you doing?" His suit and pants are a mess.

The girl opens the car door which has successfully stopped on the side of the road and continues throwing up.

"Howeek.. Howee'..!!".

Hendra just realizes that Aruna is trying to find something to throw up into and asks for his help. The man grabs a tissue, wipes Aruna's neck and shoulder, trying to help the woman to calm down, and ignores the mess on his pants.

He tries to wipe Aruna's mouth with a tissue several times.

"How was it? Are you feeling better now?" Hendra asks when he sees Aruna is sitting weakly.

"Don't close your eyes!"

_I'm afraid I couldn't see it anymore, sorry_

The pale girl chooses to look away from Hendra to ease the queasiness on her mouth and stomach.



"Hendra, here, let me help you." Aruna grabs a tissue to clean up her vomit on his suit. But the man seems unfazed.

Actually, the man doesn't know how to clean it up. He plans to stop at the nearest store to buy new clothes and get rid of the dirty suit. He has already told his staff who is sitting beside the driver.

"Sorry, it's kind of hard to clean it." She has tried to clean his suit from the disgusting and smelly vomit. Hendra just lets her fuss after him, secretly likes it.

Actually, he doesn't need it. But it is very funny. And this CEO rarely gets any attention from ladies. He has avoided it for too long.

"Sir, there's a gas station nearby. Let's stop there!" Aruna instructs, making everyone confused. But they follow her.

Aruna then gets out of the car and gets a hold of Hendra's suit quickly.

"Where are we going?"

"To clean your suit, of course. Why?" The man seems to have an objection.

"Where? There's no store here." He asks her, confused.

"There it is!"

"Let's go with me to the toilet." She then pulls him to go after her.

"Aruna, I don't want it." He tries to resist her.

"Let's try to wash it. We have to save your expensive suit."

_Including your pants! I believe my motorcycle is less expensive than your whole suit_

"No, it's okay! I can get rid of them. We just have to find a store to buy a new one!"

"No, we can clean it up!" Aruna pushes Hendra's body.

"I can't use the public toilet!"

"Please!" They are just a few steps away from the toilet.

Aruna's big eyes force him to obey her. But the CEO has a great idea to save himself. He takes off his suit.

"I can't go there. It's dirty!" He stands there and watches Aruna who is trying hard to clean his suit behind the small public toilet in the gas station.

"Ok! Done!"

"Now, let's clean your pants!"


"No! You don't have to! It's enough!" Aruna grabs his hand and smiles softly. And Hendra is too weak to resist her sweet smile.

"Let's clean it up!" Aruna instructs him and the woman guards in front of the door.

"Don't close the door!" Hendra pleads, looking around at the dirty toilet.

And he stands there for a long time.

"Um… Aruna, what should I do?" He holds a ladle filled with water awkwardly, trying to wash his pants.

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