So Aruna just let it go and walked back to her room immediately. She stops for a while to ponder about the house of the Wenceslas's family. Every room is too complicated for her and Hendra is a mystery.


"Why don't you tell me about his condition earlier?"

"I'm sorry, I thought…"

"Enough. I don't want to hear another word, Pandu. Let's help him to get back on his feet."

Pandu and Bay, the composer that helps and supports Danu Umar a lot, asks him to move and live inside his house which is also a music studio, a headquarters for artists, music players, songwriters and many things related to the art of sound and moving poetry..


"If I were you, I would make use of my heartbreak to write lyrics as much as I could."

"Not only because the heartbreak songs are on demand these days, but writing the songs can help you to pour out your feelings so you can feel more relieved."

Damar looks much better after moving to this house.

"Why do you care for me so much?"

"Because I also have experienced heartbreak and I haven't found another ever since." Bang Bay Wijaya, a legend in Indonesian music industry which is still single until now.

"I made many mistakes. Especially, I was too stupid to trust her. I forget that she was a woman whose heart can waver. She chose someone who was better for her, and ignored her heart and feelings. They were selfless."

"The second one, I know an artist experiences the worst heartbreak. We are empaths and there are so many feelings that we can feel. If we don't get back on our feet quickly, we will end badly because of our feelings.

"Now, look straight and get her back in the right way. Don't make the same mistake as I do. Make her realize that she can't ignore you."

"When are you going to meet her again?" Bang Bay looks at the artist that reminds him of himself years ago.

"Her wedding will be held next week."

"Make something that makes her remember you. Create a new song especially for her and make your statement properly!"

Damar takes a cigarette and follows Bang Bay. The older man hits his arms.

"I don't want you to be like me, don't follow after me."

"Can I take a rest for a while from appearing in public?"

"Do I ever force you to appear in public? From the beginning, I just want to help you to be an artist because you have the ability to attract attention and you get yourself involved with that artist management."

"Ah, you're right."

"Just write the song and let them, the fame chasing singers sing the song."

"Okay, Bang Bay."

"Oh ya, do you want to know the third reason why I want to help you?" The question is replied with a curious glance.

"Don't look at me that way. The third reason is because I need a man to watch soccer with me. Hahaha."

"Let's bet!"

"I am really good at predicting the scores. Don't be mad if you lose." Damar starts to return to himself, as an idol or the long haired man who is good at making any situation fun.


"Aruna, you shouldn't come here." Someone scolds her through the WhatsApp video.

"Why? I just want to help you."

"Really? You are… a newlywed hehe." (Lili)

"Yeah, she's right. You don't have to worry about us." (Dea)

"But you are so busy."

"But we are going to be busier if the possessive man comes over to look for his wife furiously." (Agus) He is not shown in the video, but his loud voice can be heard clearly.

"Gus, don't be so rude! You are getting more and more like Dam… Um… you can't come here!" (Lili)

"But sorry, we have to turn down many customers. We can't handle that many of them. I think we need to do weekly meetings to set a new policy or Lili might be so stressed out losing money because we have to turn down the request." (Dea)

"I think we need to hire more people." 

"Aruna, are you okay if we bother you to help out in design?" (Lili)

"Bother me? It's my responsibility so it doesn't bother me. Even I get confused if you don't give me jobs to do. So you have to send me a lot."

_Because Hendra always disappears somewhere, sometimes he appears for a moment and then leaves again. Like this morning, he just cleaned himself up, got ready to leave, and then disappeared again_

"Is it okay?"

_You are so rich now! Don't be so naive and waste the wealth! Aruna, you are so useless!_ (Lili)

"Of course it's okay. Oh ya, regarding the plan to hire more people, don't forget to let our friends from design major know about the position. Maybe some of them are interested."

"Okay, Ajumma." (An auntie or married woman)

"Don't call me Ajumma. Or else…"

"Hahaha." (Lili & Dea)

"Um… Aruna, these days we are having a new member." She is still a volunteer though. Her name is Andin and she wants to do research about Surat Ajaib." (Lili)


"In return, she wants to help us." (Lili)

"That's good."

"I don't know… I think I have seen her somewhere… She looks familiar." (Dea)

"Pretty girl is always seemed familiar, maybe you have seen her in Instagr*m." (Agus cuts from behind the camera)

"You like her, don't you, Gus? Go on, so you won't be single anymore." (Dea)

"I am a normal man, isn't it natural for me to like pretty girls? As long as she isn't dumb as Aruna, that's annoying!" (Agus)

"What did you say about me? You're so cruel! I won't send OkeFood anymore to the office!"

"No… if you do that, you are torturing not only Agus but us too…" (Dea)

"Aruna, don't forget to send the food from the five-stars hotel owned by the handsome CEO." (Laras)

"Eh it's too much to ask!" (Lili)

"Okay, I will see what I can do."

_If Hendra picks up my call_

"Um… Can I talk to Agus for a while?"

Agus takes the phone and moves away from the prying ears.


"Gus! Don't put the phone on your ear, I can even see the insides of your ear!"

"Haha, sorry I forgot!"

"You want to ask about Damar, don't you?" (Agus)

"You're right. How is he doing?"

"Yah… you know… just the same old."

"Please, Gus… tell me honestly."

"You are married, Aruna. You'd better don't know."

"Please, Gus!" Aruna pleads.

"Last time I met him, he looked awful and obviously you know that he has fallen head over heels for you… He looked like he's half dead."

"Does anyone take care of him?"

"Do you know his manager, Pandu? He's still helping him and he always refuses to meet me."

"Then, how is he doing now?"

"I came to his house twice but it was empty and I don't know where he is now." Aruna is getting teary eyed.

"Did he come to his mother's house?"

"I have met Mituo a few times, pretending to give something to Damar. We talked for a while and she said that Danu has come back home a few times. But if we take a look at the timeline, Damar actually came back before the terrible event."

"Gus, can I ask you to help me to search for him?" She starts to cry.

"I already did before you ask." (Agus)

"Ah, Aruna, I know I can't ask you to do this. But can you meet him just once if I managed to find him?"

The woman at the end of the line nods.

"Honestly, I am afraid that he will kill himself. Oops, I know I am too extreme, but don't worry he still reads my messages, that means he is still alive. Although if I managed to find him, I will kill him. He makes me worried."

"Please find him, Gus."

"Stop crying, Aruna." (Agus)

"I feel like I am watching a drama when I don't like to watch films." (Agus)

"Gus, if you find him, please let me know as soon as possible!"

"Yes… yes… now wipe your tears! Ah… both of you are so miserable."

"Oh ya, don't let your husband know. I am afraid the possessive man would lock you up in his castle."

_I am locked here… I wish you knew how uncomfortable I was to leave my room… I have never been introduced to anyone and no one wants to be my friend… although there are so many people here, they just look at me and walk away_

"You don't hear me, do you? Then, I will go first."

"I don't want to make Lili mad at me, 'Gus, you are wasting money by wasting time.'" The man tries to imitate Lili's voice.

"Aruna, come back here soon or else I will always be fighting with Lili."

"You are always late, aren't you?"

"Not as late as Damar used to.."

"You know he doesn't need to come on time. We just need him to be in the right mood."

"Huh! anak itu lagi..".

"Huh, that guy…"

_We all miss him_

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