After having dinner together, Shi Xue took a hot bath. It had been so long since she bathed alone. For some reason, she felt a little lonely. She shook her head, 'no no no! Don't get dirty thoughts!! No can do! Nope nope!' She started feeling a slight headache and decided to get out of the bath tub early. 'Maybe I'm too tired these days' she thought to herself.

Like always, Zhi Hei had prepared the hair dryer on the dresser and waited for her to come out. She smiled when she saw the handsome man all prepared with tools in his hands. She quickly sat down and let him towel dry her hair first. She started feeling a little dizzy again and decided to close her eyes to rest a bit.

Zhi Hei got worried from her unusual silence, "Are you okay?" he knelt down to feel her forehead to make sure she's not having a fever. She opened her eyes and supported her forehead using her own hand. Her eyes were half way opened. "I..I don't know why, maybe I showered too long. My head feels kind of dizzy.."

He took a piece of candy from the jar and fed it to her. "Maybe you're having low sugar. See if the candy makes you feel better. Try to endure your dizziness, while I dry your hair. Do you want me to call Chen Mu?"

Shi Xue shook her head, "No, I'm okay. It's not like I collapsed, no need to get checked up for every tiny thing I feel." she smiled slightly.

"Mmm, okay. Let me know if you feel any further discomfort. I'll call him if your condition worsen"

"Okay." she closed her eyes as he blow dried her hair from behind. He frowned when he saw that she had her eyes closed. She was trying to control her discomfort from the dizziness.

After he finished blow drying her hair, he realized that she had fallen asleep. He carried her to bed and tucked her in before laying a kiss on her forehead.

That night, she clenched onto the bed sheets and turned her body multiple times while mumbling something. She was drenched in sweat and looked as if she was in pain.

It was the same dream as months ago...all dark, no paths, no way out, no humans....

"Why am I here again? Where... Where is this? " She started smelling smoke and feeling heat. "It's so hot... where is this place???"

Voice: "Be careful, Shi Xue" a female's voice was echoing.

"Who are you???" she coughed from the smoke.It was suffocating her...

Voice: "Check your cars. Be careful from now on..."

"Who?? Where are you? What do you mean? It's so hot here!!"

Voice: "You'll understand everything soon..."

The voice faded out as she regained consciousness. Zhi Hei was woken by her disruptive movements. When he turned on the lights, he saw her pale figure and discomfort. He immediately called Chen Mu and tried to wake her up. After twisting and turning for a while, her eyelashes fluttered rapidly. She woke up and gasped for air. It took her a while to calm down and realized that she was breathing in, clean air and not smoke. Hot tears flowed down her flushed face as she recalled her dream of being suffocated in smoke.

Zhi Hei comforted her by rubbing her back gently and whispering, "Everything's okay. It was a bad dream..."

Chen Mu reached Huang Mansion in 15 minutes with his flamboyant unicorn jumpsuit pajamas in a panic. Receiving such a disturbing call in the middle of the night scared the crap out of him. He had heard this nervous and anxious voice before from Zhi Hei, but still not used to it.

"You sounded as if your wife was about to give birth just now!" he scratched his head helplessly as he approached the pale figure on the bed. "What's wrong? Where do you feel discomfort?"

She was silent.


Zhi Hei: "She felt dizzy before we went to sleep. But in the middle of the night, she started having a very bad nightmare and she woke up like this. She was choking and it took her a while to realize that she was not dreaming."

Chen Mu: "Did you try warming milk for her?"

Zhi Hei: "After she woke up, yes. she drank two cups."

Chen Mu took her pulse and realize that she was in an emotional mess. He could barely count her heartbeat. "Woahhh, calm down my dear fairy. You're fine. See, your darling is here and I'm the magical unicorn doctor who is treating you. Deep breath! Inhale~ Exhale~ continue doing this for the next 10 minutes"

"Is she okay?"

"Let's see how she is after the breathing exercise. Try to help her relax. She's all tensed and it's causing her anxiety."

After the breathing exercise, Shi Xue's condition improved.

Chen Mu: "Very good. little dear, try your best to continue this exercise and rest more. Maybe you have too much stress. Rest well okay? If you can't sleep, drink some warm milk and listen to some soothing music."

Shi Xue: "My dream was very realistic. Just like the ones I've had months ago. This time, I had a warning possibly fire related. I smelled smoke and felt it clogging up my throat in my dream. It felt as if I was actually there."

Chen Mu gave an expression of interest.. "Dear, what about your other dreams from the other times? Were they as vivid as well?"

Shi Xue shook her head, "The most I've heard were voices warning me about things that happened later on. Well, accidents occurred after those dreams..."

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