Shen Qi went to buy drinks for Hui Yan and Shi Xue to drink after seeing their tired figures sitting on the bench. The beverage store was located on the first floor so he took the escalator to get the drinks. Zhi Hei asked if they were cold or needed anything else while Shen Qi went to get drinks. Both girls shook their heads and immediately started chatting again. Shi Xue noticed since the beginning of the meeting that Hui Yan didn't look well. She was slightly paler than her usual energetic self.

"Hui Yan, are you sure you are alright?"

Hui Yan nodded, "I'm fine. Don't worry. I didn't get enough rest lately so I feel a bit tired." she subconsciously rubbed her lower abdomen.

"Be honest with me. I'm the only girl here. This is the nth time you've touched your lower abdomen today. Are you feeling pain?"

Hui Yan nodded, "I think my period is coming. I'm fine. It's just menstrual cramps."

"You seem very uncomfortable. Let me text Shen Qi to change your drink to warm jujube lychee tea."

"mmm."Hui Yan smiled seeing Shi Xue being so considerate.

"Okay~ done. If you don't feel like talking because your stomach hurts, just let me know. When I have stomach aches I get annoyed by people talking around me."

"Haha! sis in law it's not that serious. This is something every woman has to go through every month sigh."

"Yea... I'm on my period and I was pretty dead for the past two days."

When Shen Qi received the text, he quickly went back on line to purchase the warm drink. He was worried about Hui Yan because she didn't feel well for the past week and always slept till afternoon time.

While Zhi Hei and Cliffard chatted happily in their own corner, Cliffard pointed towards a tuxedo store that was located right behind him.

"Look, this store is where we used to shop often. Remember? Back in those days, we didn't even know our own measurements."

"Haha! You're right."

When Zhi hei was about to turn back around, Cliffard said, "How about we go later?"

"Sure. After Shen Qi comes back."

What Zhi Hei didn't realize was that Cliffard purposely turned his attention elsewhere so that Huang Jie could make his move on Shi Xue. Not far from where the two girls were sitting, Huang Jie was wearing a hoodie and jeans. He was holding a kitchen knife waiting for Cliffard's signal. After seeing his finger gesture, he ran towards the two girls on the bench. Hui Yan was facing Shi Xue so she was the first to see his attacking figure. She quickly pulled Shi Xue away.

"Sis in law! run!!!"

After missing the first attack, Huang Jie continuously charged towards the two.

Hearing their scream, Zhi Hei quickly ran to their rescue. Hui Yan and Shi Xue defended themselves and kicked his crotch area making him scream in pain. When they kicked him, his knife injured both their legs and the both of them lost their balance. For some reason, the floor happened to be oily and slippery so when they lost their balance, their bodies slipped off the balcony.

"Ahhh!!!!!!!" the both of them hugged each other tightly protecting each other as they fell down.

Zhi Hei witnessed the horrifying scene and ran to grab a hold of them, but failed. It was too late. Cliffard let this opportunity to let Huang Jie go.

Fortunately, Shen Qi had finished purchasing the drinks. On his way back, he heard the commotion from upstairs. When he saw the two figures by the balcony, he threw away the drinks and pulled a nearby bed mattress display with wheels to block their fall. He made it just in time for the two to fall onto the soft mattress. His forehead was covered in a layer of sweat from moving the bed to save them.

"Thank goodness this bed had wheels on the bottom. Or else, it would've been too late."

He quickly checked on the two girls who were in shock from the fall. After seeing that their legs suffered a few cuts, his expression darkened.

Hui Yan opened her eyes halfway and touched her lower abdomen. "Pain..."

Shen Qi didn't help her up in case she suffered an internal injury. He held onto her hands and chanted, "It's alright. You'll be alright. The ambulance is coming. Help is coming. Where does it hurt?"

"Tummy.. tummy.." she cried. Shi Xue opened her eyes as well after hearing Hui Yan's slight cry. When Shi Xue tried moving, she saw her hand covered in a bit of blood. Zhi Hei anxiously asked Shi Xue if she felt pain anywhere, not daring to touch her in case she suffered any other injuries. Shi Xue was in shock, but after coming out of her daze, she realized that the blood wasn't hers. When they fell down, her arms were hugging Hui Yan. She quickly sat up and turned pale after checking up on Hui Yan.

Hui Yan was bleeding...from her privates. A bit of blood was staining her white dress.

Shen Qi didn't realize it until Shi Xue confirmed that she was bleeding from the inside. Seeing her cover her stomach, Shi Xue made a guess and said, "She might be pregnant!! We need to get her to the hospital!! She's bleeding from her vagina."

Shen Qi's face turned ghastly pale as he tried to comfort Hui Yan in his arms. He didn't dare move her around in case it would make her condition worse. Hui Yan slowly lost consciousness after she felt herself being rushed to the emergency room. After Shi Xue saw that Hui Yan was now in safe hands, she also lost her consciousness. She was quickly rushed to a different emergency room as well.

Shen Qi raged in fury and slammed Zhi Hei against the wall. "Explain!!! Didn't you say you were watching over them? Don't tell me you didn't realize somebody was attacking them? Huh?? What the fuck were you fucking doing when they were attacked?? Did you know if I was late by even one second, they might have died from that fall??? Hui Yan might be pregnant. If she is, our child.. Your nephew/niece!!! something happens what are you going to do? self blame? Stop with this bullshit and clear up your fucking mind. Talk. What is your excuse? Huh?"

Cliffard slipped in front of Zhi Hei when he remained silent, "It was my fault. I was talking to him about a store that was behind me. When we were talking, the girls were attacked. This was something nobody wanted to happen."

Shen Qi punched Cliffard in the face, "Cliffard! don't think because Zhi Hei is blind that we are all blind! Even if you are gay and is interested in Zhi Hei, you can't keep causing harm for people around him! I don't fucking care if Zhi Hei still thinks you are straight what so ever. I'm never forgiving those who harm my Hui Yan and the possible child inside her stomach right now! You should pray nothing happens to any of them including Shi Xue. Or else, this punch isn't just what you will suffer from. I'm telling you right now. I will kill you."

Shen Qi continuously paced back and forth in front of the emergency room until a nurse came out and announced that Hui Yan was indeed pregnant. They are trying to their best to save both mother and child. Zhi Hei quickly called Chen Mu and had him rush over to help out.

The Huang couple and Qian Ling also rushed to the hospital after hearing about the girl's injury. Mother Huang was furious and Qian Ling's face was darker than charcoal when they arrived at the hospital and rushed to see their children.

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