Dragon Hunter!

A legendary existence in the inverted bucket world!

Everyone who becomes a dragon hunter has achieved extraordinary results and has a great reputation in the inverted fighting world!

Once touching the gold school was very prosperous, there were four dragon hunters, the dust master, the golden abacus, the iron grinding head and Hu Guohua, and in the era when the hair hill disappeared, it can be said that they were far ahead of unloading mountains and moving mountains.

However, with the disappearance of these four missing people, the death of death, now the entire inverted bucket world has never heard of such a existence as a dragon hunter.

It is enough to see how difficult it is for this dragon hunter to achieve!

And how precious!

However, now, Xue Liyang actually said that Qin Mu was sensing dragon qi?

You know, sensing dragon qi is one of the most iconic skills of dragon hunters!

In other words, Qin Mu is a dragon hunter!

This…… How can it be?

Hu Yiyi looked at Qin Mu with some shock.

And Wang Kaixuan was also stunned when he heard the words “dragon hunter”, and then his eyes widened, looking at Qin Mu incredulously: “I’ll go!” Qin Ye turned out to be a dragon hunter? This is too special to hide deeply, right? ”

He couldn’t help but remember that when he and Hu Yiyi talked about the dragon hunter before, he also asked Qin Mu next to him if he knew the dragon hunter!

Feelings, people are a dragon hunter!

That’s too exciting, right?

Facing the shock of Hu Yiyi and Wang Kaixuan, Xue Liyang nodded: “If he is not a dragon hunter, how does he know that the dragon qi has changed?” ”

Hu Xiao listened to it one by one, as if this was the case.

He didn’t react yet.

Hu Yi looked at Qin Mu with his eyes closed, and his face couldn’t help but be full of admiration: “I didn’t expect that Qin Ye was already a dragon hunter at a young age, it’s really powerful!” ”

This time, he admired it from the bottom of his heart!

Before, he just felt that Qin Mu was powerful and very polite to Qin Mu.

Now, it’s not as simple as being powerful, it’s just amazing!

So young is a dragon hunter!


“Xiao Hu, what are you talking about? What dragon hunter? What dragon qi? How can we not understand ah! ”

At this time, Professor Chen finally asked questions.

Hu Yiyi hesitated for a moment, but still said: “Professor Chen, dragon qi is actually very easy to understand, it is an invisible and qualityless thing emitted by the dragon veins in the world, very abstract, but it is this dragon qi that affects the quality of a feng shui acupoint. ”

“Ancient emperors looking for feng shui treasure caves are to rely on the dragon qi in the dragon vein to nourish the dragon body and protect the dynasty from decline!”

In this way, Professor Chen and others suddenly realized.

It can be regarded as figuring out what this dragon qi is.

But the dragon hunter, they still don’t understand.

“That… What about the Dragon Hunter? ”

Chu Jian hurriedly asked.

This time, without waiting for Hu Ji to speak, Xue Liyang said, “The dragon hunter is actually an extremely high realm reached by a feng shui master!” ”

“No matter how powerful an ordinary feng shui master is, even if he is academically knowledgeable, he can only rely on the compass or observe the trend of mountains and rivers, and the distribution of dragon veins to determine the feng shui treasure cave!”

“And there is a kind of person who comprehends feng shui to the extreme, in the words of the Buddhists, that is, enlightenment, penetration, can sense the dragon qi that exists in the underworld!”

“With this dragon qi, even with your eyes closed, you can find the Feng Shui Treasure Cave.”

“And this category of people, very, very few!”

“There were quite a few in the Republic of China, and now … We haven’t heard of anyone who can become a dragon hunter. ”

“Even in the entire history, the fastest person to become a dragon hunter is already 35 years old.”

After listening to Xue Liyang’s explanation, everyone was shocked and looked at Qin Mu incredulously!

From Xue Liyang’s explanation, they heard the power of this dragon hunter.

Can you find the Feng Shui treasure cave with your eyes closed?

This is also too against the sky!

It’s simply a fairy means!

More importantly, the most powerful feng shui master in history only became a dragon hunter at the age of 35.

And Qin Mu, how old is this?

I’m afraid I’m only 25 years old!

10 years ahead of the fastest person in the entire history to become a dragon hunter!

This can only be described as amazing, right?

The eyes of everyone looking at Qin Mu were all full of respect, including Professor Chen and Professor Hao.

“I’ll go! This Qin Ye is also too perverted, he became a dragon hunter at the age of 25! ”

Wang Kaixuan said.

As for the Elite Queen who had been standing quietly by the side, seeing so many people looking at Qin Mu with respect, her heart was also full of pride.

Is this what your own man should look like!

If you don’t make a move, once you make a move, you will definitely shock the world!

However, if they knew that Qin Mu was not actually a dragon hunter, but a dragon descending hand two levels higher than the dragon hunter, they didn’t know what kind of mood they would feel?


Soon, Qin Mu opened his eyes.

He took a few stones, walked to several seemingly unrelated places, and then put the stones down, and after doing all this, Qin Mu returned.

“Qin Ye, I didn’t expect you to be a dragon hunter! It’s incredible! ”

Wang Kaixuan was the most excited.

In his opinion, Qin Mu is his brother, a brother born into death, his own brother is so powerful, of course, it is super face!

PS: Thanks to [1 Person is Good 1] Big Guy for the reminder ticket and monthly pass! Thanks to the [Clear Wish] big guy for the monthly pass! Thank you [Xu Peihao] for the reminder ticket! One more soon!

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