
What a white rice dumpling!

It’s really already a corpse!

Answered Wang Kaixuan’s words!


Wang Kaixuan shouted.

He was closest to the coffin, and as soon as the coffin appeared, his gaze met the eyes of the white-haired rice dumplings for a moment.

The white-haired zongzi roared, jumped out directly from the coffin, and then raised his hand and slapped Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan’s eyes widened, although he was very afraid, fortunately, when he was in Niuxin Mountain before, they also encountered zongzi, Wang Kaixuan was also in danger, took out the sapper shovel and shouted: “Mother, the fat master fought with you!” ”

After speaking, a sapper shoveled at the white hair zongzi.


The body of the white-haired zongzi was not moved, it was as hard as iron, and Wang Kaixuan’s hands were numb.

“Fat man be careful!”

Hu Yiyi exclaimed.


As soon as Hu Yao’s words fell, the white-haired rice dumplings slapped Wang Kaixuan’s body, Wang Kaixuan only felt that he was kicked by an elephant, and the person flew out directly, smashed the wall, and fell apart.


“This dog thing is even more powerful than the rice dumplings in Niuxin Mountain!”

Wang Kaixuan exclaimed in pain and got up embarrassed.

And the white-haired zongzi didn’t seem to intend to let Wang Kaixuan go, and rushed over again with a roar.

Hu Xiao looked at this situation, of course, he would not let Wang Kaixuan face the white hair zongzi alone, and quickly rushed up with a paratrooper knife.

Hu Yayi served as a soldier for a few years, and his skills were not bad, he flashed in front of the white-haired zongzi and stabbed him in the neck of the white-haired zongzi.

As a result, the sound of “dang” is like being stuck on a stone, and there is not even a single white mark!

“Made! What the hell is this, why is it so hard! ”

Hu cursed loudly, and quickly rolled on the ground, avoiding the attack of the white haired zongzi.

If he didn’t hide, he would have to be slapped by the white-haired rice dumplings.

Hu Jia Yi and Wang Kaixuan converged, and Hu Er Yi asked: “Fatty, are you all right?” ”

Wang Kaixuan held a sapper shovel: “You won’t be able to die for a while!” ”


And by this time, the second coffin had also been opened.

Another white-haired rice dumpling jumped out.

The body size is similar to the size of the first white hair zongzi, the same is very strong and tall, like an ox.

“It’s over! This is to make all thirteen zongzi corpses! ”

Wang Kaixuan’s face was like ashes.

“Dead fatty, can you fucking shut up?”

Hu scolded.

As soon as Hu Xiao’s words fell, Qin Mu suddenly moved.

I saw Qin Mu stepping on a coffin, the coffin that was trembling was stepped on by Qin Mu, and immediately quieted down, and then Qin Mu jumped up and kicked one of the white-haired zongzi on the head fiercely!


That white-haired zongzi’s head was actually kicked off by Qin Mu like this!

Subsequently, Qin Mu landed steadily, without looking at the headless white-haired rice dumpling.

The white-haired rice dumplings without a head fell straight down!


This scene was seen by Hu Yiyi and Wang Kaixuan, and they were stunned on the spot!

What is the situation?

One kick, kick off the head of the white hair zongzi?

How is this possible!

Who in this world has that much power?

You know, the flesh of this white-haired zongzi is very hard, and Hu Jiyi and Wang Kaixuan used paratrooper knives and sapper shovels to use all their strength, and they couldn’t even cut the skin of the white-haired zongzi.

It can be seen how hard the body of the white hair zongzi is.

As a result, now, he was kicked off his head directly by Qin Mu like a leather ball!


To be reasonable, Hu Yiyi and Wang Kaixuan were frightened.

“Kick the purple gold crown backwards! Quistar Kick Fight! ”

Xue Liyang exclaimed, her face full of surprise.

Kicking the purple gold crown inverted is a move in Kuixing Kick Fight, which belongs to the unique move of the mountain moving faction, and only the purest descendants of mountain moving can learn it!

But now, the mountain has been moved, and the Queixing kick finally appeared on the partridge whistle.

After Partridge Whistle died, no one would use this Que Star kick again.

This means that in fact, the skill of moving mountains has been completely lost.

However, now it actually appeared on Qin Mu!

Moreover, Qin Mu was still so skillful, as if he had performed it countless times, moving through the clouds and flowing water, without the slightest drag of mud and water!

Even her grandfather’s partridge whistle is no different!

“How can you kick a fight!”

Xue Liyang gaffed again, she stared at Qin Mu deadly, her chest heaving.

At this moment, ten thousand thoughts flashed in Xue Liyang’s mind.

In an instant, she thought of ten thousand possibilities, who is Qin Mu, why did he know the secret of their mountain moving, and why did he move the mountain faction’s stunts?

Could it be because Qin Mu was also a member of the mountain moving faction?

Or rather, what is the relationship with her grandfather?

Xue Liyang had read the partridge whistle’s notes and knew that the last mountain mover in the world was her grandfather, and after arriving at her grandfather, none of the stunts of the mountain moving faction were passed on.

Because her grandfather didn’t want his descendants to carry such a heavy mission.

But now, Qin Mu’s appearance broke Xue Liyang’s cognition!

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