Wang Kaixuan walked to the nearest coffin, pulled it inside the coffin with a sapper shovel, and then was silent for a moment.

“Fatty, why aren’t you moving?”

Hu Xiao came over and asked strangely.

Fatty Wang turned around and said with a bitter face: “Old Hu, this fucking mother is too poor, there are no funeral goods in this coffin, I’ll go!” Do you want to be so picky! ”

Hu Xiao was stunned, and then went over: “Can’t ah, Thirteen Ding must be pressed with valuables, how can there be no funeral goods, you won’t be mistaken, right?” ”

Saying that, he leaned down to look for a while, and he really didn’t see the funeral goods.

At this time, even Hu Yiyi was puzzled: “If I go, should there really be no funeral goods?” ”

Wang Kaixuan said: “Well, I didn’t lie to you, it’s true that his mother has no funeral goods, and she is poor.” ”

“Go, go to the other coffins.”

Hu Yi is not dead.

So he and Wang Kaixuan began to check other coffins.

As a result, when they looked at all thirteen coffins, they did not find any funeral objects.

The inside of the coffin was empty, and there was not a single funeral item.


Hu Xiaoyi’s eyes widened, still not figuring out why there were no funeral goods.

Wang Kaixuan said, “Old Hu, are you sure that this thirteen dings must have valuables to crush the coffin?” ”

Hu Xiao nodded: “At least I have seen that the ancient book is written like this.” ”

However, he was not very confident when Wang Kaixuan asked him this, and looked at Qin Mu: “Qin Ye, I remember that Thirteen Ding seems to want valuables to be crushed in the coffin, right?” ”

Qin Mu let out a “hmm”: “You are right, you really need valuables to press the coffin.” ”

When he said this, he also forced himself not to laugh.

Because, all the funeral goods in these coffins were recovered by him with the system and exchanged for attribute points!

Inside each coffin, there are two funerary items, both of which are very good things.

When Qin Mu destroyed those white-haired rice dumplings, he had already put them all away with the system.

Together with the first four treasures, this is a total of 26 treasures!

These 26 funerary objects were all very precious things, and almost every single one of them brought a large number of attribute points to Qin Mu.

The first 4 treasures brought a total of 14,300 attributes!

The latter 22 treasures added a total of 63,510 attribute values to Qin Mu.

Now Qin Mu’s stored attribute values have reached a total of 91,430 points!

You can be promoted to a high-level dragon descendant.

However, Qin Mu is not in a hurry now, since the attribute value has been reached, he can advance at any time, but… After the attribute value reaches 100,000, you can achieve an achievement!

This is another big bonus.

Of course, Qin Mu would not waste it.

So for the time being, save the attribute value, wait until the second layer, and then take some treasures, directly to 100,000, and advance to the high-level dragon descending hand and also get achievement rewards.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not?

And now, Wang Kaixuan’s desire to find some funeral goods in this coffin was directly frustrated, and Qin Mu was still at ease.

After all, this is his own daughter-in-law’s territory, his own daughter-in-law’s things.

If you take it, you will take it, what does it have to do with your Fatty Wang?

Naturally, Qin Mu’s surface did not see any change in expression.

Wang Kaixuan listened to Qin Mu’s words, and his face couldn’t help but be full of anger: “Mad, what is the situation?” Could it be that this nine-story demon building was also stolen? ”

Hu Yiyi’s face was full of strangeness, and he said: “Perhaps, it is really possible.” ”

Sherry Yang, on the other hand, frowned.

She always thought it was weird.

Or rather, since they entered the Exquisite Ancient City, everything was full of strangeness.

It was as if everything they saw was controlled by an invisible hand and an invisible force was interfering with it.

From the countless dead snakes in the main hall, to the treasure house behind being emptied, and the disappearance of the coffin of the exquisite queen, to the current thirteen dings without funeral objects!

It’s all full of quirkiness.

What kind of force is interfering with all this?

Sherry Yang had no way of knowing.

She really couldn’t think of who had the ability to empty the entire treasure house, and then she could move the coffin of the Exquisite Queen.

You know, the coffin of the exquisite queen is made of Kunlun divine wood, which is extremely huge, and no twenty or thirty people can not lift it at all.

Not to mention, there is still a corpse incense konjac on the Kunlun Divine Wood.

Corpse incense konjac is extremely weird, can make people fall into illusions, and should not be so easy to die.

All this has become an unsolved mystery.

However, what she didn’t know was that Qin Mu’s 100,000 Lingling Warriors were themselves tool people, similar to robots, and they were not affected by illusion at all, so how could they be afraid of corpse incense konjac?

After seeing the corpse incense konjac, one person and one mallet can smash it.

Anyway, Qin Mu possessed the 100,000 Ridge Warriors, she would never have imagined.

Qin Mu said, “Okay, let’s go to the second floor and take a look.” ”

Saying that, he took the lead and went to the second floor with Linglong.

Wang Kaixuan scolded and scolded: “Mother, I don’t believe it, this place has been stolen by someone!” ”

Saying that, he also followed Qin Mu.

PS: Just read the comment and found that I got the protagonist’s level wrong earlier, and there were a few places where it was written as “Zhenlong Hand”, in fact, the protagonist’s level is “Dragon Hand”, which is one level higher than Zhenlong Hand, and it has now been modified, please know.

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