Chapter 0179 – Qin Mu’s Magical Ability!!

Qin Mu’s words made them stunned for a moment.

Help King Wen?

Hu Yiyi reacted quickly, he already understood, obviously Qin Mu wanted to open the coffin, so he would say this kind of thing to help King Wen.

After all, the current King Wen of Zhou is like a vegetative person, and this state has lasted for thousands of years, and I don’t know whether bamboo is raising him or he is raising bamboo.

Without thought, there is no action.

It’s worse than dying.

No one would want to live this way.

If that’s always been the case, it’s better to die.

It’s also a relief.

As Wang Kaixuan said, early death and early reincarnation.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Mu said this, Hu Yiyi figured it out.

Qin Mu must be about to open the coffin.

And Wang Kaixuan reacted slower, and he said: “What does Qin Ye mean by this, do we still want to help this King of Zhou Wen immortalize?” ”

Hu Yi: “Are you stupid, Qin Ye means, let’s open the coffin now!” ”

“Open coffin?”

Wang Kaixuan was overjoyed: “Haha, what Qin Ye said makes sense, we really want to help King Wen of this week.” ”

Saying that, Wang Kaixuan hurriedly followed Qin Mu.

This guy got excited when he heard that the coffin was going to be opened.

However, Qin Mu said, “Don’t get close first. ”

This made Hu Xiao and others stunned.

Although some did not understand, the words that Qin Mu said were now like a holy decree for them, and they would choose to listen to Qin Mu’s words without hesitation.

So, they all stopped.

“Qin Ye, what’s the situation?”

Wang Kaixuan asked.

He was afraid that Qin Mu would suddenly say that this coffin could not be opened.

And Qin Mu ignored him, but bent down to pick up a small pebble, and then suddenly threw it away.

The small pebble fell on the coffin, and when the stone landed, the coffin did not move.

Hu Yi and they looked at each other.

What is the situation?

What is Qin Ye doing here?

They didn’t understand Qin Mu’s thoughts.

When he was hesitating, Wang Kaixuan suddenly exclaimed: “Old Hu! Look at those bamboo silks, are they moving? ”

Wang Kaixuan’s eyes were better than Hu Laiyi and Xue Liyang, he said so, Hu Laiyi and Xue Liyang quickly shone a flashlight on those bamboo silk, and then carefully stared at those bamboo silk.

Sure enough, soon they found that those bamboo silks were actually squirming! It was as if I was alarmed.

Now they kind of understood why Qin Mu didn’t let them get closer.

The feeling is that this bamboo is afraid that it has become fine, and those bamboo silk is not a good thing, and it must be able to attack people.

With the squirming of the bamboo silk, more bamboo silk crawled out from the bamboo, and in a blink of an eye, the entire huge bamboo was covered by green bamboo silk, densely packed

The bamboo silk is squirming, and it makes people’s scalps tingle.

“Groove! Those bamboo silks flew out! ”

Wang Kaixuan suddenly shouted.

Hu Yiyi was shocked, and sure enough, he saw that those bamboo silks were flying towards them quickly, just like green hair, it was quite terrifying to see.

“It’s over, this car didn’t pop out with a burn.”

Sherry Yang said.

When they were in the ancient city before, they brought a lot of incendiary bombs, and if they encountered these bamboo silk, they could definitely be easily restrained.

Only now they do not have incendiary bombs, and in the face of these bamboo wires, then there is some trouble.

I don’t know if Qin Mu can deal with it.

I saw Qin Mu standing in front of them, seemingly without any fear, facing the bamboo silk that surged over, he didn’t move, and in his hand, he had already taken out the magic sword.

“What kind of sword is Qin Ye’s sword, it seems to be very powerful, and I don’t know when he took it out, and where is it usually hidden?”

Wang Kaixuan said suspiciously.

This demon sword had not been seen by them since Qin Mu got it before, and when Qin Mu used it to kill the black-faced sleeping barbarian king, he also used this sword, which was quite powerful.

And now that he took it out again, Wang Kaixuan always had a rather domineering feeling.

Hu Yiyi: “Qin Ye naturally has his own opportunities, let’s leave these alone.” ”

As he spoke, those bamboo silks had already arrived in front of Qin Mu.

Obviously, those 090 bamboo silk wanted to kill Qin Mu first.

Hu Yiyi only saw Qin Mu’s body trembling, and then the magic sword in his hand was like a magic dragon, quickly shaking in front of him, and those bamboo silk that flew over had almost no resistance, and all of them were cut off by Qin Mu’s sword.

In an instant, a large amount of bamboo silk fell from the ground.

After Qin Mu destroyed a large amount of bamboo silk, it was obviously impossible for that huge bamboo to be so willing, and countless bamboo silk once again gushed out to attack Qin Mu.

However, at this moment, Qin Mu suddenly raised his hand and pointed out, and said coldly: “Fixed!” ”

One word, all of a sudden, all those bamboo silks stopped in place and did not move! It’s as if time has stood still.

This scene made Hu Jia and others look at the hat.

What is the situation?

Why did Qin Mu say the word ‘ding’, and those bamboo silks stopped in place and did not move?

It was as if these bamboo silks were very afraid of Qin Mu! Or is it that Qin Mu has a body-fixing technique?

That’s incredible, isn’t it?

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