Li Chunfeng also looked at the Hayabusa Bell hovering in the air and said again

: "Bell, I am really a friend of Princess Vivi! I am here to help you rescue the Kingdom of Alabastan from the dire predicament!"

The white falcon hovering in the air said with a soothing attitude this time:

"You are really a friend of Princess Vivi?" Where is Princess Vivi now?"

"Princess Vivi used to go undercover in the Baroque Workshop, and when she was in Whiskey Town, she was identified by the high-ranking agents of the Baroque Workshop!

I believe that in a few days, the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi will arrive in the Kingdom of Alabastan!"

The white falcon Bell hovering in the air, after listening to Li Chunfeng's quick account of the ins and outs of Princess Vivi! finally chose to trust what Li Chunfeng said!

Then, silently, circled and landed on the deck of the Freedom Forward.

Then, under Li Chunfeng's gaze, the huge body of the white falcon bell changed rapidly.

A moment later, a young man about the same height as Li Chunfeng, wearing a white robe with a four-pointed black star on his head and a black special symbol on his face.

This person is none other than Hayabusa's strongest warrior in the Kingdom of Alabastan!

"I'm sorry Mr. Li Chunfeng, let's tell me more about how I met our princess!" I saw Bell say to Li Chunfeng sincerely.

Li Chunfeng also readily agreed, and directly told Bell how he met and saved Princess Weiwei!

After a period of time, after listening to Li Chunfeng's detailed account of

Princess Vivi, Bell thanked Li Chunfeng directly:

"Thank you Mr. Li Chunfeng and the Straw Hats Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami for saving Princess Vivi, and they are also the benefactors of our Alabastan Kingdom!"

Li Chunfeng hurriedly waved his hand and said

"Princess Vivi has also given us a lot of help! This rescue plan was also formulated by Luffy! So if Bell wants to

thank him! Let's thank the Straw Hats in person! Bell hurriedly said

: "That's for sure!"

Then, Li Chunfeng asked the question in his heart:


I was affected by an inexplicable force, and I almost went mad!Did you do it?

" As soon as these words came out, Bell showed a very sorry look on his face, and then apologized to Li



Yes! It was Princess Qianqian who attacked you!"

"Who is Princess Qianqian, and what kind of ability is it that affects my spirit?" Li Chunfeng asked with some confusion.

"Princess Qianqian is the younger sister of His Majesty the King! As for Princess Qianqian's ability, I don't know very much about it! I only know that it is a Devil Fruit ability!" Bell quickly explained.

"I see!, where is the current Princess Qianqian?" Li Chunfeng said curiously.

"After attacking Mr. Li Chunfeng, Princess Qianqian was escorted back to the palace by Gaca for safety!" Bell continued.

"I see!" Li Chunfeng said lightly.

Immediately, Bell asked curiously

, "Mr. Li Chunfeng, I think you are preparing to go to the rain land, do you have any plans?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Chunfeng still stated his purpose: "I am going to infiltrate the interior of the Baroque workshop and find out some information

!" "What? Mr. Li Chunfeng!"

You're trying to infiltrate the base camp of the Baroque workshop!,"

Bell said in surprise.

At this time, it was Li Chunfeng's turn to be taken aback, and hurriedly asked

, "Bell, how do you know about the Baroque Work Society?"

Bell then said angrily:


Jackal Gaka and I have long been aware that there is a dark hand in the interior of the Kingdom of Alabastan that is manipulating the chaos in the country behind the scenes!" But they were so well hidden that we couldn't find any evidence of their crimes

! Later, Princess Vivi and some of the guards infiltrated the Baroque Workshop in disguise to find evidence! In this way,

we searched for traces of the members of the Baroque Workshop little by little!

"Are the watchmen on the shore from the time I entered the bay

also yours?"

"Not all of them are from the King's troops! There are also agents of the Baroque Workshop and watchmen of the rebel army

!" Mr. Li Chunfeng!" "

What? I didn't expect that the situation in the Kingdom of Alabastan has reached such a point!" Li Chunfeng said with a slight surprise.


Just as Li Chunfeng and Bell were chatting, the hull of the Freedom Forward suddenly shook violently.

Li Chunfeng immediately saw that during the time when he and Bell were fighting and talking, the sailing ship Freedom Forward continued to swim up the Sandora River, and finally crashed into a peninsula beach on the left bank that jutted into the Sandora River.

Then, Bell looked at Li Chunfeng with apologetic eyes, as if to say that I didn't mean to

! Li Chunfeng also had some brain pain at this time, how could he not be aware of the existence of the river peninsula in front of him!

Fortunately, it was a soft sandy beach, and after the Freedom Forward collided, it was not harmed.


Moments later, Li Chunfeng and Bell jumped off the Freedom Forward sailboat and came to the beach on the peninsula.

At this time, the sky was gradually becoming clearer, and after Li Chunfeng casually observed around the peninsula, he found that this was really an excellent place to hide ships.

Because this peninsula is very remote and desolate, ordinary people will not come at all, and if he keeps the Freedom Forward here, it will really be a good choice

! Bell, who was standing on the side, saw Li Chunfeng silent, thinking that he was struggling with how to push the sailboat stranded on the beach down the river again, and immediately said:

"Mr. Li Chunfeng! You don't have to be depressed!

I can directly change into the beast form and push the sailboat back into the Sandora River

!" Li Chunfeng said directly:

"Bell, no need, I decided to leave the sailboat here first, just to facilitate the question of where the ship will stop after I dive into the rain!"

Bell is also a smart man, and he figured out the reason for this in a moment, but he

still said to Li Chunfeng:

"Mr. Li Chunfeng, you are still ready to dive into the rain alone!" "

Yes, Bell, you hurry back to the palace, I am afraid that the Baroque working society will not be good for the king!"

Li Chunfeng suddenly thought of something, and quickly said to Bell.

"What? These criminals of the Baroque Work Society dare to do something to His Majesty the King!" Bell was shocked after hearing Li Chunfeng's warning

! Immediately, Bell bowed to Li Chunfeng and said,

"Mr. Li Chunfeng! Thank you very much this time

!" "Bell! Hurry back to the palace!

Tell the king the real mastermind behind the civil strife in the Kingdom of Alabastan!"

Li Chunfeng said lightly.

"Mr. Li Chunfeng, take care of yourself!" Bell directly changed into the form of a beast, and after leaving a sentence, he circled and flew into the air

! After Hayabusa no Bell returned to the palace, Li Chunfeng also started his own actions!

Half an hour later, Li Chunfeng finally arrived at Rainland City, the base camp of Sand Crocodile Klockdal, and after entering this place, he found that compared with other cities in the Kingdom of Alabastan, it was simply a heaven and an underground!

There was no sign of drought in Rainland City, the inhabitants lived a stable and peaceful life, and the trees were shady, and many pedestrians came and went on the streets of the city,

which seemed to be very prosperous!

And Li Chunfeng easily blended into the crowd in the local gray robe, wondering where

Klockdahl's residence was as he walked! I had heard that the Sand Crocodile Klockdahl's city was so deep that even the senior agents of the Baroque Work Society he founded did not know the true identity of the Sand Crocodile

! I only knew that the president's code name was MR0!

Even his own subordinates don't know the identity of the sand crocodile, so you can imagine how many people are still kept in the dark!

" But the base of the sand crocodile Klockdahl seems to be hidden in a casino!" Li Chunfeng thought carefully for a while and muttered to himself.

After a while, he suddenly said with a slight excitement:

"That's right! Klockdahl's base is hidden under the largest casino in Rainland City

, Rainstorm!" "

Now that it has been determined that Crocodale's is under the Rainstorm Casino, it is time for him to act."


A few minutes later, Li Chunfeng walked into a restaurant, ready to eat something before going to find the sand crocodile!

"Hello, this gentleman, what do you want to eat?" said a burly middle-aged man standing at the counter of the restaurant and smiling at Li Chunfeng.

"Boss, let's serve all the signature dishes and delicious wines in the restaurant!" Li Chunfeng said casually.

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy restaurant suddenly calmed down.

The customers who were dining in the restaurant looked at

Li Chunfeng with great surprise!

This made Li Chunfeng a little confused, what was the matter? Isn't it just a meal?

Just when Li Chunfeng was a little puzzled, the restaurant owner kindly reminded:

"This gentleman! This is the first time you have come to our Rainland City! If all the signature dishes of our local restaurant are served! It's not that I look down on you! You don't say if you can afford the price alone! Even if you can't finish any of these meals!" After

listening to the kind reminder of the restaurant owner, Li Chunfeng instantly understood the meaning!

But the restaurant owner still

said with a serious face"No problem!, just serve as I

say!" "All right, sir, do as you say!"

a total of 11,000 Baileys!" said the restaurateur with some helplessness.

Hey! I earned it again with tears...


After Li Chunfeng paid 11,000 Baileys, he immediately became the most central figure in

the restaurant, and even the table that the restaurant arranged for himself was the largest and most luxurious! This table was at least five times larger than the tables of other customers!

Li Chunfeng sat leisurely at the top of the huge dining table, without the slightest scruple of the curious, surprised, envious, red-eyed, ruthless, and greedy eyes around him.

On the surface, Li Chunfeng did not care about the eyes of everyone in the restaurant, but in fact, Li Chunfeng had already noticed a few special customers, as if they were spying on him!

Could it be that they were a million elderly members of the Baroque Work Society, or tens of millions of elderly people?

Just when Li Chunfeng was guessing, the food he ordered finally came up one after another.

Delicious dishes and wines were placed on the huge dining table in front of Li Chunfeng, and finally several restaurant service staff struggled to carry a two-meter-long tray, and when the tray was placed on the table, everyone finally saw that the dish on the tray was actually a whole roasted crocodile! Li Chunfeng was a little surprised to see this two-meter-long roasted crocodile, and he couldn't help but think that it was all providence!

Immediately, Li Chunfeng started directly and enjoyed the delicious food and wine!

The surrounding customers were once again shocked

by Li Chunfeng's appetite!

Ten minutes later, more than half

of the food in the huge restaurant in front of Li Chunfeng had already been eaten! Even the restaurant owner, who had been in the business for many years, had never seen such a big stomach king as Li Chunfeng, and he was shocked to speak!

And the most amazing thing was that Li Chunfeng ate and drank so much food, but his stomach did not change at all. It's as if Li Chunfeng's stomach is a bottomless pit.

But the real reason is Li Chunfeng's own special physique, I don't know because since when, the density, strength, and activity of his body bones and muscles are far more than ten times that of ordinary people, and the most terrifying thing is that his body's healing ability and joke ability are terrifying!

. . .

After a few more minutes, Li Chunfeng finally finished settling all the food and wine on the huge table in front of him, and finally had eaten and drunk to his heart's content.

Immediately, Li Chunfeng walked towards the outside of the restaurant amid the incomparably admiring gazes of the customers around him!

Just as Li Chunfeng walked to the door of the restaurant, a tall young man with short silver hair on his head and two cigars in his mouth slowly walked into the restaurant, and happened to pass Li Chunfeng face to face.

When Li Chunfeng and the silver-haired man passed by, they also looked at each other.

The two of them each had an idea in their hearts!

Colonel Smoker of the Navy Headquarters had finally arrived, should we consider joining forces with him? Li Chunfeng thought to himself.

At this time, Smoker secretly said in his heart, this guy feels so strong! It seems that this trip to the Kingdom of Alabastan is becoming more and more interesting!

. . .

Just as Li Chunfeng and Smoker nodded to each other, they were about to walk out of the restaurant.

Li Chunfeng suddenly felt that Mingyue, the Tang knife on his waist, was grabbed, and was about to attack with a punch, when suddenly a woman's surprised voice came from the side:

"Sir, can I take a look at your saber?"

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