Chapter 178: The Uncrowned King!.

The next day, under the astonished gaze of everyone, Pandora swaggered out of Luo Yun’s room, followed by Athena and Luo Yun himself.

In fact, last night, Luo Hao, who was a god killer, felt a strange breath, that breath was stronger than the magician, but it was much weaker than the god who did not follow, and the location of that breath was in the garden of the palace, that is, where Luo Yun and Athena were, and the three did not rush out to shout and kill.

Later, after Luo Yun’s explanation, the three knew Pandora’s identity and was the “righteous mother” of all god killers, but despite this, the three only gave Pandora the corresponding respect, except for Lady Aisha, who thanked each other a little.

And the reason why Pandora’s identity needs to be introduced by Luo Yun, in the final analysis, is because in addition to Luo Yun’s accidental god killer who will automatically forget her after leaving the place where Pandora is hiding, even those powerful god killers only vaguely remember who helped them when they killed god killers.

“So, no wonder I always feel a strange sense of familiarity.”

Looking at Pandora, who smiled because of Lady Aisha’s thanks, Luo Hao muttered secretly.

After a short morning, in addition to Luo Hao and Athena, and Lady Aisha and Anne. Pandora, whom Charlton has become acquainted with, the relationship between the three can now barely be regarded as friends.

Athena treats Pandora as a wild cat to grab food, while Luo Hao is just a bad relationship with the gods and even the ancestors because of his personality.

In the afternoon, the five women were already discussing the power plan about the planet, while Luo Yun was checking the [Salvation God Knife] obtained from Rama.

When he got this god weapon yesterday, Luo Yun hadn’t examined it carefully, and now he found that the body of this divine knife was full of fine cracks, if it weren’t for the fact that the Salvation God Knife was originally hard and had a powerful spell, now I am afraid that it has been completely shattered and why did the Salvation God Knife become like this, Luo Yun guessed that this could be Tavel. Art. Umr passes through the timeline and gets it from Rama, who has just been hit by the white light.

As for why the Salvation Sword was not repaired by Him; Does a person still care about things that are useless, interested, or even small toys?

Not only that, Luo Yun’s ability to get the Salvation God Knife can also be said to have dragged the wealth of the primeval immortal, how could he be embarrassed to ask the other party to help repair this god weapon; Therefore, the way to repair the Salvation God Knife can only be found by Luo Yun himself.

Towards the end of the evening, these five beautiful women standing at the top of the world finally finished their discussion; To be honest, most of the afternoon was spent talking to Luo Hao, Athena, and Pandora, and Annie. Charlton only interjected a few words from time to time to mention his opinion, and as for Lady Aisha, she was completely full, because she had no interest in them.

The next day, Luo Yun changed to the magic association of the whole world and announced that he would take this world into his own hands.

Although some magic associations did not believe Luo Yun’s words at all, after all, there were still four god killers in this world, could it be that the existence of self-esteem would agree to someone standing above them to show their might.

But what surprised these magic associations was that whether it was Luo Hao, Lady Aisha, or Anne Charlton all expressed their agreement with Luo Yun’s approach, after all, this was planned by several people a long time ago.

After this news came out, the entire spell world suddenly set off an uproar, after all, this situation was the first time in history, those demon kings who were obedient would actually agree to stand on top of their heads.

And some of the magic associations that reacted first, in order to show their sincerity, poured out their nests to punish and even eliminate those magic associations that questioned Luo Yun, although the magic associations that launched the attack lost something, but they gained more, such as: the bronze black cross and the bronze black cross are now in addition to the [King of Swords] Salvatore who is the leader of the alliance. Tony can already be regarded as the uncrowned king of the whole of Eastern Europe; And the Five Prisons Saint Sect, which was Luo Hao’s subordinate, even included the entire Celestial Empire into the range of strength!

And the only place to rebel against Luo Yun’s rule is Annie. Charlton ruled North America the most fiercely, after all, although she is called “Hades”, but the free country with capitalists as the ruling class, most of them are only afraid of her power, basically listen to the announcement.

Jean Anne. Charlton stepped on the top of his head alone, in the eyes of these people is already the limit, and now there is actually another one, how can they endure, although the god killer is known as the demon king of the earth has irreversible power, but because the god killer will deliberately limit the power of his power when he usually fights, otherwise the world has been cleansed because of the battle between the god killers I don’t know how many times.

After all, even Lady Aisha, the least threatening of all the god-killers in the world, has the power to make everything wither and instantly turn a kingdom into frozen soil for a year; And Salvatore, who has the strongest attack. Tony, his power [Torn Shadow Arm] has the power to cut through heaven and earth!

But those capitalists who are “vampires” have not seen the power of the god killer, and think that even if the god killer is inaccessible, the bullet cannot hurt him in the slightest, just because the power of the bullet is not enough, but their strongest weapon at this stage has a temperature beyond the center of the sun; So they simply did not allow another person to stand on top of their heads, and even thought about it with Annie. Charlton eliminated together, and let those who “compromised” see their power.

Although there are also people in the upper echelons of North America who have made this plan, but in this wave of overturning the dominance of the demon king, there is no wave, only smart people have secretly changed their nationality and left this “stupid” country with their family money.

When Anne. When Charlton heard the news, he almost vomited blood in anger, but fortunately he was comforted by Luo Yun before calming down. But for the folly of these people, they really should be punished.

In and Annie. After Charlton’s negotiation, Luo Yun went to North America alone.

Less than half a day after Luo Yun left, news came from North America that at least half of the military strength of the United States had been wiped out.

According to the memories of those who survived, the modern weapons they saw were useless, like wild boars that were the size of mountains rampaging everywhere, the sun suddenly falling from the sky, each powerful arrow of gold comparable to missiles, hundreds of meters of monstrous waves, tornadoes that tore everything apart, and thunder that could easily penetrate the earth to a depth of thousands of meters!

Regarded as the ultimate weapon of hope by those capitalists, they could not even do it within a kilometer of Luo Yun, and they were burned to ashes by the salvation god thunder or the fire of the sun.

The United States, which had lost its strength and support, was ousted from the strongest stage in history.

And Luo Yun, who did all this, was admired, feared, and became a real demon king, and he announced that his palace would be located in Mount Tai of the Celestial Empire, and the earth vein was broken and seriously damaged, and he could not return to the former island country to announce the merger of the Celestial Empire and become a vassal country.

Luo Yun has now finally become the true uncrowned king of this planet!

[The next world is the Demon High School! ] 】。

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