The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 184: Translator

"His Royal Highness!" Zong Zhenglin's forefoot stepped into the flower hall, and he heard a female voice that had met before, with a crying cry, and asked for help from him. Looking at the sound, I saw that Yu Yao was a goose-yellow pair of squatting skirts, flinching his body, and the face of Mu Xiyao's auspicious face was half-backed, and a pair of scorpions were pleading.

"Six younger brothers come to the house? But it was your side's legs and legs, but let your brother wait." The high-priority sitting on the carved chair, the apricot and the princes of the princes, rarely exposed the British. .

"The second brother suddenly visited, but he was scornful." Zong Zhenglin only made a provocation against him. Zong Zhenghui is more and more likely to be valued by Yuan Cheng. Even the criminal department of the principal, the Prince was in charge of the political affairs, and now the Yuan Cheng Emperor has ordered another order, and the Ministry of Punishment and the two assistants jointly supervised. Which means that it is thought-provoking.

In such a situation, Zong Zhenghui is still difficult to change, and he is guilty of greed and ruthlessness. Zong Zhenglin is no longer surprised by the fact that the Prince is not growing up.

"My brothers talked about how to visit, it was too much to see. But when I was running, I happened to pass by, come in and rest, and talk about herbal tea. I don't want to meet such a beautiful person, so I am so shocked. This is not, just wait for the six brothers to come, 咱The two brothers discussed and discussed. There are thousands of ecstasy people in your house. The women in front of you are not as good as your beautiful women. The style is beautiful. If the six brothers are not rare, this is not the case. This delicate woman...what is it? How to give her a name, it’s better to stay here, be hidden by the six brothers, and misunderstood a beautiful woman.”

Why did Zong Zhenglin place the woman alone outside the Shengjing City, and the Prince’s heart was not clean. This man, who is not a happy new time? Although the old six house is the national color, but after all, there is still a lot of trouble. Hiding such a pitiful woman, occasionally changing the taste, holding a couple of intimacy, which tastes, how to ecstasy.

Just such a broken shoe, he is a king of all countries, willing to take people back to the palace, and later he will be enthroned, and then seal a noble person, is already a ancestral virtue, a creation.

Only the woman was very timid, and asked her to answer her words. If she wanted to make a final result, she had to let Zong Zhenglin nod and promised her.

For the time being, Mu's couldn't get a hand, and asked her to play with her like a very back to the palace. When I was on this woman, I only thought of her as a stunner. I still don’t know how to relax.

The more the Prince wants, the more he will not open his hand to Yao. Zong Zhenglin looked at him with a sinister look, and the depths of Feng Dian were already smashing.

I admire Xi Yao, even if it is a substitute, I would like to simply do it.

"The minister is not allowed to lead the life." Without the slightest official, Zong Zhenglin refused to be clean and neat. Zong Zhenghui not only found himself dead, but also wanted to bring Mu Xiyao to accompany him to be blamed by Yuan Chengdi. In this regard, this matter is impossible.

The two are so similar to each other, if Yu Yao is in the East Palace, rumors outside can be imagined. How could Yuan Chengdi accept the scandal after the Zong Zhengying.

When the first sect of Zhengzong did not care about Yu Yuyao, he never touched the mind. Just because of the maintenance of Mu Xiyao, Zong Zhengming would not be guilty of the mind, and broke her reputation. For the woman who is Yu Yuyao, Zong Zhengming and he are holding the same plan. Although she was cruel to her, it was better to have a life because of that face.

Now Mu Xiyao does not know the existence of this woman who is like her. Zong Zhenglin concealed this matter, but he did not want to make extra-budgets and let the little woman go too close to her. Mu Xiyao's means of tossing people is even more powerful. For those who are innocent, there is always goodness. If you know that someone is affected by her, you will be angry. After all the careful thoughts have to divide her mind. Zong Zhenglin is most valued now, that is, her mother and child are in danger. Even if it is possible, he needs to prevent it.

The Prince had a good consultation and waited for Zong Zhenglin for half an hour. He had to say such a blunt retreat. Naturally, there was no laughter from his brother and brother, and the face gradually became cold.

"The six younger brothers have to think about it. For a woman, it is worthwhile to refuse to be alone." If it is not now that the old man is watching tightly, and he shows the importance of Zong Zhenglin, then he needs to talk to him at this time, and directly bring people. It’s OK.

"The second brother does not know, this matter is not a gift to be able to give up. This woman is called Xiao Qiao, the surname is awkward. Half a month ago, I was registered in the government office next year, and I will be admitted to the palace in the next year. If it is passed, the day will be able to enter the palace." Today is equivalent to half a female official title."

Dawei female officer official position, subdivided more than 40 kinds, most of them are few competent. The literary translation of the book is the official title of a woman who can take office. Especially when the nephew tribute, when the visit to the harem, the man is not allowed to be present. At this time, the translators of the Shuyuan Academy made a translation for the Emperor and the Princess.

As a female official, I entered the grade-level roster. Although the official position of the Shuyuan translation is slightly unfamiliar, but the grade is the same four products, even if the four-person civil servants in Beijing face to face, they must also see each other, not contempt.

The most important one is that the granddaughter of the Wei Dynasty is married, except for the emperor’s pro-pointing, to the whole thirty. If there is any willingness, he can release the palace to marry him. If there is no dependence outside, stay in the palace, and the House of Representatives will arrange for people to support the elderly.

This is also the way for Zong Zhenglin and Zong Zhengming to see her in the early days.

This woman's looks are so good that she is inevitably shackled. Zong Zhenglin will never see her marrying this face with her face, and even more being used by others, in order to make a dream for Mu Xiyao. Simply sent her into the palace, and passed the Ming Road under the eyes of Yuan Chengdi. In this way, although this woman will be lonely for a lifetime, she will be safe in the book brothel for the rest of her life.

"You!" The Prince was shocked to hear that he had been stunned by the woman’s dripping, and his right hand was pointing at Zong Zhenglin. It was obvious that he was angry.

"Well, you are a sixth, for a Muslim, you really exhausted!" Watching such a woman with no foundation standing in front of her, she could not move her fingers. This kind of extreme grievance, Zong Zhenghui has rarely disappeared in this life.

At Zong Zhenglin's office, Zong Zhenghui was angry and rushed to take a moment to stay, so there was no such thing as a greeting. On the official road, he rushed to the west gate of Shengjingcheng.

"His Highness, the slaves thanked His Highness for helping again." There was a clearly visible bite on the lips of Yao, and it was only when he was scared to hurt himself.

"After the writer's post, Tian Fushan can tell you?" Regardless of whether the woman is willing or not, she can't avoid this road.

"Yes, the governor said clearly to the slaves earlier. The slaves are willing to enter the palace."

"So best. Next spring is the big test. If you need it, you can say it with Tian Fushan." So forcing a woman, Zong Zhenglin is not going to be rich in compensation.

In Dan Ruoyuan, Mu Xiyao looked up at the man who strode forward, oh, hourglass, um, very good. This "essential thing" is a half-hour, and then look at the boss look, it seems that there is no meaning with her.

What is the servant and the servant, who deliberately passed her?

Tian Fushan does not say? Mu Xiyao smiled, not there is still Wei Weiwei commander...

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