The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 201: Delicate

"The master? How are you?" Molan squats on the crumbling man. If it is not the usual time to get home, I am afraid that the master will be mad at the foot.

She was scared and scared, and she was so scared that she was purely a play, and she deceived all the people. If the master did not poke her waist with a finger, then Molan would have to be red.

"Can you be okay?" Zong Zhengming's brows were slightly stunned. He wanted to reach out and help her to sit in the pavilion, but saw a few steps outside the Zongzhenglin stride, and the frost was very cold.

"What happened?" Zong Zhenglin waited for Mu Xiyao for a long time, and went to the hospital to find someone. He looked at the people who should have been alive and kicking. This time, he leaned softly on his body, and his face looked like he was rosy before he lost his face. .

The woman who was trying to wordify to cope with Zong Zhengming, when she saw her man arrived, immediately stared at it in tears. "His Royal Highness."

You will drag the cockroaches soon, and it is time to go to the show. It seems that the party has done a little too much, and it has attracted a lot of care from Zong Zhengming and Zong Zhengyun.

Zong Zhenglin calmed his face and slid a woman who was soft and boneless.

"His Royal Highness, the master was frightened, and now some of his guilty conscience." Molan looked down and looked at the master so suddenly "soft", very uncomfortable.

Zong Zhengming met Mu Xiyao in Zong Zhenglin's arms. He was quiet and very well-behaved. He removed his gaze and cautiously reminded him that "the four sisters are very sweet, and the six younger brothers should be careful." Stay more and leave with Zong Zhengyun.

"Will you still have to wear it?" This woman seems to be quiet and obedient, but in reality it is extremely unscrupulous when it falls into his arms. Fang Cai Zong Zhengming spoke to him. The little woman actually used the block, and the little hand put it on his chest. If it is not right now, Zong Zhenglin really wants to catch her a good lesson.

Worried about her, this woman is really good at singing.

Mu Xiyao's small head was lifted from Zong Zhenglin's arms, and his eyes were aiming around. Seeing all his own talents swooped up and licked his neck to please the man's chin.

"His Highness, you are coming late, you are scared." The mouth said it was frightened, but the eyes were bright and smiling but could not stop.

"Oh? Scared to be a bit of a bite?" Just hugged people outside the house. As for the feelings of Helen and Su’s waiting in the past, Zong Zhenglin did not consider it at all.

I wondered if the people who were with the waiters had low eyebrows and couldn’t dare to peek at his two actions. Mu Xiyao’s bad idea together, his eyes immediately became fascinated.

"This is what I want." Hooked Zong Zhenglin, the small mouth contained his lower lip, the small tongue was slightly ****, and the hot air with the body fragrance was so harmonious with him, slow Slowly immersed in the heart of Zong Zhenglin.

Being so blatantly provoked by Mu Xiyao, Zong Zhenglin’s body was stiff and his footsteps slowed down half a beat.

"Let's relax." The big hand used the clothes to cover her ****, and the phoenix eyes were already dark. The goblin is getting more and more afraid of sex. If she is called a foreigner, she will definitely want her to return.

When Mu Xiyao was in good condition, she would take Zong Zhenglin to the fire and still have to accept it. It is not worthwhile.

"His Royal Highness, your emperor used a whip to twitch." After the spoiled, Mu Xiyao did not forget to complain. I still remember to add it. "furiously."

Zong Zhenglin Feng Feng cold, handsome face mask cream. Mu Xiyao arbitrarily avoided this, but could not be regarded as nothing. I think that Mu Xiyao took his own adventure, and the face of the six halls is even worse.

"I told you yesterday that she saw her as the first shot, how can she not listen?" Is there a memory in this woman? Or is it itch?

Mu Xiyao licked his mouth and pumped his eyes. The big boss yelled at her yesterday. In private, he met Zong Zhengying. If the other party was rude, he let the female guard stun him. He said that the four princesses suddenly suffered the pain of the widowed husband, and could not stand the excitement and made a radical move.

Such a direct and rude disposal, Zong Zhenglin dared to think.

"His Royal Highness, there are others in it." No one else does not do it. Today, it’s a shame not to dress up as a white lotus.

"When is Jiaojiao scolding others? This time, I will write down it for a while, and then I will make a heavy punishment next time." At this time, Zong Zhenglin said fiercely, and it happened that Mu Xiyao had the next time, but it was not in any way. Going out, only the heartache is too late, and heavy punishment is impossible to talk about.

"Don't you go down?" Going through the front of the hanging flower door is not far from the shadow wall. According to Mu Xiyao's temper, I don't want people to fall in front of me.

I did not expect this time to be different. "No. Your Highness gave it a go out. After the birth, you still need to nurse, and you can't stand it with fright." Then the words were finished, and the woman was soft and his hands slowly fell. The person who is still alive at the moment is now closed and has a weak face.

Zong Zhenglin's eyebrows jumped wildly, holding his arm and tightening. After a few steps, I suddenly burst into laughter, and Feng Feng softly looked at the woman who was a real woman, and always pampered.

The post-home woman's acting as a camouflage is like a regular meal, but there is little courage to expose people. She is good, not only looks very good, but also asks for cooperation in front of him. So no heart and no lungs, a living and a treasure girl.

"His Highness, you are serious. I am very serious." Mu Xiyao stunned and quickly closed. She rarely took it seriously, how did she still invite Zong Zhenglin to laugh?

Zong Zhenglin caressed her to the top, and the tone was milder. "Hey. Then I will go through the delicate heart." This is a treasure in the world. Although it is stupid, it is still rare...

So I haven't waited for the mourning of Ma, and there is a new message from the streets of Shengjing.

The feelings of the four princesses were hard to be suppressed. They seemed to be fascinated by the mind, and they were so scared to stunned the lower side of the six halls on the day of the condolence. The slings witnessed the darkness of the six halls and hugged Mu's into the carriage, and the head did not return to leave.

"It's not that the princess and the Hummer are feelings, how can they be sad for him?"

"Where do you know this? The princess has an affection for Hummer early, if not..."

"What is this matter with Mu's? How many people are there, how can she pick her alone?"

"Not because of the child. But she got the second son, can I be seen in the Princess House?"

Zong Zhengying has not been able to do anything in recent days. The Yang family kept on the book and asked her to keep the festival. Mu Xiyao followed the exaggeration and put her together. Not to mention this fame, it is said that the entire princess house is also a message, and it is said that she has been out of heart and madness!

“It’s damn!” How did things get to where they are today? Zong Zhengying was angry, and his brain was stinging.

In Dan Ruoyuan, Gui Yan held a small master who patted his back and slowly digested.

At this time, the inner room is another scene.

"His Royal Highness, the outside said that you were scared and dizzy. But they did not know, the imperial prince could actually stun the people who were dizzy." Mu Xiyao pushed Zong Zhenglin's head buried in the chest, the little face was red and bright. Shy.

On that day, Zong Zhenglin did not care, and when she entered the carriage, she would be a good meal. In the end, it forced her to plead for mercy, and stopped the danger of almost smashing the gun. Even so, at night, the power was tossed for a long time, and the second day was simply too sleepy.

"Wearing it all, in the presence of people in the yard, the temple has been patient." Zong Zhenglin set aside her small hands and continued to take advantage of the small woman's chest.

Beauty is really beautiful.

"It's very fragrant, this temple is very happy."

Mu Xiyao snorted and twitched his head. This man is energetic, and he is so cold and clear in his life that he does not like to step into the harem. How come he lived?

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