The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 237: Road encounter

"His Royal Highness, have you added the box geometry to Zong Zhengying?" A blanket was placed in the compartment with the brazier. Mu Xiyao was in the arms of Zong Zhenglin, with a furry felt hat on his head. The face is more crystal clear and pink.

In the words "adding a box", the two know what they want, nothing more than the benefits that Zong Zhenglin gave, and let the Eastern Jin family turn their homes to be willing to ask for a widow.

Zong Zhenglin reached for the tooth account and forked the pickled ebony to the lips of Mu Xiyao.

"Some money silver." Zong Zhenglin shunned Mu Xiyao's umex, and was squeezing the chewing scorpion, and gently fell a kiss between her eyebrows. Little girl has a lot of troubles.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty is not... but not his handwriting. Zong Zhenghan’s hands and powers are nothing but a woman who is so upset that she is so fascinated.

There is always a pillowside wind. If he is in his arms, it is extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult to resist.

The big boss is not to mention it... it will not be a small number. Mu Xiyao's throat was drooping and his brain turned fast.

"In the future, Chermor will be ruined, if it hurts himself again..." Zong Zhenglin lifted her chin, and her eyes were sharp and unobstructed. "The monthly case is halved, and the private bank is confiscated."

Mu Xiyao’s beautiful eyes are round and raging.

"His Royal Highness! You have never heard of a man, you will even remember your own woman's private house!"

"In addition to the temple, no one can accommodate such a delicate and arrogant." Zong Zhenglin squinted at her, and Mu Xiyao actually made rules with him, and he was not happy.

Amount..., Mu Xiyao's eyelashes flutter quickly, as if it were such a rationale.

Many bad behaviors were in the front, and Zong Zhenglin was taught to be speechless. Not to mention the side, only her pepper house is a favorite, it seems that no other man can tolerate...

Without a sigh of relief, Mu Xiyao licked his **** and went to Zong Zhenglin's arms. Silver money is important, or hold the boss thighs to come true.

Seeing that a woman who has never been afraid of **** is so docile, Zong Zhenglin secretly smiles.

The little woman is too lazy. The voice screamed to pull the silver, and it was really in her hand, and she lost it to her, and she was too lazy to take care of it. So far, this woman does not know that there is no big deal in his hands. Most of the private property deeds have already passed through the government. It has been two months since her name.

"His Highness, how long does it take to go to the hot springs?" The sun was fascinated by the sun, and some people were sleepy.

Zong Zhenglin took her in her arms and pulled her up on her. "If you are sleepy, you will rest. There are still more than half an hour."

Mu Xiyao pointed his head and buried his cheek in his chest. It was so fast that he slept.

Zong Zhenglin took out the travel notes of Ben Mu Xi Yao’s love from the drawer, and gave her a comfortable posture, and went to the felt hat to make people lie more comfortable.

The leaves opened firmly and drove the carriage, and all the way out of the south gate, not far from the Fengfeng Road, but saw a tea pot next to the road, surrounded by many merchants, seems to have a lively look.

Perennial in the lower body side of the six halls, I know the temper of my master. The leaves open to control the horses, and the car will make it as far as possible from the crowd. It also just avoided the noisy outside and disturbed the two masters.

Mu Xiyao was sleeping calmly, and did not want to make a bump, which made Zong Zhenglin's arm force her to protect her. People are fine, but they finally blink their eyes.

"His Royal Highness?" Wherever Zhuangzi came, he used such a big movement. If it wasn’t for Zong Zhenglin’s power to circle her, Mu Xiyao could be thrown out and crashed into the door, and immediately had no face.

Zong Zhenglin’s face is also not good-looking. The voice of the leaves and open questions naturally cooled down.

"what happened."

The leaves open with a bronze bell-like tiger eye, and they can't open their eyes to the smiling and elegant people.

"The master, the carriage was stopped by a fortune-telling warlock."

Mu Xiyao's small face is still fascinating with the rosy waking hair, and the hair has been slightly messy because of the felt hat. Zong Zhenglin swept over the eyebrows and pulled her hood to cover her up. This allowed the leaves to open the door and hang the curtain.

"That is, you stopped the road." Six halls under the eyes of the phoenix, see the front of the car with a Dongpo towel, a person with a cotton robes, about 30 years old, no need for white, so rotten squatting , across the center of the road.

"In Xiatongshan, a person from Chengzhou, Zhangzhou. Passing through this place, watching the air come. I have to meet the nobles, I want to recommend myself to make a future, but I also forgive the uninvited, pretending to sin."

Zong Zhenglin’s leisurely sweeping eyes seem to be calm and self-sufficient, but in reality his eyes reveal the meaning of the person.

"What do you have to do your own self-recommendation." Tap Mu Xiyao's slightly trembling body, indicating that she is honest, not to play.

Mu Xiyao snickered with a small hand, and all his eyes were counted.

"In the next less than 20 years of numerology, you can ask for good and bad for the son of Buddhism, to protect your home, peace, wealth, money, and prosperity." Yao shoulders straight and snoring.

Tongshan said that he was the leader, but he was guilty. The power of the people in front of you is hidden, and the frame is also comparable to the ordinary children. Even the servants are very decent. This master and son should be rich in family, and keep a person in the house. I don't know how this preference is, but I will be touched by him.

If there is no landing, this trip to Shengjing, I am afraid that it will only be a bleak end... The situation at home is no longer waiting.

Zong Zhenglin caressed his fingers and listened to him. His face was unchanged, and he did not say anything. He only pointed his head to the leaves and said that he had already appeared.

"If the son of the son is not satisfied, the merchants in the tea pot can ask for it. When the time comes, there is a real skill, or a group of people who are flustered, not at a glance."

Seeing Zong Zhenglin and his party have to go, Tongshan’s eyes are eager.

"The theory of numerology is not enough to believe." Zong Zhenglin fainted his request, and asked the leaves to open the credit.

It was poured out by Zong Zhenglin in a sentence, and Tongshan was no longer able to talk about it. I only collected the life sail, knowing that today I am afraid I can’t do anything. Is it true that there is no such a number of lives, but it must be a gray face, back to the countryside as a teacher can not be?

"My grandfather is not willing to accept you, can you wish to be under the woman, peace of mind to be a accountant?"

The voice of the Qing dynasty sounded, and the leaves that were about to hit the horse outside were scared to recover the whip. Yao main son, do you want to sing aloud before you speak out?

Zong Zhenglin frowned and stared at the hood, revealing a head, facing him, and he was busy. That means, tell him not to make a sound?

Tongshan looked awkward and stopped at the footsteps. He still didn't believe it. At this time, someone actually said that he would stay. Just being an account manager, he never thought about it. This woman is deliberately humiliating, or really do not know the plot of the accountant is far away. Didn't you think that he had intercepted the carriage halfway, because he was embarrassed by life, and when he was kind enough, he opened his mouth?

"You are very self-sufficient. If you feel that you have a room in your district, you are overkill and buried you?"

The woman in the car said a word, and Tongshan’s face was embarrassing. After she had not yet found a wording to reject her good intentions, she was dizzy by the woman’s next words in the car, and I felt that this woman might not know the whole world.

"If you handle the number, you can't make a silver million, can you be tempted?"

This is the export, not to mention the two outside the car, it is Zong Zhenglin who raised their brows and looked at her thoughtfully.

Mu Xiyao has little resistance to talking with strangers. It was only after the words that he dismissed that his meaning was abnormal. Now he has made a bold statement and used the silver million as a bait. How is she staying?

"This lady, is deliberately in the career, really..."

"If it is tested, it is not necessary to personally recommend it to you." No longer with him around the bend, Mu Xiyao rudely interrupted the words of Tongshan.

"But those who are single-minded, never let go of any opportunity. The world has always been speaking on the basis of true things. Why should you try it?"

Tong Shanben’s recommendation because of her recommendation has been shaken, and then she can be tried by Mu Xiyao, and she has completely touched her mind. As she said, going back is not just a lively life. It is not only a home away from home, but also a wilderness.

"Tongshan is willing to work for the master. I just don't know how the test is done in the testimony of the master."

Mu Xiyao listened to his change of mouth, and on the face of the horse was deceitful.

Very good, this person was so cheated by her.

Look at Zong Zhenglin, who is deep and dark, and Mu Xiyao’s eyes are awkward.

"I want you to find someone. After three days, listen to him."

"Who is the person, where is it?" How do you need to go out and do a house? Tongshan is confused.

Stretching out a small hand, since the solution of Zong Zhenglin's waist jade, Mu Xiyao did not even say hello, he wanted to hand out the window.

Zong Zhenglin’s nephew sank, and her big hand stopped her movements. She only looked at her deeply, and finally she intercepted the jade and handed it out.

Mu Xiyao's eyes were pumping, and the small **** moved to Zong Zhenglin. Yes, forget the boss and don't be close to the outsider. Even if this is close, it is only the words of the Sixth House, and there is no room for her.

It was noticed that Mu Xiyao took the initiative to stick more closely, and Zong Zhenglin’s face was slightly gentle. The original is not not in the heart, but this woman is not long-term memory.

When he licked his neck and grinded it twice, Mu Xiyao reached the goal. Finally, he turned his head and told him through the curtain. He let Ye Kai start as soon as possible, and complained that the time was not early and delayed for a long time.

Ye Kaiqian's face and face should be repeated, only the heart is clear, if it is not the main cause of the Yao master, the extra-budget, this may have passed the Yongding Bridge.

Seeing that the carriage was running far, Tongshan’s hand holding Yu Pei was still shaking.

"After three days, in the city of Shengjing, I went to find the fifth dynasty."

The voice of the master was clear and calm. However, he was shocked to see that he was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

There are many famous celebrities in Wei, and the most famous is the name of the fifth gentleman. The gentleman's wisdom is outstanding, and even the disciples under the door are no longer worthless. All are young talents, and their careers are outstanding.

Tongshan holds Yupei, but he has turned around in two steps. He suddenly stagnated in the same place, and his hands were slightly sweaty.

In the words of the master and the son, it was actually a direct familiarity with the gentleman. It seemed to be very familiar... and then carefully took the jade to look at it, and found that behind the clouds and Baifupe, he had inscribed an inconspicuous "six".

Tong Shan shakes his hand and pulls his sleeves to wipe the forehead. In this cold day, it was actually scared and sweaty.

Simply, he should have a "precious person", when it is really expensive to go to heaven.

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