The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 267: See blood

"How?" Carefully held people in their arms, even if the medicine was used to treat the medicine, it never let go. Zong Zhenglin appeared to be extremely silent.

The situation in the clean room was so shocking. Mu Xiyao is covered with bruises, especially on the sides of the breasts, and the bruises almost cover the original white snow skin. Even worse, it is the delicate place underneath. Zong Zhenglin saw that there was only a dull pain in his heart.

Strong self-confidence, like him, never thought that a woman who is eager to protect her under the wing will one day be hurt in her own hands.

Yugu received the pill bottle and gave it to the aunt. He felt a lot of shaking his head. "The situation is not very good, and the injury is extremely heavy." The woman can bear the perseverance like Mu, and bear the pain brought by the man in front of him until he is clear and clear, it is too rare.

Such a determined person is like a great man.

"The sideline has been accompanied by the side of the temple, otherwise it will be a fragrant, the evil is the highness."

Zong Zhenglin did not change his color. He did not say a word about Yugu. The most important thing is the situation of Mu Xiyao.

"How is Mom?"

"The lower body sees the blood, and there are many bruises on the inner wall. It will have to be raised for half a month, and it is strictly forbidden during the period."

Zong Zhenglin's back was stiff and his eyes fell on Mu Xiyao's face. This time it is blaming him, negligent and careless.

Yugu saw that his face was different, and he stared at the woman in her arms. I can't guess where this man is taking you. It can make the chilly people feel pity and let go of their face, this is also a very good wrist.

But what really needs to be taken care of is something else. Had to interrupt his mood, Yu Gu carefully reminded.

"The most serious is not trauma, but the effect of this medicine is extremely strong, especially the damage. If the man can not understand, the water will overflow and the device will be dirty. If the woman's acacia is found, the man will enjoy several times. In the past, happy, the people who bear the joy, the cross-section of the meat, such as the pain of the meat and bones, the vitality is greatly damaged, there is fainting within two months. At that time, the most cold, do not get cold syndrome. If it is cold, imaginary Without drugs, it is against the scourge."

Zong Zhenglin’s arm was suddenly tightened by Mu Xiyao’s arm, and the eyes were stunned, and the eyes were dark.

"Is it possible to nurse?" This is a life-threatening illness, and no drugs are needed. Such a risk, Zong Zhenglin will see her **** bear, and bear the worry of life at any time within two months.

"Mobei has a medicinal herb, the name 'Wo's Dalu', specializing in the deficiency of the abdomen. In addition, the southern rouge scorpion, also happens to be symptomatic. Only these two herbs are born naturally, human can not be cultivated, There are very few productions, so the value is even in the city. The effect of single taking is not satisfactory, and it needs to be unilateral to have a miraculous effect."

But if you can nurse, then Zong Zhenglin will write down.

"In addition, after the side waking up, it is advisable to retreat. The wound is taken once a day." After leaving four large palm bottles and a secret recipe, Yugu retired with a waiter.

Before I left, I looked back and saw the man holding the woman's wrist. The cold side was tightly attached to her palm, and the eyes were deep and radiant. It only reflected the slender sleeping on the couch, and there was no other thing.

In the end, it was used, so thousands of reluctance, not enough pain.

Yugu looked back quietly. At that time, the man did not treat her like this... The man was born with a blessing, and I don’t know what kind of life the woman was sleeping on at the moment.

There was no more people in the house, Zong Zhenglin raised his hand to sort out the hair for her, and stayed on the bed for a long time.

There is only one place to be able to work on him. According to Yugu, the woman used the method of exile from the exile in the open sea. Emotional seizures require illusion assistance. When the illusion is planted, it can be selected according to the wishes of the surgeon.

Mu Xiyao is the traction picked by the people behind him. From this point of view, the other party is not like Yu Gu’s words, but is directed at him, but it has to be dealt with at all. From the beginning to the end, he is put on his mind, and how can he not suffer from a woman who is half-hearted.

Borrowing his favor with Mu Xiyao, he went to murder, and he was despicable and hateful! Zong Zhenglin leaned over and kissed Mu Xiyao's eyebrows, his face was cloudy, and his face was full of killing.

Waiting for the dawn of the day, Zong Zhenglin never closed his eyes overnight. She got up and put a credit for her, and the monks gave birth to the waiter, calling the leaves to drive into the palace.

Fainting, rest, not easy to get cold. Today, Mu Xiyao has to enter the palace to pray!

A good chain!

Slowly stroke the finger and look through the curtain to the sky outside the car. Some people, for fear that they have not seen blood for a long time, have forgotten their taste.

In the Shu Gong Palace, Zong Zhenglin looked cold and stunned the people in front of him. Only scared that the palace was buried deep in the head, squatting and saying nothing.

"The sixth child, can you check it out clearly? This person has not been short with the palace, but he has made great contributions and has blocked the number of robs for this palace." Shu Shu holds the stove in her arms, hesitating to look for help. Eyes of the Grand Palace.

"This is the person who started to swear by the tea. The temple is right? The exile in the open sea, it is the people who have been taken to the deed, for him to drive, to enter the palace to seek business." Since leaving the royal study, in addition to close People, only she has the opportunity to serve close. When it is wiped the medicine in the hand, by the hand of the tea. The medicine dissipated very quickly and invaded the skin, no longer visible. Nowadays, he has never thought of catching a thief.

Dispose of the individual, nothing more.

Under the palace, the woman heard the "outside the sea", immediately a spirit, white as paper, known to escape.

"Want to do it myself, huh?" He squeezed her chin and rubbed her cheekbone. Zong Zhenglin squatted in her heart and slammed the man directly to the door, crouching on the ground, licking his body and vomiting blood.

The niece twitched and twitched, tears and tears, seeing the ink soap boots getting closer and closer, the footsteps pressed against the heart, unable to resist the fear, and scared the incontinence on the spot.

"Take it down, fill the army, live and die. If there is still a life after seven days, live it."

Shu Shu followed the door and looked extremely ugly. I hated the **** stain on the ground and blamed Zong Zhenglin for disposal.

"It is directly killing, where is worth your anger." So **** and violent, causing her heart to vomit, seems to have sour water surge.

Her son is arrogant. It’s cold and clear on weekdays. Once you’ve moved your true anger, you’re going to start with it.

Zong Zhenglin helped her back to the house. She did not mention the change of the nephew. It only faintly said that she was shocked and refused.

"If the palace is not peaceful, let the son clean it up."

Cutting off the eye lines of the palaces is inevitable, and it is inevitable that Zong Zhenglin will not hesitate to make a decision.

Sooner or later, they will be right, and they know each other well.

"What!" Shu Shu was shocked, how could she not think of the calm, step by step people, today will be so radical. Pulling the person to sit down, Shu Shu pressed the scorpion and resolutely disagreed.

"Don't say that it's not right now. It's time and place, don't forget, there are people in your father's house!"

After Yuan Chengdi’s self-department, he became more aware of the harem. Up to now, from the three mains and above, the emperor has been buried in the palace.

Zong Zhenglin’s eyes are blinking, and the eyebrows are cold.

"The slave of the Lord, the father can ask?"

Shu Shu breathed a stagnation, and the exhortation of the export could no longer be heard.

He is also guilty of bullying!

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