The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 273: harmony

Many celebrations have been shelved because of the stun of the Queen Mother. Nowadays, people wake up. After all, they are old and lying for a few days. When they get up, they are inevitably lacking in energy and energy.

Yuan Chengdi read the Queen Mother's retreat, and he did not order the Daxie to do it. He simply set a feast in the Feng'an Palace on New Year's Eve. Next to the palace, the daughter-in-law loves to watch the Yanzi opera and the firecracker Yingchun, all of which are handed over to Huang Guifei. The people in the palace gathered together in one place, and they were happy. It is supposed to be a royal banquet for the women of the awards. In the winter of this year, there are only a few other rewards, and each person is at home.

In addition to the bachelor's banquet has not been able to rush to handle, the rest of the folk New Year's holiday has been lifted the ban, Shengjing City, the lights everywhere, the year is full of flavor.

Mu Xi Yao is happily sitting in the arms of Zong Zhenglin, the house is warm and the people are especially spirited. As soon as her most happy New Year's Day is approaching, this time is full of joy and joy to call people Zhang Luo yard, and Zong Zhenglin to discuss the layout of the main house.

"His Highness, I will have a red paper in the evening. Would you please give me a peach charm? A pair of children on the big house, a pair of children in the main house, you have two pairs in this room. Red Yanyan looks at it. I am very happy..." I counted my fingers and counted, and the number of one finger was not enough. I extended another small hand to continue to calculate. "You can give two more children to the house. It is also a long face." Some, three pairs should happen to be used together."

Seeing her due to the tonic, the slap-sized face had some flesh and the face was round and Zong Zhenglin was satisfied. Leaning close to kiss her, she chattered, the little mouth that was whispering, tender and slippery, and she was reluctant to let go. The volume was sweet and the relatives were enough. The Sixth Highness was quite reluctant to let go.

"Jiaojiao, it is this temple to write a peach to send to Mufu, you feel that adults can dare to paste on the front door?" Mu Jingzhen, his people are cautious, how can she be as taboo as she is.

Mu Xiyao was asked by his blushing mouth to be taller. "Oh, it is too stubborn, and the mother-in-law is as strict as that." Every time I took a small bean budd back to visit the government, I was finally afraid of Yu’s chanting, hiding behind Zong Zhenglin, and fleeing.

"His Highness, this time I go back to dinner, you have to protect more of it. I haven’t fully raised it, I have learned a lot, I am easy to sleep." It’s not her embarrassment to sleep, but not because For the sake of it, she couldn't stand the temper and she was sleepy.

"Deserved, it should have been rigorously educated." The Muss and the couple are petting her too much, and now they are growing up like this. The Sixth Hall is a headache. As for Zong Zhenglin's own arrogance, the Lord is never counted.

"It is this way you can also be happy with your Highness." Spoiled into his arms, and Mu Xiyao's cheeks were slightly hot.

Resting under her little ass, it should be that thing. Since she asked last time whether the boss provoked him to be unhappy, the man remembered it and resumed the night and night to go to bed. Just shrinking his arms, if there is always nothing, I can see that the man’s stiffness is uncomfortable after being born. Fortunately, Zong Zhenglin used to come from the system, and ultimately did not move her points. But last night, she was actually met for the second time...

In the case of His Highness, as long as he combined his mind, he was always the owner of sex. The martial arts people are so strong that it is really difficult for him to be so grievous. Jomo is still remembering to hurt her, Zong Zhenglin did not mention letting her take the initiative to help relieve the anger.

At this moment, only talking in a relative, can actually provoke him to react. Mu Xiyao took Zong Zhenglin's neck and didn't dare to let it go.

"For Jiao Jiaojiao face, send some orange mandarin orange, green fruit is really useful." Can get him to give the fruit of the fruit, in front of his peers can get decent, and will not recruit people.

Mu Xiyao secretly looked up and looked at him. He saw that the six halls were calm and calm, and even the voice could not hear the same. The words are more considerate and thoughtful, at this juncture can do this, the boss does not come up with the famous strict self-discipline.

"Go to the old Jiaojiao love gold silk glass screen, how can you not see it out? Could it be better to have a heart?" Mu Xiyao loves toss, when I can't stop, often slaps the antique collection she has come from everywhere. I feel that this is very good today, and Minger’s disappointing color is not clear enough. It was Zong Zhenglin who saw it. Just a warm stove in his arms, this woman can pick and choose, and she will get back more than a dozen.

"Use it, wait for a while and ask someone to take it out and pick it up. One is in the room, one is to add color to the book under the temple."

"So. Is it still infused with powder?"

"Nature. The palace powder pattern is good, and it is stacked, and it has a taste to be seen in the house. But today, there is no need for Yulu Palace powder. Does the temple feel the Huizhou Taiwanese powder and Huanong late powder?"

Sure enough, it is not a worry. The two things in her mouth are not produced by Shengjing, but they have to be picked up from Lincheng Express.

Zong Zhenglin stroking her lips, deep and dark, quite profound. "Hua Nong late powder. Tanchen bakes, charming body Tibetan style, flowers are also hi. Rhyme 酣 酣 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 酣 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟 烟.

Was praised... Mu Xiyao trembled with water, all eyes are full of colorful streamer.

Your Highness, when you are in love, this sweet talk is also very good. No wonder the outside rumors, Liu Dianlong Zhang Fengzi, resigned Huasheng.

The two men said in the room about the stickers used in the New Year and the new clothes for children. They only listened to Zhao Xiao’s face outside the house.

Although most of the time it was the opening of the Yao master, it was possible for the Highness to respond to the idea occasionally. With such trivial things, he could still leave His Highness in the house. The master and the son were all in one person, but they could not learn from others.

The two masters and the United States and the United States said that the parents are short, and this is more like a family. I don't know the prince's house, the lack of serious masters, and how is the moment.

He Lianmin Min listened to Tian Fushan's return to the family, and stroked his forehead and smashed his eyebrows. In the first year of the government, it was only after the festival that I really felt that the royal family was more honored than the world, and the people were more concerned about it. I am learning there, I am afraid that I will not be able to understand it for a while.

"When you haven't entered the government, you will be in charge of the year's work. It's hard work." Seeing Tian Fushan's response is versatile, and the cumbersome place does not give people a sense of chaos. He knows that he is experienced and is truly knowledgeable. .

Tian Fushan's old face is red, and he is humble and straight. "The prince is too high to look at his subordinates. Although there were three or two main events before, but it was not as good as the main squad to enter the government for two years, it was methodical. This list of procedures is set by the Yao master himself. It was very easy. In the first few days, the Highness had to be ordered, and the banquet of the middle-aged festival was dominated by the emperor. The subordinates took it to attend with you. I also hope that the emperor will not blame."

Helen Minmin was faintly swept before he felt that the list was very elaborate, and then he looked at it again, but he felt it was different.

It is her again! Even if people are not in the house, they leave traces everywhere.

Depressing his heart is not happy, Helian Minmin is the most pressing or when Zong Zhenglin returned to the government.

"His Royal Highness can say when I am going back to the government? The annual festival is only a few days. I shouldn’t have to wait in the camp for training. Will the soldiers have to go home and eat the group dinner?"

Tian Fushan laughed and laughed, but he couldn’t help it. Yesterday, the military sergeant of the Wujian Division had been put home, as for His Royal Highness... The master and the son had been squatting in the east of the city, and the training was just an excuse to find it.

"This...His Royal Highness rested in the sideline yesterday, when he returned to the government, and His Highness did not account for it." He did not mention that he wanted to come to the children of Helian, who had entered the Wujian Division, and they would also hear the news. Hey.

Sure enough, Helian Minmin's face became ugly. Silence for a long time, the last is to hold the corner of the mouth, like a random, but in the soft belt.

"The management may send a message to the side, saying that there is something to discuss with His Royal Highness and ask her to give a message. If the Highness is empty, please return to the office as soon as possible."

Knowing that Zong Zhenglin does not necessarily put her in her heart. Helian Minmin wanted to borrow Mu Xiyao. From the mouth of the goblin on his apex, this should always be heard in one or two.

It is a pity that Helian Minmin calculated the Mu Xiyao temper, and he would never sneak up on the news in private, but underestimated the extent to which the woman had been arrogant in front of Zong Zhenglin.

"Herren wants to invite His Royal Highness to return to the government?" Mu Xiyao chewed the seeds and vomited the shell. After a small hand shot, and did not see her carefully clean hands, they took a robes on Zong Zhenglin's robe.

"His Royal Highness, did you hear it? The emperor went to the courtyard to intercept people. He also thought about telling you to listen to you personally. Hey! When you are a fool, you are not saying it, you just don't know." "The small model feels tight, pulling his sleeves and shaking around."

Zong Zhenglin glanced at the chessboard and raised his hand to knock on her head.

"Golden, it is lost, confession is fine. Too rogue, not afraid of being jokes." This woman seems to be jealous, but actually took the opportunity to wipe the board. The victory of his victory has been fixed, the little woman is not happy. Just in time to catch up with the rumors, it is fulfilled that she "badly" broke the game.

It was her little temper and temper, and it was very interesting.腮 子 鼓 drums, rounded buns face. Sixth Hall of the Pleasant mood, **** open her fingers, holding the palm of the hand to stop the person twisting.

"Is it just like Jiao Jiao?" Zong Zhenglin raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. Pretending to be a model, I don’t lose the glory of Xi Yao.

As she did, she took Herren’s attempt and took just a few minutes. This woman is proud of it, ghost ideas, more!

Helen asked him? Zong Zhenglin caressed the back of Mu Xiyao. Could it be said that she had been warned before, and after a month, I forgot to be clean? Dare to carry him and communicate with the outside of the government... Look at the same woman who is pregnant with Tao Li, Zong Zhenglin’s eyes are cold.

A little woman, no one can touch it.

Huh? Why did Zong Zhenglin get angry?

Knocked his neck and pulled the person closer. Mu Xiyao looked around and looked at him, dispelling his eyebrows.

"It’s just as scary as it is, it’s still good for Jun Jun.” He screamed at his face and looked at his eyes. The small mouth that provokes a slap in the face is squeaky. The little hand slowly climbed up to his side and raised his brows. Mu Xiyao held the scorpion and sang like a person in front of the singer.

"The official is a good man and a hero. When the slave sees his heart, he will rush to the ground. It is to see the family in the night, even the soul, you are called to hook up. If the house is found, the slaves alley In the powder head, it is also impossible to start."

The water-like fingers touched Zong Zhenglin's thin lips, which was a play, but was suddenly opened by the man.

"Official people? Well? Where do you learn to provoke Kung Fu?" Zong Zhenglin first laughed at her mischief, and then the twilight became more and more deep.

In the case of this fairy, where can the woman be remembered? After deducting the brain of Mu Xiyao, I caught a small tongue and sucked it. The mouth was full of sweet aroma, which was far more intoxicating than the dream.

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