Since the fifth day, he has gone to the six halls to go to the government, and traveled to the market to let go of the lanterns. The pleasure on the face of Mu Xi Yao continued until the day of the Lantern Festival.

Shengjing Academy began in the reign of Emperor Lizong of Li Zong, and was revived by Emperor Wendi when he was in the renaissance of Emperor Wen, and Shaolong Yu Guangzu. It was the first complete academy in the history of Wei. Renowned in the universe, the famous name of the eight, is in the place of Mobei such a heavy martial arts, mentioning "the head of the world under the book", no one does not know that this is the place, sitting in the Shengjing Academy of the Great Wei Dynasty Kyoto.

Since the academy began to teach, when everyone came to this tour, it made the college more famous. The students who graduated from the academy, the high school imperial court Enke, the Hanlin, and the people who worshiped the assistants, are not without traces. During the reign of Gaozu, he was quite favored by the three ministers, and the second was from Shengjing College. As soon as Yuan Chengdi became enthroned, now the bachelor of the Imperial Academy, the Prince Tai Fu Wang Chonghuan, is also the leader of the literary scholars of the year.

I can take a seat in the name of "Muyu", and I can see that Mu Xiyao is famous among the literary scholars.

As Zong Zhenglin was driven into the academy, after the "four sacred temples", Mu Xiyao's scorpion suddenly became bright. If it was not in the car, it would have to be carefully observed.

"The bachelor's feast is for five days. If there is interest, it will not be late to see it later." Zong Zhenglin swept a woman who was lying on the window and smiled. Xi Wen is good at learning like her, and she finally sees some strengths.

The car squatted through the lecture hall and stopped outside the examination room. Mu Xiyao came out with the curtain of Zong Zhenglin. Through the opening of the twelve mahogany thresholds, one can see the inner two-story platform, which is very eye-catching. It is the presiding seat. The five emperors, Zong Zhengming, and Feng Lang, are talking with people around them.

At this time, most of the scribes of the students had already entered the door, and there was almost no space for one seat. At the door, there were occasional young gentlemen who arrived in twos and threes. They saw the emperor’s car that was guarded by Fuwei. They had already been humble and humbled from the old age and circumvented themselves.

"His Highness, 妾 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主 为主.

"This year's bachelor's banquet regulation has changed." Zong Zhenglin swept her dress and saw that there was nothing wrong with it, and she was satisfied with her explanation.

Mu Xiyao's eyebrows are light and sloppy. "There was no such thing as an invitation." It is reasonable to say that the invitation should be understood.

"The matter was not seriously affected by the deliberation, and it naturally skipped. It is only two more trials than before, and the number has increased to five. Most of the changes are at the bachelor's feast, and the two will be compared. The person who listed the top three, the franchise with the same person, entered the Hanlin for three years, and then the outstanding school, stay in the library."

"Is there such a thing?" Mu Xiyao thought about it, and he knew that Yuan Chengdi intended to promote the scholars. It is no wonder that the bachelor's banquet was unprecedented. "In addition to the two Highness, what are the three adults?"

"Hanlin Institute, Wang Chonghuan." Mentioned this person, Zong Zhenglin Jianmei picked. "Liu Tong, a minister of the Ministry of Rites. "Tai Chang Shi Qing Wen Ling."

In addition to Wang Chonghuan, this person has marked the **** mark, and the two people next to him are the confidants of the old man.

"So, thank you, Your Highness." The playful rushed to his eyes, and Mu Xiyao was next to the presiding judge. It was located on the second floor of the Fuzi Building, and the seven seats were only one of her.

"His Highness, you don't need to go ahead. No, it's too late. When you make a joke, you don't have a lot of gifts." Finished the grooming, specially covered the face towel, Mu Xiyao humbly, and you will bring the Molan to the church. go with.

"It will be more than the end, waiting." Zong Zhenglin gave her a deep look and was wary of the various conditions of Mu Xiyao.

Raising his eyebrows, after all, he was soft and promised, and this was released by Zong Zhenglin.

Seeing that she entered the door, the Sixth Hall recruited the defending and told him to send someone to secretly guard, and then he stepped in and went straight to the main seat.

"Six Highness to the Temple!" sings and sounds, except for Zong Zhengming's slight decapitation, everyone else is getting up and saluting, and respectfully calls "His Royal."

"Today will compare, the sons must be careful." A touch of enthusiasm, Zong Zhenglin sued his face, raised his hand and shook his clothes, and took the seat.

Compared with the Zong Zheng Ming Fang, it is like a spring breeze, the celebrity style, Zong Zhenglin is more prosperous, and is full of savage prestige.

Everyone knows that he has always been cold, and led the position of Wu Jianshi, and he took the sand to conquer. Although not a scribe, his poetry and literary talents have won the literati admiration.

At the most eye-catching prosecutor's seat, two of His Royal Highness and three adults were already seated, and everyone couldn't help but look up at the upstairs. Such a glimpse is a big surprise. In the seven Xixi deliberations, there are two women dressed up, all of them are light gauze coverings. In the Shengjing Academy, which has always been a man’s entry and exit, it is not rare.

"This... How can a woman be present and take up a deliberation position?" Not to mention the shackles of rituals and teachings, it is to learn literary talents, and where women can take this position!

The great Wei people's style is open, but the woman can enter the poetry club, but she can't enter the college. Both men and women, regardless of the Yi or the family, are all defying. It can be seen in person, nor can it be too close.

For example, on the eve of the wedding of Mu Xiyao, Zong Zhenglin was hugged and hugged a few times, and that was the sacred ritual of the Six Dynasties. Among them, the strong meaning is also real.

It is inevitable that everyone will talk more and more in private and question the deliberation. After all, before this, the bachelor's banquet has been opened since then, and women have never had such important positions.

Zong Zhengming looked far away, and his eyes were fixed in the leisurely Shuya. He was not tired of the outside world and calmly looked at the woman on the list.

Only so far away, from the eyebrows she accidentally raised, I recognized who this is. Looking at Zong Zhenglin, who is also unmoved by his side, Zong Zhengming slowly withdraws his sight, and then he wants to export, and then he has no intention to mention it.

At this moment, how can she be here?

The deliberation of a seat was initially nominated by the poetry clubs of the academies, and the best of the 100 people was chosen by the Ministry of Rites. In previous years, it was decided by the rites of the rites. This year, the final candidate is the script. Yuan Chengdi looked over. Here, she is the father, who believes that Mu Xiyao has this talent, and is responsible for deliberation.

Zong Zhengming’s eyebrows are very small, and his mind is complicated and difficult to say.

It is undeniable that the heart is in her, it is a joy. However, she is the side of Zong Zhenglin. Mu Xiyao is more capable, and the more benefits Zong Zhenglin has helped. In other words, it has become a stumbling block in his great cause. Such a secret and contradictory mind led to the sudden silence of Zong Zhengming.

I knew her intelligence, but if it is a veritable name today, this scale is over...

Zong Zhenglin did not say a word at the beginning, indifferently glanced around, leaning against the back of the chair and slowly stroked the jade on his thumb. I never intended to marry Zong Zhengming. Now I look at him and I can see the clue.

This is the case, it is up to him to weigh, his Zong Zhenglin woman, he is optimistic about himself.

"The two Highnesses, now, you look at the two, but the two of the deliberation seats should be mentioned to the students here?"

Zong Zhengming waited for the person around him to say "may", and he did not have any objection.

In the examination room, it was a lively time. Among the people, there were many students in the cold door, and there were not a few sons in the family. In the curiosity of the two women, they took a contempt, and they listened to the speech of the chief judge.

"The students are also pleased to be careful. The bachelor's banquet has been opened since then. Since you are serious, only the true nature of the students can be learned. But if you are really full of articles, you will not have to deal with the fairness of the review."

The argument was gradually annihilated, and Si Li secretly nodded. In the end, it is recommended by local colleges and universities. The reason is clear, and the mind will not think about it.

"As for the two deliberations, you should not avoid being a bit sloppy with you, so that you can compare peace of mind."

"The third place on the left is Ms. Zhuge Jia of Shengjing. She is a master of the Wei Dynasty, a master of law, and a master of Qufu Qu. There is a book "Wei Shu Continued", and the words "Chongyang", "Yan Yan" and "Tang up" "This time, I will take a review and recommend it by his teacher, Mr. Qu Lao."

Everyone turned their eyes to Zhuge, but they saw that their models got up and they were generous and then settled. Behave well, everyone is temperament.

In this way, the famous Sheng Jing, the leading Wei Wei woman, who is not known? Everything is like a master's door. If you are compared with a man, you may not lose. It is not aggravated by her deliberation.

Then, who can be with it, the other woman who is the only one, who is it?

"As for the right-hander, let's mention the name. You know what book is under her name." Waiting for him to announce this identity, I am afraid that the examination is a storm. It was only in the past that he had verified the invitation to check the private seal. It was also on the spot and he had not reacted for a long time. I want to come now, rude to people, the most is not.

"This is the collection of "Hong Hong Ji", the top three celebrities, not the wooden fish."

The voice fell, the venue really changed frequently, and the whispered voice was heard.

"Hong Hong Ji" affects geometry, but no one knows the scribes. Not only the students, but also all the people from all over the world, they also cast their eyes on Mu Xiyao.

Who is the wood fish? A year and a half ago, the army has sprung up, and its article has selected three gold pages for eight times. The words are sharp, the insights are unique, the poetry is literary and victorious, and the strategy is sharp. Ordinary topics can also be written into the secluded place, analyzing the pros and cons of straightforward, concise and concise, and praised by everyone. The reputation of the people is also known as the literary talent in the public, and the people of excellence.

At this time, Shi Liyan said that the woman who sits on the high platform and looks relaxed is the wooden fish that has been pursued for more than a year, mysterious and high. It is said that the scholars are highly qualified elders and they are still unbelievable.

Women are talented like Zhuge, and they are comparable to men. They are already amazing. Nowadays, this person is even more terrified, but his talents are clear, but men are rarely available.

After the quarrel, the secrets of the examination room were silent, the atmosphere was stagnant, and the faintness was heavy.

Zhuge’s apricots are round and stunned, and they are shocked by the hearts of the people who are watching the seats. Is she a wooden fish? The teacher's mouth is "or can see" people?

Zong Zhengming’s palm suddenly clenched, his eyes were half-closed, and his expression was difficult to distinguish.

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